SAP Note 152474 - Testing fax and e-mail

Component : Communication Services: Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note explains how to test document transmission from R/3 applications via fax, paging, or Internet mail. It details system prerequisites such as SAPoffice and SAPconnect components and the necessary external communication systems or nodes, which can be provided by SAP or other vendors. Two test types are outlined: an 'actual' test requiring a complete setup, including connections to data networks, enabling document delivery to external recipients; and a 'loop-back' lies wherein transmitted documents are rerouted back to the sender's SAPoffice inbox, eliminating the need for external systems. Configuration steps involve setting up addresses and customizing SAPconnect.

Key words :
substitute comment  -----------------------------------  00          + foreign country  0            +49 home countryset, = mark schedule send processview --> jobs, variant sap&connectall schedule job, flag node-specific fax number, goto --> customizing --> communication methodsas, additional key words sapoffice, <------- rfc interface bc-con, internet maildevice type = 'post2', internet mailrestrict send time =, sap internet mail gateway

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