SAP Note 37425 - Cancel job during upgrade

Component : Background Processing - Upgrade - general

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses the management of excessive released jobs in SM37 before and after a system upgrade. For successful handling, it recommends using SE38 to run BTCTRNS1, which cancels these jobs and alters their status for the upgrade, affecting their visibility depending on the version. Post-upgrade, BTCTRNS2 should be used to restore original job statuses and ensure proper re-display in SM37. Special considerations include handling of RDDIMPDP jobs and dealing with jobs released between executions of BTCTRNS1 and the upgrade start. Ensure unique running instances of RDDIMPDP per client.

Key words :
symptom solution terminate released jobs, affects rddimpdp jobs, call report btctrns1, status released/susp, released jobs, jobs suppressed, btctrns2 report, btctrns1 set, rddimpdp running, terminated status

Related Notes :

990601Authorization check missing from BTCTRNS1 and BTCTRNS2
980998Batch scheduler: Released jobs do not start
760949Deallocating extraction due to upgrade or in copied system
517766Consistency check while upgrading