Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)
Summary :
This SAP Note pertains to the Cable Solution V46C.1A fix pack 6, released on 17/12/2007, designed to address specific errors encountered by users of the Cable Solution Add-On. This composite note elaborates on corrections included in the fix pack and should be reviewed in detail through related notes. It applies to installations currently utilizing the Cable Solution and provides necessary updates essential for optimal performance.
Key words :
cable solution corrections contained, cable solution v46c, terms cable solution, cable solution add-, composite sap note, 1a fix pack 6, fix pack correct, correction packet reason, related notes, prerequisites
Related Notes :
1122180 | Duplicate record error occurs when creating billing document |
1090149 | Correction Report for Consistency check(open delivery qty) |
1064817 | IDOC for billing document is generated incorrectly. |
1047972 | MD04: Incorrect pur. Order quantity shown after co |
1047385 | MD04: Incorrect pur. Order quantity shown after confirmation |
1003831 | Forecast model is getting overwritten |
988563 | System does not create Correction Delivery in Agreement. |
986290 | Error in processing of scheduling agreement Idoc. |
986122 | Availability check proposes wrong results. |
977899 | Error message in Idoc (Basic type : J3CSDEF1) processing. |
969058 | Quantity <> total ind. lengths in production order |
963046 | Wrong Base value for same material in sales order. |
962770 | Error message 00 349 during production order confirmation |
962684 | Error message on prod. order when reading collective order |
961770 | Saving production order with deletion flag fails. |
959593 | Incorrect Open Delivery Credit values after RVKRED77 and C |
953596 | KTG record is not created for Special Stocks |
951314 | Incorrect Open Delivery Credit values after RVKRED77 and C |
950775 | Creation of formroutine for CS Default Values is not allowed |
949892 | error message in me21n but not in me21 |
945842 | MB31 change indiv. length - stock type not possible |
944950 | Wrong base key value in Sales Order and in default values |
943746 | MB31 change indiv. leght - stock type not possible |
942590 | CO11 : Incorrect component quantity in goods movement screen |
942588 | To rollback Note # 928831 and Note # 924163 |
942303 | Update termination when allowances are changed using tr ca02 |
938585 | Incorrect record count dispayed on running PPARCHD1 report |
933922 | Short dump when converting planned order to production order |
928831 | MD06 : Plant stock shows incorrect value for CS materials |
927392 | MM02: NF Sales weight not updated during material changes |
927258 | Wrong NF default values on return doc. |
925402 | Wrong NF values during invoice verification |
924163 | MD06 : Plant stock shows incorrect value for CS materials |
922845 | NF default values taken wrongly into sales order |
920807 | Error A084(/CAB/PP_CO) in production order unit conversion |
920572 | Operation overlapping is not supported in Cable Solution |
918212 | CO01 : Factor greater than 10000 should not be allowed |
916205 | Lagging type is not correctly updated during spooling |
915717 | Intercompany Billing not working with Overdelivery - 'B' |
912587 | drum type in production order gets lost during conversion |
909993 | Incorrect tolerance in sales order specific planned order |
907766 | "Reason for rejection" causes update terminations in VA01 |
907640 | Wrong NF base key in billing document created with VF04 |
906088 | problems with subcontracting purchase requistions for CS |
905283 | Wrong NF base key in billing document created with VF04 |
905166 | Tr. /CAB/MD04 : Error on material display from MRP list |
904369 | Special stock partner shown instead of sold-to party |
903760 | Structural Weight for NF key not maintained. |
902132 | Tr /CAB/MD04 : Wrong planned independent requirements listed |
899305 | Incorrect NF default values in Intercompany credit memo |
898739 | Error Message /NFM/CA 510 (Coverage does not exist). |
898280 | Batches not assigned for make to sales order |
898170 | CO40: Error A084(/CAB/PP_CO) in lenth unit conversion |
890565 | Quantity displayed wrongly in warehouse management |
890153 | MRP : Source determination in quota arrangement not working |
889622 | Quantity displayed wrongly in inventory management |
889006 | Delivery Complete Flag set automatically. |
888986 | CO01/CO02 : High response time while adding new component |
887305 | CO08:CS Maintenence flag not set for CS components |
887062 | /CAB/MD04:Rounding value not considered for planned orders |
886526 | Poor Response time in Purchase Order History display |
885996 | Update termination in /NFM/TORDERPOS |
882417 | Orderprocessing: Error in Drum/Coilcalculation |
882207 | Intercompany billing with provision |
880515 | VA01 changing RDK in header is not working always |
877691 | Variant BOM : Incorrect operation allocation to components |
875889 | /cab/co11:Additional packing of sales order not defaulted |
875479 | Idoc J3CSRCP1: Indiv. Length ignored when Drum Cat false |
874785 | SARI: Error TABLE_INVALID_INDEX while reloading |
874674 | IDOC Orders: problems with requirements catagory |
872930 | Make-to-Order assignment: remains in MRP status 'B' |
868725 | Error Message no. M7 146 Special Stock not supported |
868047 | /cab/md04:Collective order visible even after deletion flag |
867089 | Problem with saving variants in Transaction /CAB/TRINF. |
866453 | Incorrect operation quantity after sequence change |
865760 | Error /CAB/PP_CO 084 while archiving |
863570 | Additional costs displayed wrongly for NF materials (MIRO) |
862580 | Mandatory GR/IV flag doesn't work with NF Materials |
862104 | Unplanned GR for consignment purchase order results in error |
861882 | Drum calculation - output of last drum type checked |
861818 | CS-Material with bulk material indicator not supported |
861205 | Problem with batch recording (wrong entries in table J_5CX) |
860769 | Mandatory GR/IV flag doesn't work with NF Materials |
860433 | can't post invoice with BAPI(bapi_incominginvoice_create) |
860216 | ME51 Subcontracting leads to inconsistencies in MRP |
859571 | Error /CAB/PP_CO 639 in transaction CO02 |
859169 | Code error in /CAB/RVIVFNF03 (transaction /cab/ivfn) |
858332 | Make-to-Order assignment: remains in MRP status 'B' |
856499 | BCD_ZERODIVIDE dump in length calculation |
855743 | Physical inventory document number not shown in log |
855483 | Message in ME21n but not in ME21 |
852422 | Internal error for cancelation of Movement type 101 Q |
851198 | Problem with MB01 Mov.102 |
850459 | Error in record usage decision QM inventory postings |
849300 | Production order in status R, even after GR is completed |
848859 | incorrect error message for factor batches in LT07 |
847245 | Open Subcontract Requirments in MRP |
846629 | Error in Transaction QA02 at correcting actual quantity |
846247 | Message /CAB/SD_VA 037 not thrown for some decimal entries |
845845 | Object type BUS1080:No CS specific fields in BICSP structure |
844109 | Movement type 102 per IDOC |
842266 | Problem with MB31 Mov.102 |
840272 | IDoc J3CRCP - E1J3RCE-J_2CELIC not interpreted |
839868 | BOM:IDOC error message field RC29P-J_2CKZLB doesn't exist |
838454 | NF Coverage - qty twice reduced in history records |
837489 | VL02N: Deleting all batch split item gives VL 361 many times |
834468 | Availability Check in sales order without planned orders |
832307 | CO14 : Missing length plan button after applying fixpack 5 |
832133 | If drum category is coil type, drum type cannot be changed |
830849 | Error Message: You have not flagged any items as OK |
830702 | CS11:Components with routing indicator are missing |
829122 | Wrong quantity in production order for optimized component |
823267 | Wrong stock free for MRP with V3/S3/M3 Module |
823158 | Routing indicator in collective order & performance in MRP |
822236 | Perform parameter missing form BELEG_KREDITLIMIT_PRUEFEN |
818762 | Display / maintain coverage, table control missing scrolling |
818657 | Planned order with alternative production plant not shown |
817293 | Error in delivery quantity and scope of display /cab/xelstat |
816473 | No error message V4 081 during stock selection in sales ordr |
816011 | /cab/j2cm:Order entered w/o leading zero error no data found |
813200 | Error in C011 while saving with automatic Goods receipt |
811697 | /CAB/J2CM:Short dump while creating fixed reservation |
810849 | Goods issue to Production Order |
810285 | Change quantity while converting planned order to production |
810284 | Components are not visible and No 358 exception message |
806913 | Update termination in CO02 after deleting individual length |
805245 | CM25:Individual lengths of components duplicated in edit PO |
805057 | NF data is not correctly displayed after save of ME22N |
804228 | CO01/2:Error Message:Flow missing in T185V |
803994 | Update termination during creation of Sales order |
803381 | Exchange Key NOT mandatory in transaction /NFM/ANARS |
802904 | Cable data missing in batch in quality processing |
801258 | MB1B: Error in stock transfer with reservation for CS |
800357 | Missing Individual length screen for component in CO02/CO01 |
800322 | Movement 261 unplanned GI for prod. order via J3CSISU1 Idoc |
790065 | NF condition types are not executed during VA01 |
789844 | LI21: posting differences using movement 712. |
788436 | Unable to create sales orders for material with NF metals |
788280 | /CAB/MD04:Dump occurs with message 'DYNPRO_FIELD_CONVERSION' |
784072 | Batch in spcl. stock E does not get displayed from /cab/md04 |
783614 | Not able to create production order ater fixpack 5 |
682475 | Assignment not deleted for Consignment Issue |
658544 | CS: Incorrect quick info for button 'Distribute cable qty' |