SAP Note 1150724 - Consolidated note on the check & repair reports for PSA

Component : Persistent Staging Area -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note details the deployment and function of program checks and repairs for PSA (Persistent Staging Area), specifically emphasizing the necessity to absorb related notes prior to utilization. Programs such as RSAR_PSA_PARTITION_CHECK are designed to identify and mitigate database index problems, inconsistencies between DDIC definitions and database tables, and issues with PSA partitions. Logical deletions of requests are also covered. Symptomatic errors such as ORA-01502 and ASSERTION_FAILED are highlighted. For comprehensive resolution, users are advised to execute check reports, followed by repair actions as guided by associated technical documentation.

Key words :
object     = 'rsar'                 subobject   = 'metadata'                ext, reference-free psa metadata objects, persistent staging area/technical ods, note 1012607 version 19                              note 1042182 version 5 sap_psa_zerocorrect / sap_psa_partno_correct description, option 'persistent staging area', calling module mss_trunc_partition_from_table message, option displays inconsistent behavior, identifier = 'rsar_cleanup_psa_definition' latest note, db                         - delete psa definitions, - delete initial psa tables

Related Notes :

1224450Logical Deletion of the Requests in PSA Table
1102626Program RSAR_PSA_CLEANUP_DIRECTORY the same as BW 7.00
1102625Repair tool for Note 1102623 (PARTNO = 9999)
1051664Check and repair program BW7.x for Note 849857
1044023Repair tool for Note 1014129 ( PARTNO = 9999 )
1022026Supplementary note for Note 1012607 regarding MSSQL/DB2
1012607SQL/runtime error when writing/activating DataStore
856097Check and repair program for Note 849857
733371CleanUp for inconsistent PSA directory entries
699125CleanUp for unreferenced PSA metadata objects
565176PSA/ODS request is not deleted on ORACLE database