SAP Note 114756 - Customer hierarchy determination for pricing

Component : Billing -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When creating sales and distribution documents in SAP, an issue exists where the system fails to accurately fetch the relevant condition records due to incorrect customer hierarchy reading dates. Typically, the system retrieves the customer hierarchy using the current date instead of the pricing date, contrary to the user's needs. To address this, implementing a system modification is essential. This can be realized by using user exits to modify how the customer hierarchy is read during pricing in order creation and billing document processes. Additionally, adjustments to the pricing header structure KOMK are suggested to ensure correct data alignment from release versions up to and including 4.5B.

Key words :
data element      type  length   check tabtxjcd3              txjcd3           char     15 ttxjhityp_pr            hityp_pr        char      1>>>>>>    begin, deletion      <<<<<<hienr01              hienr01          char    10hienr02              hienr02          char    10, insertion  <<<<<<hienr01              hienr01          char    10hienr02              hienr02          char    10, hiebo14              hienr14          char    10hiebo15              hienr15          char    10>>>>>>    end, hiebo14              hienr14          char    10hiebo15              hienr15          char    10, include            komkaj1                    0supos                netwr            curr    15>>>>>>  begin, pricing header communication structure, include            komkhie>>>>>>  end, include            komkhie    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< delete, change structure komk

Related Notes :

24832Pricing rules / TVCPF