SAP Note 517102 - BP_ADU: Composite SAP note time-dependent address usages

Component : Business Partner -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses issues with time-dependent address usages affecting SAP Business Partner for Financial Services during upgrades to specific Banking or R/3 Enterprise releases. Problems include maintenance online, external data transfer, and conversion between SAP BP and TR BP, with impacted address determination modules. Key components also encompass function extension, error corrections, and procedural updates. Users are advised to review all associated notes meticulously for crucial support package-level information and implement recommended changes to resolve noted discrepancies and enhance program functionality.

Key words :
bckgrnd maintnnce time-depndnt address usages, - release-independent            note     short text            724492 - bp_dia, 677526 - report rfsbpbut020 deletes external partner number, time-dependent address usages financial services            727528 - bp_adu, time-dependent address usages financial services, sap + tr bp standard address type, /3 enterprise extension ea-fs            504734 - sap bp, time-dependent address usages created, 636199 - edt sap bp fs address usages, time-dependent address usages occur

Related Notes :

767427BP_ADU: Error R1614 in report RFSBPBUT021
766567BP_ADU: Termination when displaying change documents
764550BP_ADU: R1612 "There is no address for business partner &"
755612BP_ADU: Error in reading address usages
750491BP_ADU: Error while reading address data
749316BP_ADU: Report RFSBPBUT021, error in log
747754BP_ADU: Performance of report RFSBPBUT021
738298BP_ADU: Performance improvement for report RFSBPBUT021
729592BP_ADU: Time-dependent address usages Financial Services
727528BP_ADU: Error in the address uses (BANK/CFM 463_20)
725889BP_ADU: Update termination for report RFSBPBUT021
725887BP_ADU: Error in the address determination
724492BP_DIA: Correspondence language for SAP business partner
724144BP_TR1: Standard indicator not set in table BUT020
724023BP_ADU: FSBP_READ_ADDRESS_DATA FM not rfc-enabled
721721BP_ADU: Performance problem with report RFSBPBUT021
717945BP_ADU: Address usages not transferred to loans
717833BP_ADU: R1 856: "Error when updating table BUT021"
717831BP_ADU: Various corrections for report RFSBPBUT021
708117BP_ZZZ: City name is only output in upper case
705841BP_ADU: Communication data is selected incompletely
704768GP_ADU: Incorrect traffic lights with WUL for addresses
704767BP_ADU: Address usages not active in some roles
703393BP_ADU: Same usage more then once in the menu tree
700524BP_ADU: External data transfer of address usages
695812BP_POT: Display of address types for loans FNVS
693547BP_TR1: Correspondence language for persons is missing
691847BP_ADU: Short dump when creating/changing a loan
691327BP_ADU: Various corrections to FS read modules
689957BP_TR2: Correction report adjustment for table ADRC
686087BP_ADU: Error when editing a special arrangement
684664BP_PAR: Error in parallel maintenance and address conversion
679126SAP BP: Various corrections for FS address read modules
677526Report RFSBPBUT020 deletes external partner number
677462SAP BP address usages: Start date after end date possible
677237SI: Error when creating an alternative address
670406Incorrect scroll bar in BP address overview
670034BP_ZZZ: Incorrect formatting of addresses
663280SAP BP address usages: Multiple assignment of same address
656796BP_CVI: Bckgrnd maintnnce time-depndnt address usages in CVI
652599SAP BP address usages: Changes in display mode possible
652049SAP BP:Problems while scrollg in time-dependent addr.usages
651195BP_ADU: Addr.usages lost in loan during partner maintenance
648464BP_ADU: Incorrect read logic in FSBP_DBREAD_BUT021_FS
647973BP_ADU: Address info in addr.usage overview not updated
645872BP_TR1: Conversion of form of addr:Corr report for tab. ADRC
643033SAP BP ADVW: Description 'SDSD' for address usage XXDEFAULT
642884BP_ADV: Incorrect fields in EDT filled by addr.usage
642420SAP BP: Where-used list for addresses incorrect
636199EDT SAP BP FS address usages: Overlaps possible
635397SAP BP: No change documents for address usage date
634554SAP BP: Read module FSBP_DBREAD_BUT021_FS incorrect
633843BP_ADU: Error in address formatting (form of addr, language)
632530SAP BP ADVW: Various corrections "Address usage conflicts"
629569BP_BAP:2 New BAPIs for addresses with time-depend. usages
623450SAP BP: Problems using PS and FS applications in one client
621959PAR: Parallel update of address usages: incorrect transfer
619636SAP BP: Various corrections for read modules of SAP BP FS
618291C_ADR: Redundant update BUT021 from BUT021_FS
617414SAP BP: Adjustments in report RFTBP030
617220BP_POT: Address transfer to loan contract
617172BP_BAP: New BAPIs for addresses with time-depent. usages
617052SAP BP: Various adjustments for report RFSBP21FS
616625SAP BP: Report RFSBPBUT020 not complete
616044BP_ADU: Limited use of the BAPIs for SAP FS BPs
615194SAP BP: Transfer of current standard address to customer
615131FS BP: c/o address not transferred
614663BP_ADU: Addresses in overview indistinguishable
607007SAP BP: Report RFSBPBUT021 does not change table BUT020
605368BP_ADU: FM FS04_BUPA_MEMORY_GET returns incorrect data
603007BP_ADU: E-mail address not found (error FTRO263)
601008BP_ADU: Read logic in FS04_BUPA_MEMORY_GET not correct
598142BP_ADU: Incorrect data transfer from BUT021_FS to BUT021
594871BP_BDT: Address usage and "Company code data" button
591721SAP BP: Deletion report for time-dependent address usages
590392BP_TR1: Incorrect report RFTBP030 (convert BP addresses)
588916BP_ADU: Address usage conflicts for business partner
588851SAP BP address usages: Various corrections
581758SAP BP ADVW:Buttons active in display mode
573969BP_CDC: Incorrect generation change docs for address usage
572257BP_CDC: Short dump change docmts of time-depend.addr.usages
569561SAP BP ADVW: Incorrect error because of overlap, short dump
566432SAP BP ADVW: Sorting in tree, overlaps, short dump
564976SAPBP: Addrs Mangmt: update termin (CML) & delete address
564339BP_CDC: Validity date is missing in the change documents
563077SAP BP: Short dump with report RFSBP21FS (memory overflow)
560753SAP BP: Address read modules find no/incorrect address type
559617SAP BP address uses:Various corrections
557372BP_ADU: Switch for time-dependent address usage
555558Address uses: Different corrections
555138SAP BP: Address uses (dialog and conversion)
550854SAP BP: SAP + TR BP standard address type in parallel maint.
550547FS BP:EDT:Termination if internal address number not filled
550153SAP BP: Address modules always generate default address
547299SAP BP: Address usages (conversion, parallel maint., dialog)
544759SAP BP: Conversion/maintenance of address uses (XXDEFAULT)
538748PAR: Dialog box (missing postal code) when saving SAP BP
536636BP_XDT: Error FSBP519 with Modify/Delete of address usage
536249SAP BP: PAR: House number not transferred to TR BP
535351BP_XDT: MODIFY always uses number of standard address
532705BP_CDC: Validity date is missing in the change documents
532670Activating the R/3 Enterprise Extension EA-FS
532246BP_XDT: Missing address number for the EDT address usages
532191BP_XDT: Error in DI of the time-dependent address uses
531424BP_XDT:Incorrect Modify of the address usages for DI
513762PAR:Standard address transferred incorrectly into BP030
505977SAP BP conversion Customizing: View V_TP14 and standard flag
504734SAP BP: Time-dependent address usages of SAP BP for FS
398888BP_TR1: Composite note and FAQs about bus partner conversion