SAP Note 324483 - APO-CIF: Goods receipt processing time

Component : PP-DS / Production and Process Order -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP APO users may encounter issues with goods receipt processing time when integrating production or planned orders from an R/3 to an APO system, which can result in missing or early availability of orders. This primarily occurs due to discrepancies in resource usage between inbound and outbound handling resources, where the former is unexpectedly used for both production and purchase orders, impacting goods receipt scheduling. A technical approach to managing goods receipt time involves the establishment of relevant handling resources with appropriate capabilities (e.g., infinite capacity) and configurations in the location and product masters to ensure alignment with actual processing times and resource requirements.

Key words :
prerequisites goods receipt processing time missing, similar goods receipt processing time, goods receipts processing time, goods receipt processing time, goods issue processing time, ippe run time object, goods issue time, goods receipt activity, 24 hours working time, goods issue activity

Related Notes :

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556307R/3 -> APO: Handling resource does not exist
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397989PP/DS: Scheduling (Documentation)
332305Schedule GR w/ handling resource calendar
315724Coll. Note: Scheduling problems for APO intergration
309786PPDS planning: Safety stock and target days' supply
155518Goods receipt processing time in APO