Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)
Summary :
This SAP Note provides detailed implementation and correction instructions for DDIC objects to enhance the functionality of SAP APO, SAP CRM, and SAP BW. The updates mainly focus on ensuring the effective operation of the APO/CIF interface with modifications to source code involved in processing sales documents. It is recommended not to apply these modifications manually but through Support Packages, citing extensive cross-note dependencies. Precondition notes such as Note 199497 must be fulfilled, along with the availability of specific data elements and fields within the DDIC structure. The document also instructs on the recreation and adjustment of various DDIC objects to align with the updated functionalities.
Key words :
matnr matnrwerks werksvwpos vwposlmeng lmengapops xlineposguid posguidsurea surealocno apolocnoloctype apoloctypedouble-click, srcpsactivate check box 'maintain field labels'field label lg field labelshort, grpkz_atpactivate check box 'maintain field labels'field label lg field labelshort, posnractivate check box 'maintain field label'field label lg field labelshort, atp_grp_pruef_statactivate check box 'maintain field label'field label lg field labelshort, data elementapops xlinegrpkz grpkz_atpposguid posguidsrcps srcpstmpps tmppsatp_grp_pruef_stat atp_grp_pruef_statactive save create, data elementposguid posguidsurea surealocno apolocnoloctype apoloctypedevelopment class vaactive savestructure vbapsou, 20 sourcing itemheading 17 sourcing itemdevelopment class vaactive savedata element grpkz_atp, indicatorheading 0development class vaactive savedata element tmpps, 20 itemheading 0development class vaactive savedata element atp_grp_pruef_stat
Related Notes :
203124 | Processing of sales documents with SAP APO |
202554 | Processing of sales documents with SAP APO |
202464 | Processing of sales documents with SAP APO |
202400 | Processing of sales documents with SAP APO |
199497 | APO indicator in material master for APO and ATP |
196952 | APO connection included in standard 4.0B Support Package |
195884 | Collective note: Link between CRM and APO |
191184 | No ATP confirmations during ATP group call |
180929 | Problems during availability check in sales order |