SAP Note 175063 - Msg 5A252 whn displying/changing standard hierarchy

Component : Master Data - Master Data

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When initiating SAP transactions for maintaining standard hierarchies (cost centers, profit, and business processes), users face error code 5A252 indicating a missing plan version. This occurs mainly due to inadequate authorizations in the user master and inconsistencies in Customizing settings. Resolution involves creating authorization for the PLOG object class HR in Transaction SU03, ensuring specific authorizations are maintained and activated, and updating user profiles in Transaction SU02. Additionally, conduct Customizing checks via Transaction SM30 and harness report RHTTCP77 to align Customizing settings between clients, ensuring a fix across all productive environments.

Key words :
function code disp  info type 1001  object types, pr  planning status 1  plan version   subtypes a003, system generates error message 5a252, additional key words okeon, customizing inconsisistency solution create, object class hr, plan version, start report rhttcp77, compare changed entries, authorization object plog

Related Notes :

31621PD and workflow application do not run correctly