SAP Note 191184 - No ATP confirmations during ATP group call

Component : Availability Check - Sales

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
During availability checks in SAP, errors have arisen where schedule lines remain unconfirmed despite sufficient availability. Issues include: 1) changes made during batch input that are not reflected in the ATP check, leading to incorrect confirmation results; 2) the BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 only confirms the first schedule line, ignoring additional ones; 3) purchase orders negating confirmation data by deleting ALE-generated sub-items. The problem stems from a program error related to the option availability check. The solution involves a specified program change and the regenerating of VBAPDATA source code. Prior notes 202379, 202464, and 203124 are mandatory for this correction.

Key words :
additional key words atp option call, rule-based availability check, option availability check, additional schedule lines, purchase order created, requested schedule lines, requested schedule line, sales order item, availability check, schedule lines

Related Notes :

203124Processing of sales documents with SAP APO
202464Processing of sales documents with SAP APO
202379Processing of sales documents with SAP APO
197002ATP group check and batches, incor. schedule lines
192243DupRec when creating sales cust.quota.
180929Problems during availability check in sales order
151153V1601 displayed with fixed qty indicators