SAP Note 109589 - General information about bank account number checks

Component : Master Data - Master Data

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note provides guidance on entering accurate bank data in vendor or customer master records, specifically addressing the bank key, bank account number, and control key. Appropriate data entry is crucial as it varies depending on the bank country involved, with specific validation checks implemented for different countries. The provided table outlines which countries' bank data undergo bank account number checks or bank number verifications. Additionally, control key adjustments and considerations for lengthy bank account numbers are specified. SAP system's table T005 and transaction OY17 are crucial resources for further details on permitted lengths and additional characteristics of bank data fields.

Key words :
country         bank key                bank account  control key------------------------------------------------------------------------belgium               320          320-0347134-41            -finland              123456          12345600000785            -france            2004101005            0500012m026             06italy            0345203202                2819 30              pjapan               -                      -                  09new zealand 1, sample modulescheck                                sample module------------------------------------------------------------------------bank account number check             sample_interface_00003000bank number check                  sample_interface_00003010 post, bank country     bank account number check      bank number check------------------------------------------------------------------------belgium, 09              0000-74712            -netherlands        -                  0502664959             -norway                 -                  99994767484            -portugal          00350577            00006403900             30russia             044525202      70281080070013926             40spain               00120345              0000067890            03sweden                  5028            50280000391             -hungary 1, post office bank current account numbers, post office bank current account number, post office bank current account, sample module, terms bank account number, 'bank account number' field

Related Notes :

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726298Long bank account numbers (more than 18 digits)
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96624DME for bank account numbers with more than 18 digits