SAP Note 1692571 - DB6: DB2 10.1 Standard Parameter Settings

Component : Backoffice Service Delivery - DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note offers guidance on configuring DB2 database and database manager parameters for SAP systems operating on DB2 10.1 across Linux, UNIX, and Windows environments. It applies to OLTP and OLAP system classes, emphasizing the use of "Self-Tuning Memory Manager" (STMM) to optimize database memory settings. Detailed recommendations and markers (e.g., [STMM=YES], [OS=WINDOWS], [BI=NO]) dictate specific settings tailored to various configurations and workload types. Deprecated parameters and those specific to DB2 features like pureScale and DPF are also discussed. Enhancements in memory management involve recommendations for setting certain database parameters to AUTOMATIC under STMM to facilitate optimal memory usage. Utilization of STMM should follow specific enabling guidelines provided within the note to maintain system performance.

Key words :
[cust]> sysadm_group          = db<dbsid>adm> sysctrl_group         = db<dbsid>ctl> sysmaint_group        = db<dbsid>mnt> sysmon_group          = db<dbsid>mon        [cust]> clnt_pw_plugin        =                    [cust]> clnt_krb_plugin      =                     [cust]> group_plugin          =                    [cust]> local_gssplugin      =                     [cust]> srv_plugin_mode      = unfenced            [cust]> srvcon_gssplugin_list =                     [cust]> srvcon_pw_plugin      =                    [cust]> srvcon_auth          = not_specified       [cust]> cluster_mgr          =                     [cust]> authentication        = server_encrypt      [cust]> alternate_auth_enc    = not_specified       [cust]> catalog_noauth        =, > fenced_pool         >= 10> num_initfenced       = 0> indexrec             = restart> tm_database          = 1st_conn             [cust]> resync_interval      = 180                  [cust]> spm_name             =                      [cust]> spm_log_file_sz      = 256                  [cust]> spm_max_resync      = 20                   [cust]> spm_log_path         =                      [cust]> svcename            = sapdb2<dbsid>        [cust]> discover            = search               [cust]> discover_inst        = enable               [cust]> ssl_svr_keydb        =                      [cust]> ssl_svr_stash        =                      [cust]> ssl_svr_label        =                      [cust]> ssl_svcename         =                      [cust]> ssl_cipherspecs      =                      [cust]> ssl_versions         =                      [cust]> ssl_clnt_keydb       =                      [cust]> ssl_clnt_stash       =                      [cust]> max_querydegree      = 1                    [bi=, ]> dbheap                = automatic> catalogcache_sz      >= 2560> logbufsz             >= 1024> util_heap_sz         >= 50000> buffpage             >= 10000> stmtheap              = automatic> applheapsz            = automatic> appl_memory           = automatic> stat_heap_sz          = automatic> dlchktime            = 10000              [cust]> locktimeout          = 3600               [cust]> chngpgs_thresh        = 20                 [cust]> num_iocleaners        = automatic          [cust]> num_ioservers        = automatic          [cust]> indexsort             =, > hadr_local_host        =                  [cust]> hadr_local_svc        =                   [cust]> hadr_remote_host      =                   [cust]> hadr_remote_svc        =                  [cust]> hadr_remote_inst      =                   [cust]> hadr_timeout          = 120               [cust]> hadr_target_list      =                   [cust]> hadr_syncmode          = nearsync          [cust]> hadr_spool_limit      = 0                 [cust]> hadr_replay_delay      = 0                 [cust]> hadr_peer_window      = 0                 [cust]> logarchmeth1          =, [cust]> mon_locktimeout        = without_hist   [cust]> mon_deadlock           = without_hist   [cust]> mon_lockwait           = without_hist   [cust]> mon_lw_thresh          = 300000000      [cust]> mon_pkglist_sz        = 32             [cust]> mon_lck_msg_lvl        = 1              [cust]> smtp_server            =                [cust]> sql_ccflags            =                [cust]> section_actuals        =, > federated_async      = 0> fcm_num_buffers      = automatic> fcm_num_channels     = automatic> conn_elapse          = 10                   [os=unix]> max_connretries      = 5                    [os=unix]> max_time_diff        = 60                   [os=unix]> start_stop_time      = 10                   [cust]> cf_mem_sz            = automatic            [pscale=, [cust]> dft_extent_sz        = 2                  [cust]> maxappls              = automatic> avg_appls             = automatic> maxfilop            >= 61440              [cust]> logfilsiz            = 20000              [cust]> logprimary            = 60                 [cust]> logsecond             = 0note, > aslheapsz             = 15> rqrioblk              = 65000> util_impact_lim      = 10                  [cust]> agentpri              = system> num_poolagents        = automatic> num_initagents        = 5                   [cust]> max_coordagents       = automatic> max_connections       = automatic> keepfenced           =, [cust]> logarchopt2            =                  [cust]> failarchpath          =                   [cust]> numarchretry          = 5                 [cust]> archretrydelay        = 20                [cust]> vendoropt              =                  [cust]note, [cust]> dftdbpath            = /db2/<dbsid>        [cust]> mon_heap_sz           = automatic> java_heap_sz          = 2048                [cust]> audit_buf_sz         >= 0note

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