SAP Note 51492 - RFFOD__U - Changes for Monetary Union

Component : European Monetary Union - Euro -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
field c6     internal customer number    field c9     amount, field c6     internal customer number     field c12    zerosthe, field c6    zeros     field c12    payment doc, euro     field c17a  currency indicator, field c6    payment doc, dm    field c12    amount, field a12    currency indicator, data medium exchange format, additional key words rffod__u, customer reference number

Related Notes :

139101 RFFOAT_L - changes for European Monetary Union
126306 RFFOCH_U; Changes for monetary union
119016 RFFOSE_B - changes for the European Monetary Union
118604 RFFOSE_P - changeover to European Monetary Union
117463 RFFOIT_B - Changes for the European Monetary Union
115122 RFFOES_D - changes for the European Monetary Union
115012 RFFOES_T - changes for the European Monetary Union
102843 RFFOD__U - Changes to Monetary Union: Forms
98444RFFOD__L: Changes for EMU, Z1 form
95258 RFFOFI_L - changes to monetary union
94834 RFFONL_I - Changes for Monetary Union
94720 RFFOGB_T - Changes for Monetary Union
94425 RFFOF__V - Changes for Monetary Union
94169 RFFOD__S - Changes for Monetary Union
92382 RFFOD__U - Changes for Monetary Union / level 3
90390 RFFOBE_* - Changes for Monetary Union