SAP Note 120420 - Collective Note on Customizing of currency tables

Component : Euro Currency Customizing/Handling -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note provides an organized collection of guidelines and revisions for the Customizing of euro currency across different SAP releases. Users are advised to utilize the assistant for euro currency Customizing, with detailed steps and configurations explained in Note 99271. Additional support for manual setups or revisions is in Note 128809. For migrations from R/2 to R/3, correct factor relations must be maintained to avoid inconsistencies. Release-specific notes from 3.0 to 4.6 detail the Customizing and maintenance of currency tables and exchange rate types, including legal requirements and translation logic.

Key words :
-participating currency'   135661 'currency customizing euro - participating currencies', 0a'additional background information including, note    101059 'euro foreign currency translation, exchange rate type eurx, 123696 'exchange rate type eurx, 1'   123819 'exchange rate type eurx, exchange rate type euro, 124018 'exchange rate type euro, 1'   124405 'exchange rate type euro, bank selling rate maintenance

Related Notes :

440870Currency settings after dual currency phase
329870Euro changeover for Greek company codes
212079Release dependent recommendations for ratios
185366Analysis of Crncy Customizing w/ transaction EWCM
175396RevRec: EMU currency change in rev. rec. relevant sales docs
169631Currency Customizing for euro to Release 4.6
159374Error message VH 777
150103Extent and effects of the indirect quotation
139553Euro: Company codes w/ non-participating currency
135661Currency Customizing Euro - participatng currencies
130251Avoiding 'EMU postings' prior to Jan. 1st, 1999
126702Rerouting of ECU to EMU calculation procedure
126411Special topics in Releases 4.0A and higher
124593Special topics in Releases 3.0/3.1
124405Exchange rate type EURO in Releases as of 4.0A
124018Exchange rate type EURO in Releases 3.0/3.1
123819Exchange rate type EURX in Releases as of 4.0A
123696Exchange rate type EURX in Releases 3.0/3.1
123467Exchange rates and recommendations for ratios
116073Legal regulations and translation logic (old/new)
115016EMU: Customizing of translation tables as of 4.0A
113783EMU: Customizing of translation tables in 3.0/3.1
106969Can Customizing settings be inverted
99271Curr.maintenance euro, Curr. Customizing Assistant
91481Customizing of currency tables for the euro