Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)
Key words :
sap frontend305565 front end resources test win95/98204643 sapgui resources, frontend installation problems439629 ie6 - webgui compliance415225 sap gui, related notesnumber short text____________________________________________________________889148 web dynpro client, sap solution manager369626 wf builder, changes390330 wf builder/wf explorer, hardware/software requiremts387944 sap gui, 6 - collective note196998 sapgui resources, solution important related notes, terms bi front end, small screen resolutio355426 workplace
Related Notes :
1394102 | Performance issues in Report Designer |
1384180 | Frontend checktool in various releases of BI Frontend |
1295734 | Correction for NW 7.0 BI Add-On Frontend SP801 (GUI 7.10) |
1280302 | SAPBEXC Checktool in different BI frontend releases |
1236871 | No response for the toolbars in 7.X BEx Analyzer in GUI 7.10 |
1229206 | Front end check tool SAPBExC.xla (BW 3.x and BI 7.x) |
1050605 | No response for the toolbars in BEx Analyzer |
1049712 | Applying SPs / Patches for SAP NetWeaver BW/BI Frontend |
918394 | BI Frontend installation check tool |
877774 | Pre-requisite for BI 7.0 Frontend |
197460 | BW Frontend Checktool sapbexc.xla |
161993 | SAP GUI resources (BW): Hardware and software |