SAP Note 94425 - RFFOF__V - Changes for Monetary Union

Component : Local Currency Conversion -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
data medium exchange france, additional key words rffof__v, attached source code corrections, totals/accompanying sheets, variable regud-text2, domestic payment transactions, domestic payment format, single european currency, payment amount, currency field

Related Notes :

139101 RFFOAT_L - changes for European Monetary Union
126306 RFFOCH_U; Changes for monetary union
119016 RFFOSE_B - changes for the European Monetary Union
118604 RFFOSE_P - changeover to European Monetary Union
117463 RFFOIT_B - Changes for the European Monetary Union
115122 RFFOES_D - changes for the European Monetary Union
115012 RFFOES_T - changes for the European Monetary Union
102843 RFFOD__U - Changes to Monetary Union: Forms
98444RFFOD__L: Changes for EMU, Z1 form
95258 RFFOFI_L - changes to monetary union
94834 RFFONL_I - Changes for Monetary Union
94720 RFFOGB_T - Changes for Monetary Union
94169 RFFOD__S - Changes for Monetary Union
92382 RFFOD__U - Changes for Monetary Union / level 3
90390 RFFOBE_* - Changes for Monetary Union
51492 RFFOD__U - Changes for Monetary Union