SAP Note 442478 - Installation of qRFC Version 6.20.043

Component : RFC -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note details improvements and prerequisites for a new qRFC version applicable across systems including APO, BW, and CRM. Key enhancements include better handling and performance of READY queues, support for over 10,000 SubLUWs per LUW, and troubleshooting improvements such as more efficient queue deletion methods, extended display options in qRFC monitors, and performance optimizations in both QIN and QOUT schedulers. Authorization adjustments are crucial, particularly the need for function groups QOWK and ORFC, alongside existing ARFC for S_RFC before installation. Moreover, numerous performance enhancements rectify long-standing issues like slow queue processing, data loss during debugging, and error-prone situations, thus bolstering both reliability and efficiency in queue management. Compatibility with previous versions is maintained to ensure seamless integration.

Key words :
call transactional remote function call, rfc-enabled function modules qdest_register, directory /general/r3server/abap/note, registered external trfc/qrfc server program, queued remote function call, profile parameter abap/arfcrstate_col_delete, existing function group arfc, existing function modules trfc_qout_get_hanging_queues, asynchronous remote function call, occupied registered rfc servers

Related Notes :

530873IDoc: IDocs retain status 64 with new qRFC version
480161Error message SY503 for report SDEWUDEB
460434ConnTrans successful but no data transfer
460235tRFC/qRFC: Low-speed processing
459199Measures during the Euro currency conversion
456507Status STARTING in SMQS (QOUT Scheduler)
440735Unnecessary queue dependencies in APO outbound processing
438015Latest qRFC version and supplement for 3.x, 4.x, 6.10, 6.20
400330Outbound Scheduler/qOUT Scheduler
216364Blocked queue / No update to external tax system
74141Resource Management for tRFC and aRFC