SAP Note 301254 - Creation of billing index

Component : Processing Billing Documents - Shipping

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses issues with incorrectly displayed or absent documents in the Billing Due List (Transaction VF04, VF24). The problem arises due to improperly set billing indices in table VKDFS, influencing Transactions VF04 and VF34. The note specifies reviewing document relevance for billing (table TVAP), billing status (VBUK, VBUP), and the billing index itself (VKDFS). Solutions include running specific reports (SDVBUK00, ZZDELSTA, RVV05IVB) to reset statuses and indices. The system dependency on configuring items via Transaction VOV7 and observing field FKREL for billing references, and other customizations in VOFA is stressed.

Key words :
additional key words billing-due list, create pro-forma invoices, processing status vbuk-gbstk, 'invoice list type' field, billing-due list, function group v05i, component le-shp, field vbup-fksaa, field vbup-fksta, field vbup-fkivp

Related Notes :

386370Check report for the billing due list (billing index)
356061Incorrect index compilation caused by own checks
210561When is a third-party item displayed in VF04?
207875Using report SDVBUK00
178328Problems due to incorrect user exits in SD
142368Segment VBUK missing in billing document
137011Correction report: Status in the delivery
128947Correction of SD document indexes with RVV05IVB
127514Change of billing relevancy without effect
88511SD: document status and incompletion
81638Billing index before goods issue (II)
67742SD: Document status and incompletion
63523User exits for billing index as of Release 3.1G
42307User exits for the billing index up to Rel. 3.0F
38501Intercompany billing before customer billing document