SAP Program FIUT_180_APAR - Aux. Program "Balance Sheet Adjustment": Reconcile Vendors/Customers

Memory FI

The reconciliation vendors/customers is used for error analysis and tocorrect the calculated breakdown of the balance sheet adjustment forvendor and customer items.

You have activated Profit Center Accounting or the business area balancesheet. You have executed report "Calculate Balance Sheet Adjustment"(transaction F.5d) for the company codes you want to analyze.

This report checks whether the breakdown calculated (report "CalculateBalance Sheet Adjustment") matches the original items with regard toamount. This way the system identifies missing entries in the worklist(table RF048), missing calculations (tables BFO*), incorrectcalculations, and archived documents.

You select a company code, fiscal year and posting period which you wantto analyze. The vendors/customers selected are those that are open atthe end of the posting period.
Open Items at Period End
With this selection you can limit the items to be analyzed to the itemsposted in the posting period (option "Items posted in period").
Additional Selection
In this area you can further restrict the selection. Bear in mind thatyou can only evaluate general ledger accounts that have been defined asvendor/customer reconciliation accounts.
Output Control
With the amount limit you can define how great the difference has to bebefore the incorrect documents are listed in the log. This has no effecton the documents to be corrected.
With the indicator "Propose business area from document" the businessarea from the line with the highest amount in the incorrect document isproposed.
General Control
If you set the indicator "PCA transfer logic only" then the breakdown isonly checked in accordance with the transfer logic receivables andpayables into Profit Center Accounting (transaction 1KEK). If you havedeactivated the indicator, then the posting information in "CalculateBalance Sheet Adjustment" (Report SAPF180 / transaction F.5e) isevaluated as well.
If you execute the foreign currency valuation (program SAPF100) for bala
nce sheet preparation, you can analyze the breakdown of the valuationusing report FIUT_180_APAR. Select the indicator "Check valuationdifferences". To avoid differences occurring, you must execute theyear-end closing programs in the correct order, namely SAPF100 ->SAPF180A -> 1KEK. Items are only evaluated that are currently open.Valuations on cleared items are not broken down in the standard system.
If you select "Test run" you can correct incorrect documents. If you donot set this indicator the incorrect documents are put in the worklist(table RF048) again. When you run report "Calculate Balance SheetAdjustment" (transaction F.5d, report SAPF180a) these documents arecorrected.
Note: If adjustment documents have been posted for the documentsto be corrected, then the corresponding adjustments must be reset first(report SAPF180s, transaction F.5g).

A table of the missing entries is output with the following columns:
Account,,Relevant reconciliation account
BA,,Proposed business area
Not calculated,,Total amount of the items not distributed
Not posted (open),,Total amount of non-posted distributions for openitems (SAPF180)
Not posted (cleared),,Total amount of non-posted distributions forcleared items (SAPF180)
The incorrect documents are output. You navigate to the FI document bydouble-clicking.

73472SAPF180: Auxiliary programs
934675FIUT_180_APAR: Too many documents displayed
81374Compare receivables/payables with FI
747806FIUT_180_APAR does not check all documents