SAP Note 418886 - Download: Products not found or not changeable

Component : Data Exchange -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses issues in CRM/EBP systems where products replicated from an R/3 back-end are not recognized during subsequent downloads. Errors including "No corresponding product found" and "Change data on set & in the original system" occur primarily due to logical system discrepancies or product GUID mismatches. Solutions include maintaining consistent logical systems across downloads and avoiding direct copies for creating product data in CRM/EBP systems. Also, ensure CRM and R/3 systems match in logical system mappings and use downloads instead of manual copying for product data transfers to avoid inconsistencies and ensure system integrity.

Key words :
crm/ebp system successfully, production crm/ebp system, com_product502 client_copy_product reason, crm/ebp system, /3 back-end system, crm system landscape, prerequisites preliminary note, data inconsistency exists, logsys crm/ebp, -> logsys crm/ebp

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