SAP Note 504090 - Composite SAP note: Data transfer

Component : Business Transactions - R/3 Interface for Business Transactions

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
composite sap note includes, terms composite sap note, correct transfer problems, middleware connection reason, prerequisites support package 06, support package 07 solution, support package 06, attached notes

Related Notes :

578653Download Salesorder: Customer appends with activated filter
578401Download R/3: Termination during change: No status object
576654Download Salesorder: Start BDoc types/delete stop entries
576067Upload Salesorder:Master data addrsss become doc addresses
574937REPL are generated in DIMA for scenario documents
574794LUW handling when reprocessing BDoc message
572998Error handling: Saving of pricing document fails
572447Correction report: generating missing replication records
572110Double requirements in APO / entry LOGSYSB is missing
572091Incorrect items in R/3 system after restart of BDocs
571947Error during CRM -> R/3 transfer, BDoc w/ red traffic light
571597Error "Enter a quantity", credit memo request download (2)
571229To Resend BDOCS with items using ACTIONS in 3.0
571180CUMULATED_I is not deleted
571114Sales order download: conditions not updated in CDB
570625Sales order download: additional filters
570166Sales order download: validation error BUS_TRANS_MSG
569006CRM: No transfer of the product hierarchy to R/3
566611Update termination 'DUPREC' during the upload into R/3
566570Error "Enter a quantity", credit memo request download
566379Not all subitems are distributed
566206Incorrect time conversion for different time zones
565239Unnecessary pricing when creating delivery
565146Partially no download from the R/3 after note 460290
564456No upload into the R/3 when cancelling a user lock
562625Sales order download: gross value of item transferred
562503Check of configuration in data exchange: CRM_ODE_CHECK_CFG
561833Delivery block on header level is deleted in R/3
560613Sales order download: update of status records
560455Upload Salesorder: R/3 error because of incorrect sorting
559728R/3 Upload: "Inconsistent Updateflags" after BDOC retry
559716Hanging queues -> document number in the Q name (CRM)
559289Conditions changeable after billing
558795CRM_SET_STATUS_COMPLETED for R/3 documents
558468Product groups are not transferred into the CRM
557430DIMa: Comparison of sales transactions CRM w/ R/3:Correction
556188Document flow is not transferred to R/3 System
555195Delivery block for rejected items
554502Stopping the inbound queue in case of an error
553286Sales order download: simplified debugging
550778Upload into R/3: "Division & is not defined"
548740Fields are not transferred
548356+/- sign conditions from R/3
548269Upload into R/3: Deleted item arrives (Creation case)
546398Incorrect shipping data after download
546026No structure explosions from R/3 to CRM (CRM part)
544621Incorrect delivery control during R/3 -> CRM download
544352Deletion report for orphaned CDB entries
544334Termination during transfer of deleted CRM documents
543044BDoc error: "No status object is available for &"
542924Sales order download: scenario X delivery from order
542849Upload R/3: Error in R/3: Partner cannot be deleted
541450Sales order upload: incorrect document address in item
541113Data exchange scenarios for orders (CRM-R/3)
538965CRMKEY becomes too large--> correction
538924Sales order download: ship-to party deleted
538590Error "Enter a quantity" during credit memo request download
538572Sales Doc with BOM items are not uploaded from R/3 to CRM
537219Sales order download: scenario X item deletion
535608Document flow from order to order is missing in R/3
535548Downld sales order:Products incorr.durng material substitutn
534596Fields of structure BAPISDH1 have invalid check tables
534336Download sales order: Delivery quantity in CRM too high
533711Upload sales order: Partial delivery indicator deleted
533310Download sales order: Delivery is missing in document flow
532182Error in report CRM_SET_STATUS_COMPLETED
531919Upload sales order: Scenario Z-distribution status n correct
529639CRM upload: Header changes are not transferred to R/3
528915Deletion of items is not replicated into CRM
528660CRM DOWNLOAD: empty order quantity for order from R/3
527544(CRM)Partner deleted from CRM quote is not deleted R/3
527231Sales order download: incorrect text line sequence
527176Sales order download: Texts not transferred w/active filter
526329Deleting replicated documents
523425Upload Salesorder: Hausnummer nicht übertragen
522641Download sales order: Transfer of address data
521363Change CRM documents in Backend System,material substitution
520761Text data deletions from CRM to R3
520045Change of CRM documents in the R/3 Backend System, part 2
519632Download sales order: Corrected quantity not copied
518632Product does not exist in the system (CRM_ORDERADM_I 501)
518001Update of document flow display
517827CRM Upload: Confirmed schedule lines assigned incorrectly
516741Download sales order: net value of the item is incorrect
515780No order items arrive in Mobile Sales
513409CRM DOWNLOAD: Confirmed quantities from R/3 are lost
513239R/3 availability check incorrect for CRM orders
512850Document flow is not generated
512654CRM download: Sendbits equalized for all items
512310Validity period is missing for R/3 quotation in CRM
511074Change of CRM documents in R/3 Backend System, part 1
509136CRM UPLOAD: Customer groups 1 - 5 are not transferred
507103Status 'Completed' is not copied
506837Download sales order: Items from material selection
506391Error partial processing in the validation service
505971CRM initial download: No object reference for VBTYP 'EF'
504724CRM_ORDER_DELETE: Different data is not deleted
504035CRM Upload: Message_Type_X during intial download
503484Download Salesorder: Address of employee is not displayed
502807CRM UPLOAD: Different Header GUID in CDB and CRM
500793Download R/3 -> CRM: Contact person does not arrive
500242Program termination when creating subitems
500055CRM Upload: Error CRM_ORDERADM_I015 in the initial download
499375Endless loop when changing a CRM document
498659CRM request download not supported for SALESDOCUMENTS
498579Upload sales order: CRM conditns w/ KAPPL=V1 in R/3 document
498032Upload SALESORDER: Sales office / sales group deleted
497434Upload SALESORDER: Filters do not work
497104Termination with message CD328 when saving contract
496906BOM explosion of CRM-documents in the R/3 order
496475Change document: 'NAMETAB-ERROR'
495746Upload sales order: Addresses of partners incorrect
495732CRM UPLOAD:Terminatn for multiple start of initial download
495514Upload Sales orders: CRM partners which do not exist in R/3
494554Status incorrect is not deleted
492944CRM UPLOAD: Missing doc flow records drng initial download
492805Product conversion problems during transfer
492682Download Sales order: Own partner roles not transferred
490932Data exchange of sales transactions between CRM & R/3
489276Confirmation schedule lines are not copied into R/3
489033Schedule lines: Problem during replication of R/3 orders
488832Document flows are not changed
488326CRM Upload: Problems during transfer of document flow fr R/3
484109Initial download:Error during generatn of object references
483939Free items in the CRM system
460111Error during transfer due to local currency
459711R/3 initial download -> CRM does not work
448410BOM in CRM System
442413Report for deleting orders
433311CRM 3.0: Mapping of old ATP scenario
431444Different item numbers between R/3 and CRM
417906Exit users for the data exchange with CRM Servers