SAP Note 1258722 - LTR Includes in RTL SAPScript/Smartforms documents

Component : I18N BiDi -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When RTL layout documents in SAPscript or Smartforms involving Hebrew or Arabic include LTR language text like English, layout disruption occurs. This results from the innate document mirroring designated for RTL scripts, which can't selectively mirror text based on language changes within the document. Early SAP_BASIS releases usually managed this well, but post 7.00 versions exhibit issues due to ongoing language data integration in OTF output, affecting text positioning. Solutions involve either adjusting the language key of English text to Hebrew or Arabic or applying a kernel patch that disregards language for layout mirroring purposes, with an existing limitation on the maximum number of LTR characters per line.

Key words :
kernel patch attached, language key hebrew, language change switches, apply layout mirroring, english language key, language key, language change, layout mirroring, document language, language information

Related Notes :

1319517Unicode Collection Note
822634RTL SAPScript/Smartforms printing with embedded LTR texts