SAP Note 24832 - Pricing rules / TVCPF

Component : Pricing -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note addresses the control mechanisms for condition type determination in sales documents. The note specifies managing conditions as either redetermined or copied from reference documents, based on transaction context. Implementations of various pricing types like 'G' or 'B', play a critical role. These types determine whether certain conditions, such as taxes or manual pricing elements, are redetermined or copied. This impacts how pricing behaves during operations like order creation or when a new pricing function is utilized in specific scenarios. Understanding these nuances helps in configuring SAP systems to meet specific business needs by utilizing form routines and main programs like SAPLV61A.

Key words :
konv-ksteu na 'cef'        konv-ksteu = 'd', aufruf neue preisfindung  perform preisfindung, redetermine confirmed purchase net price/, konv-ksteu na 'cef', standard pricing type characteristics partly, confirmed purchase net price/, form userexit_pricing_rule  steu-knprs = 'x', beleg übernehmen  perform vbap_bearbeiten, condition category  kntyp = 'r', condition category  kntyp = 'l'

Related Notes :

1009170Date of services rendered in credit memo process
992808Pricing type 'T': Redetermine tax conditions only
547570FAQ: VPRS in pricing
410907Allowed pricing types BAPISDLS-PRICING III
195094Manual prices during intercompany billing
117347Pricing type K modified for condition category L
114756Customer hierarchy determination for pricing
102961New pricing type for milestone billing plans
45326No prices for customer-specific pricing type
26115Conditions not updated during field change