SAP Note 168887 - AFS V1.0D2 Fixpack #5 including HP/LCP 27-31

Component : Upgrade Add-On Components (IS) - Industry-Specific Component Apparel and Footwear

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
nt/specific/isafs/v10d/fix5/unix, /specific/isafs/v10d/fix5/nt, /specific/isafs/v10d/fix5/customizing, step applying hp/lcp level 27, successfully applied patch queue confirm, \usr\sap\trans\eps\, /usr/sap/trans/eps/, inbox start report rsepsupl, applying hp/lcp level, hot package collection cd

Related Notes :

186605Incorrect index structure for table XVBEP
180126Incorrect message in report J_3ADMSG f.AFS materls
172584Docu error protocal instead of log
172427VL04 Transport Order dumps with duplicate record
172367Single planned order created across periods
172365Blocked requirements after MRP run
172324AFS Short dump when you transfer post 305
172314Program termination after implementing Note 164441
172216Correction in AFS-Quota Category Maintenance
172205VL04 terminates with dump during stock transfers
172183Weights are initialized after dimension change
172109Comb.ordrs-roundng diffrnce when adding batch to GI
172103Incorrect sequence in display of J4AD
172064VL07: GR for delivery shows no size info
172019Category list is always displayed
172018Komb. orders - GI batch window sort by status
171955Incorrect sales tax code in FI/CO documents
171938Short dump in check report J_3AMRP1
171931Overview-order list: open ref. qty is incorrect
171924F-59: Terms of payment cannot be changed
171869AFS quantities are deleted
171815Incorrect planning mode with "Plan all components"
171807AFS: F4 input-help f.processing exception messages
171758Change dimensions in prod. order after confi/dely
171550Incorrect scheduling for transfer requirements!
171478Extention MCC with Customer groups 1 - 5
171402ME21: Subcontracting with additional components
171259Conversion of numeric material is overwritten
171234Fixed reservations after GI for production order
171090Missing conversion in size substitution
171057Prod.lot maint. in qty change in
171040Many planned orders created due to lot sizing
171024Blocked component changes for order combination
170941Repricing: Filling of change/error protocol for MDC
170911Missing conversion exit for numeric material number
170872Preqs fixed after conversion in purchase order
170786Incor. billing qty in order-relatd billing document
170738AFS: inconsistency between IDoc status and application
170706Incorrect maintenance status drng mat.change w/IDoc
170693Performance problems for J_4A_IDOC_INPUT_DESADV
170653AFS: Conversion problems for "," values in IMG
170635Combined orders - GI canc. GI -> quantities incorct
170631Comb. Orders: Select/deselect without function
170600Note 76785 released for AFS
170588Prod.order:Dimnsn aftr completn confirmn nt deltbl
170518Requirments reduction during GI for combined orders
170464AFS: No copying of production order
170463Routing selection - selection priority not transfd
170439Error message M7043 for CO13
170361J4AD: Error in display of exception messages
170349ATP/PP - Date 00.00.0000
170328Table definition in Top Include
170317Incorrect jump from stock/requirements list
170269AFS: Reorganization of plnd ind. reqmts (version)
170252Unnec.exception msg:050 No BOM ... for material &
170224Print problem in J4AD
170161LIS price for each schedule line to 0
170070Check of cumulated order quantity on header level
170046New monitoring report for stock of mat. for vendor
170025PP/ATP check - incorrect inspection results
170020Scrolling in BOM evaluations
170017Different Quantities in Line Entry and Overview Screens.
169968GI for individual customer order is not possible
169957Comb.Orders:Include aftr posting fixed reservation
169952Temp.assgnd batches markd-incor.qty aftr GI revrsl
169825prod.order-fixed reservation deleted after ATP-check
169812ARun problems with categorie determination
169793Error in lot-sizing procedures DRS, SGP, SGP2
169786Reversal of GR for subcontractor displays no comp.
169779PO in delivery due list although already deleted
169778Zero batches are not deleted
169752Mssng exception mess.f.finish date in past w/ PReq
169749J4AD: Exception message 030 for batches
169737Error in planned order f.ext.procured AFS-Material
169627ARUN - MAS set: deletion of sorting fields not saved
169587ARun dynamic credit check was not working for all salesorder
169567MB01: Incorrect transfer of items in MvT 102
169546Additional correction for note 162972
169535Different quantities in Selection Screen and Sizes Screen in
169521Changed assignment in J4AD in contrast to MRP run
169517Update Termination in Billing Due List
169484Reference status on item incorrect
169452Assgmt seq. of planned reqs <-> Receipt elements
169287Enahnced navigation in J4AD
169274ARun locking strategy for assignments changed
169271New stck elmnts schduld incrrctly f.plng time fence
169264AFS fast entry: Changing quantity and dim.
169258Processing of materials not relevant for AFS-MRP
169217Syntax Error in MMCP6430
169141Item category of a component in bills of material
169128Batch determination from prod. order for AFS matls
169113AFS change of nogrid comp.not possible in prod.orders
169029Exception messages 401, 404 and 409
169024Comp.qty in prod.order 0 if status RELR Rel.rejectd
168987J_3AMC01: Performance Optimization
168881Pricing with different UoMs
168864ARUN - Abort message 'DD_PR_OPEN' during ARun and MAS
168792AFS IDoc - segment E1J3P09 - mixed schedule lines
168726J4AD: Column with additional information
168712Check/Correction Report:AFS_Dependent Requirements
168689Incorrect date in exception message 30
168651PReq is not fixed after transfer to RFQ
168638AFS: SC component requirements after goods movement
168593Different display of shipping notif. in MD04,J4AD
168539ARUN - No blocking after update in mangment tool
168515Problems with temporary blocks for SD/ATP
168486Update term.after change of stock transport order
168444PP/ATP executed, even though component check deactivated
168440Performance in ATP on stock page
168430SDRQCR21 with AFS materials
168427ARun in rushorder didn't lock the stock
168416MRP deletes partial converted purchase requisitions
168286AFS: Goods movements for the stock transport order
168273Short dump in SAPLJ4KM f.F4 dialog boxes f.categ.
168255Display problems in MD04 for sales orders
168228J4A]: Processing indicator in AFS MRP list
168205ATP check with dependent reservations
168116ARun status determination for assignments when special stock
168103Missing reservation records for production orders
168084JBrabch to J4AD and J4A] from MD06: Date to
168005AFS Vendor Capacity Maintenance
167974Total planning run Error Handling and Log
167849AFS: Convert size problems by reading grid entries
167804'Delete Undo' in Management Tool doesn't work
167774Safety time for rescheduling exception message
167766Periodic lot sizes: Start date determination
167755AFS J3AMAT: Short dump CONVT_NO_NUMBER
167743MRP performance in BOM explosion
167559Report for selecting exception messages
167494Correction program: PReq w/o creation indicator
167415ARun final releasecheck also for ARun's without fill up
167385E348(00) when cancelling invoice document
167294Combind orders w.batch allocation rounding/sorting
167283No input in quantity-, date-field of PR in detail
167267ARun status in schedule lines were not updated
167261Shpg notifications/confirmations displayed multiple
167249Report J_3ADMSG: Stock ind.missing f.excption mssge
167221AFS IDOC BOM: Wrong error message 8J010
167193Error message no. 8J441 without additional info
167168Table buffering J_3AMAD not necessary
167138Change & Incorrect Components in BOM maintenance
167103ARun size conversion in logfile
167030ARUN - own display variant for exceptions list
166990AFS RFQ delivery date is not accepted by system
166985Incorrect item data in the billing units overview
166977AFS Valid dimension for mass stock transfer
166973Navigation between standard and AFS transactions
166964ARun Deleting a del.note (make to order) does not remove the
166931J3AMAT: Incorrect material maintenance status
166903Report J_3ADMSG for exception messages:improvements
166888AFS 8J620 f.transfer posting material to material
166837ATP Check takes released POs into account
166818AFS WMMBXY: Missing parameter 'SERIALIZATION_INFO'
166812AFS WMMBXY: Wrong valuation type with GR for Prd.Order
166808AFS Subcontracting components printout
166660AFS: Performance for goods movements
166658Incomplete explosion due to same PO number
166655Delivery completed indicator not set up correctly
166636Negative values on dimension level are possible
166592Error during IDoc processing of MSO documents
166562Buffering AFS tables is not allowed
166528VAS determination for ship-to parties not executed
166526Missing date check on sales document header
166434ATP stock overview displays rejected schedule lines
166412Problem with rescheduling after fixpack 4
166404Deletion of delivery items posted to goods issue
166396Incompletion log concerning rejected schedule lines
166385Periodic lot size: Start date determination
166380Exclusive locking during ATP check
166379AFS IDoc ORDERS: Incor. VAS data in sales document
166367Modification: Upper/ low case problem for PO number with MDC
166358Missing data for subcontracting components
166277Incorrect error message in Transaction J3A^
166271AFS Purchase requisition to purchase order
166265Performance during purchase order creation
166237Wrong ATP result in PP
166221Deadlocks on the table j_3amrpr during total planning run.
166213Itm quantities deviate fr. schedule line quantities
166210AFS Periodic Lot-sizing Procedure - Rounding
166208AFS: No schedule lines in sales order with reference
166135ATP performance - totals records introduction
166087No start date in the past
166077Create Schedule Agreement with reference Document
166069AFS: Cond. type NAVS/NAVM occurs several times
166061AFS: Plnd order w/ ext. no.assignmt has no reqmts
166054Category of delivery date in schedule agreements
165970Material Dimensions not updated by Idoc J3AGRI
165956Dsply prblms of sls ords i.stock/reqmts list (J4AD)
165932ARUN - stock selection blocking does not work
165907Missing parts list displayd for compnents w/o check
165851AFS IDOC: WMMBXY Missing conversion for UMMAT
165719Reserved qty. incorrect after implement. of note 161197
165693AFS: Sales order is posted when EDPAR table is not set up.
165661Update termination when using the logfile option
165603AFS: To many pack segments E1EDP08 in Invoice IDoc
165550AFS: wrong PO item referenced in Segment E1EDP02
165409Bulk indicator is set incorrectly
165339VL04 with stock transport order
165261Wrong qty in BOM display for component with deviation qty
165255Planned orders will not be displ. when SOBSL 70/80 is used spite of switched off the grd
165220ARUN - Performance ARun 7
165172AFS: Material master data for configurable materials
165165Order changes via direct input don't check fields
165162VAS determination for multi store orders
165100Missing SD document after posting
164979Performance problems with credit blocked sales documents
164973PP/ATP wrong ATP results
164923AFS: Material master data for categories
164917IDOC ORDERS: Falsche Fehlermeldung V0104
164828Problems with deleted schedule lines
164821Subcontracting: Deletion of secondary requirements
164786Incorrect ATP result during order change
164733Sales orders with final goods issue will be recognized!
164722AFS Check report for receipts/requ. without date
164568Goods receipt to Prod.Order with wrong value
164538Incorrect goods issue qty in order list overview
164462ATP: wrong ATP result when using mat. with fixing MRP type
164442Wrong quantity when using unit of issue
164441Bad performance during delivery due run
164437Consist. check report for PRs with AFS-material
164434Reading master data: Components go missing
164415Incor. BOMs when standard matl convertd to AFS matl
164366AFS Wrong billing status for order related invoice
164365AFS: Inconsistencies in billing items
164286AFS Order related billing for rejected schedule lines
164274Problems with quantity changes on order
164140AFS Goods receipt with confirmations
164078Problems with components for no grid materials
164073VAS data not displayed correctly in VAS overview
164070ARUN parameter for logfile writing were missing
164069Sales orders with final goods issue will be recognized!
164047Delivery creation shows message with incomplete availability
164035Wrong navigation J4AD/J3AD when subcontracting is used
163914comb.orders goods issue different stock/requirement categori
163833PP/ATP wrong ATP results
163807AFS: Open qty for GR f.PO w/ shipping notifications
163781Incorrect invoice qty. in order list overview
163762Contract/Quotation message 'E' for sales document
163755No Grid-Determination in MSO when copied from contract
163741ARUN - Release option not working
163735Missing planning file entry for standard materials
163716After J3AD old exception messages in display
163678Double Transfer Order Items when using AFS-Button
163594AFS Costs in sales item can sometimes be 0
163567Insufficient performance
163546Problem with communication structure vbepkom.
163544AFS prod.order requirements doubled after ATP-check
163541Wrong BOM component quantity
163516ARun SPREAD alloc. didn't work correctly in case of shortage
163508Status extention for contracts with MDC
163391rescheduling horizon: valid for third-party orders
163267Date convert with Mass Document Change
163231Creating a purchase order with reference to a PO
163128Missing planning file entry for standard materials
163100AFS Conversion PR to PO update termination
162913Error in BOM - Display wrong Categories for Components
162854AFS Price calculation error in invoice output (print)
162845AFS Check report for subcontracting planned orders
162834ARun was not able to read action rule in some cases
162807partial conf. -backflushing not correct (rounding)
162789Correction report for schedule agreements
162787Double-click on exception column in J4AD
162742AFS: Checking of tolerances at CO11
162370Performance problem orders with many sizes
162064Error message 8J406 during mrp run
161839Rescheduling messages (10,15,30) correctly
161765ARun ignored sequence of stock categories
160346AFS: Requirement after goods issue to prod. order
157528SC PR item will be closed if PO qty. is below PR qty.
157257AFS:Identical values between Dim.val. and LineConv.
156934Incorrect scheduling after route change
156582Parallel planning w/ user exit: statistics display
155335Parallel planning: User exit does not stop
154812MRP performance note XVI
153256ARUN - requirements sorting priority
152972'Delivery completed' docus exist in worklist
152732MRP Performance Note XIV
152191ARun reallocation logic (online)
152092Logfile to trace possible inconsistency in J_3ABDBS/BDBS_M/B
148733Doublicatetes of KUNNR in MCC are allowed
146378MRP doesn't reexplode when BOM is changed
145602Stock/Requirements check and rebalancing program
140928Error in reversal of posting with new batch
137728ARun sorting with values didn't work correctly
137718Error with batches with single valuation
129728Check report for status of SD documents
96172AFS: Release-/Migration Plan, Support package Status