SAP Note 766703 - FAQ: Credit card encryption in R/3 systems

Component : Payment Cards - payment forms

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The SAP Note provides details on implementing and managing credit card encryption in the R/3 system. It outlines the usage of SAPCryptolib for encrypting payment card numbers, available from Release 46C with specific Support Packages and Kernel patches. Activation procedures are described in Note 633462. The encryption secures payment data against direct database access or simple reports but not against source code manipulation or unauthorized debugging. Notably, encrypted data impacts system performance and memory. During upgrades, especially from non-Unicode to Unicode systems, encryption keys must be carefully managed to avoid data loss.

Key words :
encrypted payment card numbers consume, encryption prevents direct database accesses, archive encrypted payment card data, function encrypts payment card numbers, display individual payment card numbers, authorization object f_bkpf_buk activity c4, include increased memory consumption, individual payment card number, transferred payment card number, decrypt payment card numbers

Related Notes :

1319517Unicode Collection Note
1034482FAQ: Credit card encryption in CRM
1029819Encryption of payment cards in SD and customer master
894022NAE: Credit Card Masking
813198Action 'C4' is missing for the VBAK_AAT authorization object
812658Credit card information incomplete
791178Credit card encryption in AR backend
633462Encrypting credit card data