SAP Note 1011241 - Patches for NetWeaver 2004s BI Java Support Package

Component : BEx Web Java Runtime -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
You are encountering an issue with the NetWeaver 2004s BI Java Runtime. SAP has made a patch available for this problem that includes updates to three essential SCA files – BIIBS.SCA for Information Broadcasting, BIBASES.SCA for BI Base Services, and BIWEBAPP.SCA for BI Web Applications. Deployment of these files is crucial to maintain system functionality. All three files must be synchronized and on the same Service Pack and Patch levels, though Information Broadcasting can differ in Patch level. Patches for various Service Packs can be obtained via the SAP Service Marketplace. See SAP Note 1013369 for detailed information on synchronizing ABAP and Java packages.

Key words :
solution sap netweaver bi java runtime consist, netweaver 2004s bi java runtime, bi web runtime sca files, patch #[xx]            bi web applications 7, bibases & biwebapp sca files, nw service packages stacks, patches            bi base services 7, bi web runtime, bi web applications 7, bi web application

Related Notes :

1642169Filteren nach Datum liefert falsche Ergebnisse
1637675Date appears as ####### after export to excel
1637197BICS:Query displays key instead of empty text for attributes
1634117Display of null attributes in HANA
1627409Exception beim Zurücksetzen einer aufgeklappten Hierarchie
1623428Export to PDF hangs for info field item.
1622746Standard images are exported to excel in 730
1622596Items are not correctly exported to Excel in 730
1622475Performance: minor improvement in member access
1622134Safety belt: Results quantity is too large (Excel/PDF)
1618536Repeat column header does not work in Broadcast to PDF.
1617936Save query view missing template id in backend table.
1617533Drilling with errors in combination with zero suppression
1617318Invalid snippets on web template after doing export
1617002NullPointerException for rpts w/ref. to HANA Analytical View
1613110Text Item is not wrapped while exporting
1613090Incorrect values when you collapse a hierarchical structure
1610963Modification Column Width incorrect for universal hierarchy
1607636BEx Web: Language for Web Applicatins opened in new window
1602447Analysis modification termination when you merge columns
1601289Expanding of Universal Hierarchy not working in Java Runtime
1601080Analysis modification: Column headers / No data
1600962BEx Web: URL Parameter LANGUAGE not always working
1598986All hidden item are exported after implementing note 1587492
1598498Cells are not ready for input after you collapse a structure
1598020Performance: selection state binding in Java Web Template
1597308Incorrect variants displayed when you execute a query
1597173Backward navigation selectorDataprovider is already assigned
1596751Saving bookmark functionality results in peculiar behaviour
1593072BEx web on IE9: JavaScripts error while calling popup dialog
1592991Filter Pane Item overlaps in firefox and Safari
1592891Filter master data messages shown in Message List Item
1592366Variable values are lost when bookmark is loaded
1591534SET_DATA_CELL_PROPERTIES command on structure node incorrect
1589860Performance: multiple variable values in WJR
1583928Javascript error if analysis item is placed inside container
1581923BEx Web: Optimization on Back with Many Data Providers
1581167Totals row missing after drill op.on hier.key figure struct.
1578941Java Runtime: issue with pattern selection in ODOC scenario
1577293Java dump: Hierarchical structure and structure axis
1575297Variables: member access issue for compounded characteristic
1573030Web application dumps when STATELESS is set to non-boolean
1569787Condition Dialog does not validate interval range correctly
1568251Sorting is disabled when F4 is called on Structural elements
1568175Minor performance improvement for variants in Java Web
1567416NullPointerException for system message without expiry date.
1565796Sorting is disabled when F4 is called on Structural elements
1565207Drag and drop in second row inserts new line in first row
1564517Invalid member selection on info object with conversion exit
1563643Modification Modules RIG - Javascript error during export
1562554Drag and Drop: incorrect behaviour on structural elements
1561909Command SET_ITEM_PARAMETERS with snippets rendering
1561846Wildcard entry for SELECTION OPTION variable in selector
1561738Wrong dropdown box when drag and drop between filter panes
1561086Possible dump by loading a bookmark with an object variable
1560665Modification RIG Document Content performance enhancement
1559555Java Web Selector dialog has text "Enter a value for" twice
1558368BEx Web 7.30: Corrections in Support Desktool
1557925Export to Excel shows a % sign in calculated key figures
1556545Case conversion for filter values on compounded char
1555612Wrong result set size calculation during drill operations
1554104Close button on Document browser when you click details
1552647Scaling factor reset to default while changing formula
1552272Modal template dialog can not be closed
1548840Condition state toggling: usability enhancement
1548704RRI:open mode REPLACE_WEB_APPLICATION opens a new window
1548255Calculate Based On Results Of Former Details Calculations is
1547871BEx Web 7.30: Corrections in Support Desktool
1547714Parcer error for variable values with special operators
1546963Modification Modules RIG - Enhanced Scrolling Module
1546051Planning Function selection has missing or invalid entries
1546012Java ClassCast exception in query (writeStateIntoDom)
1545679Result with hierarchy symbol
1545545ODOC: Broadcasting to MHTML displays all columns in doc item
1544415Module CopyPaste:pasting more cells than the space available
1543561Display settings are incorrectly set in Open dialog
1538793Sorting on local formulas not saved after bookmark or undo
1538753SAP NW BI JAVA 7.x - comments option in context menu
1538640BiNamespace characteristics not displyed in Assignment colum
1538289'X' appears in result cells (Calculate Result Set as "Hide")
1538014Number of decimal resets to default while changing formula
1537922context menu with reference to selector dataprovider fails
1537039RTL(Right-to-Left) display not supported for PDF,EXCEL & CSV
1536756Filter value lost in BACK_TO_PREVIOUS_STATE for DPs >= 2
1536499Safari Browser: Adding bookmark to browser favorites
1536476Web template execution recording incorrect object name
1536168Export huge text fails for single document item
1535651Object variables are not restored correctly from a bookmark
1534863Tooltip for hierarchies in characteristic properties pane
1534100Unexpected filter is applied if key contains special chars
1534083Nullpointer when time-dependent hierarchies are loaded
1533296Module Copy-Paste: Values pasted at incorrect cell
1532816Local formula is not deserialzed correctly (bookmark, undo)
1532285ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for dashboard execution.
1532017Order of login modules for the ticket component in the VA
1531694Adding Bookmark to Browser Favorites in FPN brings wrong URL
1528687Selection screen range value is validated incorrectly
1527393java.lang.nullpointerexception in support desk tool
1527330Display presentation for Current user in Info field item
1527186Export to Excel: "0.0%" value converted to "0,0"
1527184Termination during export to PDF or Excel with mod modules
1526880Reverse proxy Config : Redirection to wrong url(Error #2048)
1526708The computation of bounds is not correct for Dashboard
1526210Export of external MIMES (Intranet/Internet)
1525392Planning function: error messages not reset (F4 selector)
1524799Selection screen not shown with SET_VARIABLES_STATE command
1524296List calculation: Normalize acc next result without subtotal
1524022Hierarchy Node with huge number in selector dialog
1523974java.lang.ClassCastException in ListBox item
1523854Personalization leads to exception with drop down item
1523581ODOC : Close button displayed in formatted dialog window.
1522108Parcer error for hierarchy value with special characters
1521831Pasting too many values in input text field for variable
1521630Number of rows in analysis item when paging type is by item
1520776BIBaseRuntimeException during creation of data provider
1517597Error in processing of command SET_VARIABLES_STATE
1516784NullPointerException for Characteristic Selection
1513148Error occurs for various exception operators and filtering
1512555SAP NW BI 7.0: Truncated header text or footer text
1512464ODOC:java.lang.NullPointerException when KM cache is corrupt
1511365WIDTH and FULL_WIDTH parameters for dashboard
1510987Scrollbars lost when resizing Info dialog
1509713Session termination for XC dashboards
1509455Empty cells are not ready for input on hierarchical axis
1507390Mandatory parameter "ANALYSIS_ITEM_MODE" is not available
1507068Negative value in Calendar tool is incorrectly processed
1507065Adding BI Bookmarks to browser favorites in CRM system
1506722Generic Note for BI Java Patches and Support Packages
1505718Export to PDF in ODOC: Font size is scaled down
1505639Input ready cells look bigger than usual cells
1505545Memory used by browser increases during navigation (AJAX)
1505375Missing translations for default BW portal content
1505289Display line breaks or multiple spaces on BW Text Item
1505221Parallel operations of loading and deleting a variant
1505018Ad hoc formula: Single quotation mark cannot be used in name
1504676Module Copy-Paste: input values not taken over by cells
1504675NW BI 7.0: Problem with context menu on chart w/ Firefox 3.6
1503986Semantic Text Style of header cells
1503243Loading animation disappears when submitting dialogs
1503039Unexpected result caused by 'Back One Navigation Step'
1502713Error in Opening Selector dialog from an Exception wizard
1501565Dashboard execution fails when tech name is in lower case
1501042Module Scrolling: input ready cells not changeable
1500651Module Scrolling: some columns not visible
1499920java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException in ListBox Item
1499814Personalization "Key already exists the entry was ignored"
1498818ODOC : Close button displayed in New document dialog window
1498557Modification Modules RIG - Invoking context menu or snippets
1498512Font color of the tab strip item is incorrect
1496507500 Internal Server Error on clicking a portal favorite
1496495Display Hierachy: Context menu expand does not work
1495857Analysis modification formatting of rows and columns
1495573Column header exported even though there is no document
1494374SAP BI Export Library: Endless loop
1494232Changing member access mode for filter values doesn't work
1494073Missing elements in the XML document for XPath evaluation
1493856BICS remote 1.54
1493828PDF export fails for Analysis Item using modification module
1493025Always use BEx default iView for BW Bookmark links
1492750List calculation problem in structures that are not the same
1492545Java Short Dump after executing SET_SORTING command
1492282How to realize passing parameters in Java Web using POST
1491604Display the title of BW Bookmark links in the Page Toolbar
1491244Date selector dialog: Images aligned to Right-to-Left
1491193Additional behavior of hierarchy display in F4 help selector
1490904Modification RIG Exception Image and input ready queries
1489655Hierarchy node icons for collapse and expand incorrect
1489516Drag&Drop of Structure member out of analysis item
1489509Java Script Error while adding bookmark to browser favorites
1489306Accessibility: Labels for input fields are read out properly
1488161Analysis modification termination during PDF & Excel export
1488069Termination in: NP, NB ,NE
1484799Document Icon not displayed on Hierarchy enabled cells
1484491Navigation not saved in filterpane due to incorrect state
1483260Variable screen value display for Special Characters
1483150List calculation for hierarchical axis
1482660List calculation problem: Calculate Results As Hide
1481807WD ABAP ALV print version header and footer not translated
1481429Filterpane dropdown box items all open to the right
1481327Unwanted scrolling over page after invoking context menu
1480078Select All caption/tooltip is not shown for check box
1479703Calendar date is incorrect while invoking a selector dialog
1479163List calculation: Normalize according to group level result
1476414Problem during serialization/deserialization of hier. struc.
1474805Changing Tab in TABSTRIP not focus button 'Execute on Enter'
1473655Paging info (page position) lost during navigation
1473144Inserting and deleting new lines from analysis item
1472919Result set size limit not followed by drill operation
1472784BEx Web 7.01 Variables not displayed for query information
1472118java.lang.StackOverflowError with SET_SELECTION_STATE_SIMPLE
1471979Incorrect hierarchy sorting in input help selector screen
1471580Execution of 'OK_TEMPLATE_DIALOG' command changes the title
1470103Transformer exception while transforming BEx Web templates
1469979BICS remote version 1.51 - 1.52
1469145Error when dragging characteristics to filter area
1468576Analysis modification: Column widths and column headers
1467803Filter on local formula in bookmark
1467298Selection lost for RadioButtonGroup Item during navigation
1467189Null pointer exception for export to PDF
1467163Scaling factor shown in column header and data cells
1466871Optimizing performance for "selection state" (GET_MEMBERS)
1466293Number formats not exported from info field item
1465232BOOKMARK: Warning message will be displayed instead of error
1463508Issue with the Command 'CLOSE_WINDOW' using Web Application
1463454Exceptions with range operator are not displayed correctly
1461256Export to Excel: cell format is TEXT instead of CUSTOM
1460824Localization is missing for the Document dialog
1460391New option SELECT ALL in the Input help of Selector dialog
1459876Two Rows are skipped while using vertical page scrolling
1459823ODOC: # displayed after export to excel in document items
1459633SAP BI ExportLib: Footer missing in PCL
1459461NullPointerException for time-dependent hierarchies
1459144Check of compounded values fails when adding new line
1456153Bookmark doesn't retain the variable/filter values properly
1455775Literal Member: UnsupportedOperationException
1454449NullPointerException in ACTION_BEFORE_FIRST_RENDERING
1452771Export issue for infofield item with multiple filter values
1452553Drag and drop in filter pane: No notification
1451699Suppressing warnings for single values that do not exist
1451552Tooltip is not shown for properties and technical settings
1451372BICS remote corrections (1.48 - 1.50)
1451171Path entries are displayed twice
1451040Documents Icons are not displayed in Bex analyzer
1451027Problems while saving bookmark to browser favourites in IE8
1450678ChartItem: Pie chart is not displayed
1448862Broadcasting to the portal with wrong encoding
1448806Selecting time-dependent hierarchies
1447590BICS remote: Data incorrect for variables that are not set
1447476SAP NW 7.01 ALV PDF: Accessibility issue
1447058NW BI 7.x: Context menu problem when expanding a hierarchy
1446712java.lang.IllegalStateException after executing query
1444642WAD : Value help is not filled for DP of type filter
1444193Drag and drop to filter pane: Characteristic displayed twice
1444180Error : Field E_TSX_SELECTION_SPACE_0 not a member of OUTPUT
1444130Export to excel - New runtime: Mixed Values
1444012Text in variable screen is wrapped incorrectly
1443756BICS Web service corrections
1443503Incorrect date formats are accepted in range selection field
1442717SAP NW BI JAVA 7.01 - JavaScript error context menu
1442169CheckBoxGroup containing Node Selection is not applied.
1442102Info field: Query view name and text not available
1441394HierarchyNode selection in Dropdown not displayed selected
1439347Navigation state of app changed after export to pdf or Excel drilldown with 2 structures and hier. axis
1437472Drag and drop: Performance issue in Internet explorer
1437358NullPointerException due to incorrect template definition
1436769SampleValuesException - Error when applying values
1436763Binding to hierarchy variables does not work
1434773Analysis Item: BLOCK_COLUMNS_SIZE does not work dynamically
1434560Performance problem on F4 help of a hierarchy node variable
1434226Transfer state in a new window causes null pointer exception
1433912java.lang.StackOverflowError in ProviderNodeType
1433670Formula variables can have only three decimal places
1433124Hierarchy leaf presentation is '#' (partially compounded)
1432855Locking and unlocking the same cell does not work
1431585Map item: The geomap is not displayed correctly
1431008SET_SELECTION_STATE_BY_BINDING and key figures
1430976BICS remote & Xcelsius performance improvements
1430573Filtering characteristic values w/ special char.not possible
1430502You cannot open BICS remote error ticket using PKZIP
1428850Performance problems when queries/views/bookmarks are loaded
1427519List calculation problem: Calculate results as ...
1426940Customizing of TextItem with RENDER_AS_TEXT=X not possible
1426094List calculation problem with two structures
1425720Analysis modification: User-defined symbols for exception II
1425170Wildcard search in subfilter of selector dialog is incorrect
1424997Lock/Unlock link from show details window removed
1424757Variable screen web: characteristic has no master data for
1424498BEx Web 7.0: Issues after Cancel in Variable Screen
1424493BEx Web 7.0: Toggle Tray does not expand on Analysis Item
1424317SAP NW BI JAVA 7.x Excel export date 1.1.1900-28.2.1900
1424242Query View loading is not consistent after first loading.
1424209Analysis modification scrolling and flicker-free (2)
1422556RRI: REPLACE_WEB_APPLICATION with NetWeaver 6.40 Consumer
1421894Time-dependent hierarchies are not transferred correctly
1421822BICS remote Web service: Collection of corrections
1421217BICS remote Web Service: Unable to resolve the tuple index
1420948Displaying non-cumulative values in the query
1420895Zero suppression does not work correctly
1420814Setting for Initial rendering for BOOKMARK loading
1419418No child list found for parameter info field item
1418881Drop characteristic of other DataProvider in filter pane 2
1418051German umlauts displayed incorrectly in document Item
1417960Analysis Item: Input cells are not rendered
1416019My Portfolio folder for user IDs with special characters
1415475Empty row in list calculation causes NullPointerException
1414859NullPointerException from Selector dialog invoking property
1413638SAP NW ALV PDF Export: PDF Lib: Incorrect vertical alignment
1413318Problem with list calculation for calendar day key figure
1413108Relational provider ignores ISelectionSupport
1412987Analysis modification scrolling and flicker-free
1412936Collective correction: BICS Web service
1412864Crossdomain.xml for Xcelsius dashboards
1412831BEx Web 7.01: Issues after canceling a sequence of dialogs
1412690Export to PDF in ODOC: Font size is scaled down
1411892Icon set for button shows error in Disabled state
1411572SAP NW BI JAVA 7.x: Problem "," in char. values & list item
1411421NullPointerException in QvSorting
1411145JAVA Sessions remains open when you say "Go to --> Document"
1410974Expanding the display hierarchy on hierarchical axis
1410304BICS Web wervice: Nullpointer if variable does not exist
1410289Bookmark problem for hierarchical structures
1409601Zero suppression: Rows/columns displayed despite value zero
1408383BEx Web 7.0: Improvements in Bookmark Maintenance
1408290RIG: Copy & Paste causes incorrect highlighting
1408287Xcelsius ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
1407972BICS remote Web service: Error ticket no longer available
1407543List calculation "Hide": Problems w/ hierarchical structures
1406812BEx Web 7.01: Parameter "IGNORE_IVIEW_REPORT_PARAM" not...
1406303BEx Web 7.0: Personalization and Template Dialogs
1406236SAP NW BI JAVA 7.x, Excel 2007 export: Hierarchy indentation
1405459Analysis modification, specifying columns and rows in 7.01
1404970Analysis item: Null pointer exception:Clicking cancel button
1404876BEx Web 7.0: Cannot reset status of BEx Web application
1402600BEx Web 7.01: Body->OnLoad event "first call" flag always
1402019FPN suffix for BEx default iView missing for bookmarks
1401956BICS remote Web service - ClassCastException object variable
1401343Button pressed state not saved for bookmark
1400888Variable screen is not submitted in back one navigation
1400450Zero suppression:Parent of an is element about to be deleted
1400067Bookmarks of type T are not being deleted in RSWR_DATA table
1399564BEx Web 7.0: Disable XML Based Data Provider Reset
1399196E23 error for templates in WAD with DP of type filter
1399071Drag and drop: Hierarchy
1398821FPN support for KM BW bookmarks
1398345Initial variable status overwritten (BICS remote Web srvc.)
1397975BEx Web 7.0: Bookmarks with Items with Parameter Lists
1397420Ad hoc formulas: Decimal places are lost during editing
1394841HEADERS_VISIBLE set to OFF doesn't work for Infofield Item
1394600SAP NW BI JAVA 7.01: Flicker-free mode: Problem after export
1393650Hierarchical key figure structure cannot be expanded
1393401Analysis modification documents are moved
1393179SAP NW ALV PDF export: Problem with ' in header
1392064SAP NW BI ALV export to PDF: Problem with lead columns
1392041List calculation problem with hierarchical axis
1390861Value help error in WAD for PreExecutionService
1390798SAP NW BI JAVA 7.x CSV export no text characters (delimiter)
1389960Zero suppression problem if subtotal is not visible
1388730NullPointerException in list calculation with empty lines
1388517Analysis modification scrolling displays gray rectangle
1387683Null pointer exception if there are hidden key figures
1387454BEX Web 7.01: BI exceptions not visible in default trace
1385950Error n bookmark loading due to system alias after transport
1385799Nodes of the key figure structure are expanded after SUBMIT
1385734SAP NW BI JAVA 7.0: Context menu "Create New Exception"
1384443SAP NW BI JAVA 7.x: Line breaks after Excel export
1384380Filter pane item: No master data is available
1383425Two or more variants with same name is shown only once
1382870Document is not shown while using special characters
1382305Export to PDF: pdf
1380400Expand keyfigure structure node fails on universal hierarchy
1380343BEx Web: Compounded characteristic is sorted incorrectly
1380222Runtime is long for pre-queries
1380152Text Item not formatted properly while RENDER_AS_TEXT=X
1380059Improved exception handling in BICS remote Web service
1379710Conditions list does not show details for "not equal"
1379640Close Button re-appears after performing KM actions
1379639KM buttons are not rendering in Document Browser Iframe
1377735Error with direct entry of uncompounded values
1377666Infofield Item with param ONLY_VALUES=X not formatted
1377383Delta-capability for planning functions and sequences
1376822Analysis modification: Setting fixed column widths
1376743Analysis Item: PAGING_TYPE_ROWS
1375936NullPointerException if clicked on Details of Exception
1374948Berechneter Wert ändert sich beim Zu- bzw. Aufklappen
1374854RIG Modules: Font color and font style
1374414Analysis modification: Displaying documents in PDF
1372695F4: Search for key does not take read mode into account
1372538Analysis Item : Input enabled cells have more height
1372105BEx Web 7.0: BACK_TO_PREVIOUS_STATE with ALL_ITEMS parameter
1371934Incorrect list calculation when subtotal is suppressed
1370672The argument cannot be interpreted as a number
1370286Unsupported operation, filtering hidden key figures
1369865URL Bookmarks distributed via Mail not working in broadcaste
1369463Internet Explorer 8 crashes when you select text
1369410Null pointer exception occurs in open dialog
1368973SPS 18 50 Drag Drop on Analysis Item
1368791Hotfix 3 for BI JAVA 7.00 SP19 Patch 10 (PL 13)
1368772Value correction in variable screen using customer exit
1368055BEx Web 7.0: Nullpointer exception from
1367679No Value help for compound characteristic in planning mode
1366156Broadcaster Window is sent to Back ground
1365481Analysis item: Legend: Cell tooltip without alert level
1365415Error when context menu is called in stateless mode
1365179BICS: Null pointer exception/destroy application
1364572Analysis item: Legend: Cell tooltip without header info
1363285Division by zero exception with display documents active
1363066Variable screen to show / not in case of PERSONALIZATION
1363036Hover Effect in the analysis item
1363032Conditions list item not scrollable
1362539Planning function: Warning messages not updated
1362154Null pointer when you have authorization for hierarchies
1361518Broadcasting to WebDAV folder on IIS or SharePoint fails
1359785No cell borders with custom background color in PDF export
1359225Open/save dialog web: Folders are not displayed
1358819Sort sequence is lost when query view is loaded
1358767SAP NW BI JAVA 7.0: Expanded hierarchy node in context menu
1358053BLOCK_ROW_SIZE does not work dynamically
1357658Excluding local forms results in termination
1357202Cannot delete formula in hierarchical key figure structure
1356902Web Dynpro ALV PDF: Date and time in header and footer
1354569Bookmark from portal favourites keeps loading and no result
1353519F4 Help : Initial drill level open for huge hierarchies
1353425Hiding key figures causes error messages
1353352Report item: Timeout when writing diagnostic result sets
1353273Incorrect messages displayed in message area
1352432F4 help: Limit hierachy members in selection screen
1352034Filter value cannot be transferred for planning function
1349658BEX Web Export incorrect transfer of PDF settings
1349502Tab index for template dialogs
1349422BicsProgrammErrorException: getMember
1348926SAP BI Export Library: Autospacer does not scale with page
1348864Disaggregation not possible after you unlock cells
1348844Exception when you close the selector properties pane
1348192BEx Web 7.0: Options in Back Commands for Data Providers
1347700F4 help : Selector dialog title is not same as variable name
1346870ClassCastException while entering literal member in variable
1345916Exception symbols not getting exported to Excel properly
1345909SAP NW BI JAVA 7.x: Change drilldown context menu
1345718Variable screen : variant name is not shown in dropdown
1345101Empty var. value incorrectly filled after backwrd navigation
1345079Cannot exclude local formula from input help (F4)
1345077Display presentation "Do not display" incorrect for nodes
1345041SAP NW BI JAVA 7.0:Null pointer exception for CSV/Excel exp.
1344007Row or column selection causes "500 Internal Server Error"
1343814java.lang.StackOverFlowError when executing query
1343722Invalid range for include and exclude operator in exceptions
1343479SAP NW BI JAVA 7.01: Context menu in map item
1342812List calculation is not used in the results line
1342622Java Script Error: can't execute code from a freed script
1342520Scroll bar appears in selection screen due to linebreaks
1342307Selecting hierarchy in Characteristic properties dialog
1341951Formula builder: Formula invalid for elements w/ line breaks
1341526Information icon is displayed instead of Warning icon
1339903Variable values are lost when commands are used
1338886Dump when clicking dialog close button and window close X
1338812Internet Explorer 8 and web dialogs (Non Layered)
1338791BEx Web 7.0: Performance on Back, ContextMenu and Bookmark
1337901Query not ready for input if there is an empty results set
1337869Nodes in hierarchical axis not empty for suppressed result
1337546BI Export Library: Blanks in text not displayed
1337309BEx Web 7.01: Custom theme for export
1336268Open/Save dialog web: Performance problems listing bookmarks
1336188Modification modules: Export to PDF and Microsoft Excel
1335750Chart Item: Exception on context menu in accessible mode
1335748Map Item: Exception on context menu in accessible mode
1335635Drilldown on axis: Data cells may be empty
1335075Errors occur when you expand hierarchies
1334488SAP NW BI JAVA 7.0:Drilldown in wrong place frm context menu
1333903Variants are not sorted with their technical name
1333867LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF_LIST with context menu filter pane
1333255Parent of a valid element is about to be deleted
1332430NullPointerException when we click on Information Button
1332391Label "Save Variable Values" for checkbox is not translated
1330884Performance problems when you exit or change Web templates
1330248Difference between Java and ABAP for local aggregations
1330184BroadCasted filename contains two dots(.) before extn
1329810InfoFieldItem with GENERAL_INFORMATION_VISIBLE=X not display
1329338Navigation pane Web item: Free axis is not sorted correctly
1329298BicsProgrammErrorException when node suppression is active
1327988Paging when broadcasting with control query
1327425Single value selection screen instead of Hierarchy screen
1326831Analysis modification: Delivery of customer-specific modules
1326391BEx Web Analyzer: JavaScript error for template dialogs
1326305Locking invalid values in input-ready data cells
1326209ClassCastException when creating ad hoc formula
1326060Input help terminates when there is invalid characteristic
1325076Hierarchy indent missing when RTL is used
1324984JavaScript:sapUrMapi_SapTable_setBorderCollapse is undefined
1324891Search in hierarchy structure leads to a termination
1323875SAP NW BI JAVA 7.x: Filters on hierarchy nodes: Error msg.
1323378BEx Web 7.0: melt variables & parallel changes on data
1323319Totals rows are empty in universal display hierarchy
1322846java.lang.NullPointerException for input ready enabled row
1322788Initial Drilllevel of Hierarchy in Selection screen
1322737Overall result remains empty when you use ListCalculation
1322267SAP NetWeaver BI JAVA 7.x: Context menu on new rows
1322211Display analysis modification documents and dialogs
1321152Column width is too wide if there is a hierarchy in column
1320693Ad-hoc formulas: Formulas not updated
1320094Context menu not closed when you select another cell
1319522BEx Web: JavaScript error when you close a dialog box
1319402Zero suppression suppresses wrong rows or columns
1318925You cannot expand node
1318270BEx Web: Dialog box freezes when you choose browser Back
1317853Map item: Deactivating tooltips
1317732Execution of planning functions is not synchronized in Web
1317702Map item: Exception when navigating
1316869SetSelectionStateByBinding does not work with variables
1316805RFC error and Transformer exception occurs in WAD
1316144SAP NW BI JAVA 7.x Expanding universal display hierarchy
1315974Termination when loading queries w/ key figures of date type
1315052Excluding hierarchy nodes is possible but not allowed
1314520Time value is exported incorrectly to Microsoft Excel
1314509MapItem: "Null Pointer Exception" occurs when you click map
1314499Close button on Comments dialog in Document browser
1313647Expansion disappears when you refresh a bookmark or a view
1313055Zero suppression does not suppress all rows/columns
1311774Rounding error when setting new values for planning
1311636Formula editor does not display all key figures
1311532Result rows blank after hierarchy node is expanded
1310952Column width in analysis item is too narrow for non Latin-2
1310809Analysis item: Position shifts when you click text in table
1310781Condition Wizard: Termination when you leave the dialog
1310755Hotfix 1 for BI JAVA 7.00 SP18 Patch 20 (PL21)
1310745SAP NetWeaver BI JAVA 7.0: Exporting to Excel w/ empty cells
1310673Analysis item: Termination when you sort hierarchies
1310288SAP BI ExportLib: PostScript files do not print
1310201java.lang.NullPointerException at ProviderInfoObjectMember
1309092MapItem: Report-report interface does not work
1308685Bex Web 7.0: Back commands not working with variables
1308123BEx Web 7.0: Customer Exits on Events (onload, bookmark)
1308064Cummulated: 701 only related BICS corrections
1308034BEx Web 7.0: Back Commands with Removal of Lists Elements
1307741Days selected in calendar are deleted automatically
1306725NW 7.0 BI Web Reporting Firefox BI context menu
1306641Ad hoc formulas: Formula invalid when loading bookmarks
1305416List of conditions: No update for inactive condition
1304984SAP NW BI 7.0 Web Reporting Export Empty ITEM_REF_LIST
1304933Unnecessary amount of space used by data provider info item
1304193Export Single doc fetches wrong content
1303807Input help calendar selection incorrect acc. to read mode
1303166Variable Screen Web:All variables are not filled when varian
1303017Incorrect values generated for Excel in list calculations
1302835SAP BI ExportLib: Version 1.XXX PCL wrong portrait/landscape
1302111Analysis item: Entry of new lines in Firefox not possible
1301733NW 7.0 BI Export of Web application to Excel and equals sign
1301606NW BI 7.0 Web Application: Missing font in MS Excel export
1300820CELL_CLICKED event executes commands for SELECT_ROWS only
1300380Ad hoc formulas: Universal display hierarchy terminates
1300373Higher contrast in accessible mode for the analysis item
1299581Performance impaired after applying patch
1299035Node keys are displayed as #
1298076Security warning when loading the BEx Web Analyzer
1297867Universal display hierarchy: Drilling to overall result
1297798Data cells empty afer activating universal display hierarchy
1297633Incorrect selection when clicking data cell
1297588Integrated planning: Messages are not displayed
1297254The column width for multiline header cells is too large
1297177java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException from filterpane
1297126Analysis modification scrolling
1296945BEx Web 7.0: Performance Improvements in Analysis Item
1296575RRI: REPLACE_WEB_APPLICATION opens new window
1296327KM BI Bookmarks ignore "Launch in New Window" iView property
1295943Properties pane terminates when called as a dialog
1295858BEx Web 7.0: KM bookmarks: 'Page not found or not available'
1295281Error E21 There is no valid data provider assigned in WAD
1294724Command before initial rendering in broadcasting pdf
1294302Chart item: Incorrect chart is returned when exporting chart
1294228Improving the message texts in the input help
1294187Nav. pane:Termination if you use universal display hierarchy
1294125Web API: Selection cannot be transferred to structure
1293833Thousand separator is not displayed correctly
1293069BEx Web: Ad hoc formula is not displayed
1292805BEx Web: Dialog box only closes after second attempt
1292696Analysis modification: Fixed column width and line break
1292295Variable values for view are not deleted in Web template
1292163Analysis modification: User-defined symbols for exception
1292078Structure, Keyfigure missing in WAD for value help selection
1291760Column width is incorrect if line selection is activated
1290890Performance does not improve despite Note 1128508
1288615ChartItem: Legend title is ignored
1287860BEx Web Analyzer rendering error for right-to-left languages
1287397BEx Web 7.0: Path instead of image in Firefox browser
1286964NW 7.0 BI Web = character is not exported correctly to Excel
1286799Header cell contains no text even though accessible=x
1286175Node suppression: Calculate result or single value as
1285797Input help in variable screen returns incorrect node
1285404BEx Web 7.0: Corrections in bookmarking functionality
1284948Structure element: Technical name not displayed
1284819Dropdown item with default QueryViewSelection doesnot work
1284716Null pointer document integration
1284697Map Item: Clicking on the map does not work properly
1283848Drag and Drop
1283647Document in contextmenu not shown for calculated key figure
1282615Dump: while creating the exception in web analyzer
1282354BEx Web: Exceptions in Flicker Free (EhP1) or Context Menu
1282099Map item: Compound characterstics not supported
1281715BEx Web 7.0: Nervous Finger Problem - iView reload
1281644SAP NW 7.0 BI BEx Web Application, hierarchy, context menu
1281309Hierarchy texts not displayed after characteristics changed
1281308Results rows not supressed in universal display hierarchy
1280505BICS_PROV_GET_MEMBER_ACC_PROP called several times
1280158NullPointerException - multiple hierarchy on Document Icon
1280069BEx Web 7.0: Additional behaviour on bookmark loading
1279310Incorr. dflt val. for menu param. to display separators abve
1279133Selection binding DATA_PROVIDER_RESULT_SET transfers TOTAL
1279039Mismatch between ABAP and J2EE certificate format(SP,ST)
1278217Filter pane item: Filter not set for node
1278082DataProvider Info item: Termination when loading a template
1278075Attributes: java.lang.NullPointerException in input help
1277832Quick Info doesn't work in Menu Item
1277141The drag and drop function of attributes does not work
1276788Text with hierarchy in columns not displayed completely
1276197SAP BI Export Library: Wrong outline x coordinates
1274684Calendar selection does not correspond to selection sequence
1274146Message list item: Messages are not updated
1274086ChartItem: Added tooltips for charts without contextmenu
1274084Bex Web 7.0: CLEAR_VARIABLES does not work correctly
1273079SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0 context menu filter and drill down
1273024Variable values and filter values from bookmarks are lost
1272567NW 7.0 BI Web: Browser goes back when "Backspace" key chosen
1272543Export WD ALV to PDF terminates due to zero-terminated texts
1272474Partially-compounded values are displayed incorrectly
1272402Units are displayed with their key values
1271159NullPointerException when refreshing a view
1270593Input help: You cannot exclude selection
1270294Inital display of hierarchy selection when hier. is inactive
1270249Hierarchy node variable is not transferred: Planning
1269411Excluded sel. for compounding has non-compounding effect
1269357Filter pane: Maximum number of characters ignored
1267585StackOverflow while retrieving infoprovider documents
1267445SAP BI Export Library: Symbol TrueType Font Compatibility
1266745Arithmetic Exception - Divide by Zero - Analysis Item
1265740Export of list of conditions and list of exceptions
1265421Characteristic ... has no master data for "..."
1264531Filter looks strange after drag and drop
1264412Table width changes when you scroll
1263854Display axis as hierarchy: Chart displays nodes
1263602Info field: Missing hierarchy information
1261761Variant saved with one ER is shown in all Reports
1260626Open dialog Web: Views are displayed along with Queries
1260252Ad hoc formulas:Ranking order on axis incorr.for query views
1260188Properties pane: UnsupportedOperationException
1260133Variable screen Web: Variable value parser error
1260042Values of Web item parameters not retained
1259019Multiple values not visible in document assignment
1258608NW 2004s BI Web Reporting: Filtering result via context menu
1257956NW 7.0 BI WEB: Exception in currency translation dialog
1257254Query view does not take currency translation into account
1257235BEx Web Dialogs in Business Client
1256788Ad hoc forms: Problems when bookmarks are loaded
1255346Dropping hierarchy member onto member only works 2nd time
1254755Message item: Incorrect height when messages are suppressed
1254029Decimal places ignored when there are values of 0,0
1253745Incorrect operator sequence in formula editor
1252550ClassCastException after choosing setting button in selector
1252545Cannot save a view in BEx Web Analyzer
1252317Focus on input field only set by double click
1251121BEx Web 7.0: Display Support Information in Error Pages
1250308BEx Web 7.0: Nullpointer in Message class
1249659BEx Web 7.0: Cache-validity is not taken into account
1249315Drag and drop error if selection state not supported
1249193Data cells blank when expanded
1245015BEx Web 70 + FPN Scenario: NullPointer after patch 16/30
1244455System does not display attribute values
1244352RRI: Jump targets with NavigationTarget do not work
1244054Error "Invalid value type"
1243596java.lang.NullPointerException ResultCalculator
1242060Poor performance if there are invalid values in variables
1241986Exit variable does not overwrite bookmark state
1241335BEx Web 7.0: Cancel in Variable Screen removes Variants
1240207Node display reversed
1239262Exception is not updated for new list calculation
1239179Drop characteristic of other DataProvider in filter pane
1238370java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
1237921View variable values are not transferred
1237767Information field item displayed as key instead of text
1237617Zero suppression removes too many rows/columns
1237237Invalid program status: Incompatible variables
1236762ReportItem stack overflow for ref. to total no. of pages
1236682BEx Web 7.0: ClassCastException getCurrentNavigationContext
1235840Analysis:Modification: Termination if parameter is incorrect
1234615Incorrect vertical alignment with DocumentContent
1234444Analysis modification: NumberFormatException
1233702No separator between entries in the menu bar
1233170Performance improvements when you have large lists
1233168Normalization to group level returns incorrect result
1232224Context menu does not appear in MS Internet Explorer
1229903Properties pane: Initials > Maximum Hierarchy Depth
1229759BEx Web 7.0: Incorrect redirect to on exception
1229639Execution of report takes long time
1229635NullPointerException after you choose filter link
1229598WAD: Properties pane reports error during data binding
1229474SAP BI Export Library: Text lacks trailing letters
1228748Exceptions evaluated incorrectly
1225052SAP BI ExportLib: JFIF not being handled
1180563Hierarchy node settings and sorting disappear
1179449Multiline text in hdr cell displayed incorrectly in Firefox
1178570Parent of a valid element is about to be deleted
1178516Analysis modification exception occurs displaying documents
1177446Deselecting cells in analysis item is slow
1177040BEx Web 7.0: Save As in KM - NullPointerException SPS 17/10
1177015BEx Web 7.0: Save to KM Bookmark - wrong iView or Page
1177014BEx Web 7.0: Command SetDataProviderParam & lost variables
1176221Incorrect values: "Calculate single value as" normalization
1175951SAP BI ExportLib: missing text
1174940Bookmarks not processed correctly in broadcasting
1174776NullPointerException in list calculation (rank)
1174124Condition not used with active axis hierarchy
1174102java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in BEx Web applications
1173429SAP BI ExportLib: Wrong colspan handling/corrupted documents
1170641Long runtime in BICS_PROV_GET_MEMBERS
1170453Sorting has changed: BICS_PROV_GET_PRESENTATIONS
1170189Scaling factors are not displayed
1169789Map item: Microsoft Excel export does not work correctly
1169737Report-report interface has no data
1169692Exception when exporting images to Excel
1168440Separator is displayed incorrectly in the menu bar
1168370NullPointerException during variable selection
1168365Entering a value results in an incorrect value
1166921Default font not used when font path empty
1163426BEx Web 7.0: Export to Excel: Document cannot be downloaded
1162008BEx Web 7.0: Command sequences with changing variables
1161325Error in cell height in the analysis item
1160926ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when expanding nodes
1159833BEx Web 7.0: Back commands and Clear Variables parameter
1159783"Calculate results as" does not work for hierarchy nodes
1159551Selector instances are not released correctly
1159519Exceptions on input-ready cells are not displayed
1159346Opening document causes error (500 internal server error)
1158711Input help: Incorrect calendar days selected
1158341BEx Web 7.0: Viariable values lost after DataProvider change
1158339BEx Web 7.0: Language dependent texts in request language
1157696SAP BI ExportLib: faulty resized transparent GIF in PCL
1155659You cannot exclude hierarchy nodes in F4 help
1155434Units or currencies displayed incorrectly; StackOverFlow
1155218IndexOutOfBoundsException when expanding nodes
1153857BEx Web Analysis Item: selection in rows, changing variables
1153083Values in filter dropdown are always displayed as text
1152905UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION in the Java Web runtime
1152418SAP BI ExportLib: Image transparency/color problems in PCL
1151794Hierarchy node variable does not react to date change
1151721SAP BI ExportLib: supportability (internal versioning)
1150893BI70: Command Sequences with Browser Dialogs
1150664SAP BI ExportLib: PDF text copy and paste loses format info
1149361NullPointerException occurs during active list calculation
1149261Manual entry of hierarchy node variables is inadequate
1149253Report contains a blank first page
1148683F4: Null pointer exception if authorization is missing
1148610Enter a valid value for characteristic X
1148493Error during export to MS Excel with certain templates
1148296Attribute values not displayed if not activated initially
1148261Report item: Incorrect error message when accessing results
1147966Sorting by attribute: java.lang.ClassCastException
1147786Incorrect values during normalization
1147478Calendar transfers previous day intead of selected day
1147297Error messages are not repeated/retained
1146825BEx Broadcaster: Current state is not taken into account
1145685Report item crashes after you click hierarchy node
1144125Broadcasting views returns query drilldown
1144122Input help chooses several values instead of selected value
1144089Exception is not used
1143396Variable values cause problems when var screen called again
1143126Display of REST_H instead of "Not assigned"
1142916Broadcasting: "Reference to DataProvider is not valid"
1138372Filter not available when you call a bookmark
1136894BicsProgrammErrorException in applyHierarchyOnTupleElement
1136448Values of duplicate leaves are not displayed
1134661Report-report interface and empty cells
1130647Distribution to portal - KM attributes missing
1130324Report item NullPointer in isAttributeMemberPresentation()
1130216Exporting to PCD: Directory selection: Portal Runtime Error
1127452A node without lower-level nodes is displayed as expanded
1126478Zero suppresson in input-ready rows
1123670Input help terminates when called from the exception wizard
1121272Query cannot be loaded in Report Designer
1119972Time key figures greater than 24 hours displayed incorrectly
1119577Currency not translated
1119392Display of mixed values truncated
1117909F4 Nullpointer after direct value input in new lines
1117705Class CL_RSRD_PRODUCER_PRECALC delivers no document
1116203Distributing Web templates with STATELESS=X: NullPointer
1115575Hierarchy disappears when you refresh variables
1114714UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION, temporal hierarchy
1114159Message: Please enter a valid value for characteristic &
1113195Improving performance when there are several data providers
1112297Swap axes: Operation is not supported
1112296Hierarchy node text not displayed in fixed filter
1111470Poor performance during filtering with many single values
1110892500 Internal Server Error - Hierarchy authroization
1110760Hierarchy nodes are displayed with leading zeros
1109151Incorrect values in calculated results and hierarchies
1108367Parent of a valid element is about to be deleted!
1106044Java.lang.NullPointException: Summation or average
1101542java.lang.NullPointerException: Min or max
1100003Planning lock not released despite command
1098231Values displayed with 2 decimal places
1096863Report contains a blank final page
1095989Filter navigation using control query with variables
1095615Optional numeric variables have the value 0
1094731Texts for characteristic values disappear
1093860Sorting according to selection does not work
1093807Broadcasting PDF, PCL or PS: No margins
1093523Precalculation with filter navigation: NullPointerException
1093316Termination during bursting w/ filter: NullPointerException
1093161Broadcasting uses obsolete variable values
1092812Date and time are formatted incorrectly for initial values
1092628No footer rows with "Do Not Separate Group" w/o header rows
1091889Input help terminates during call w/invalid characteristic
1091467Input help exclude from intervals not possible
1088411German umlauts displayed incorr. in data provider info item
1087853Variable display in Java Web and BEx Analyzer differs
1087037Axis hierarchy: Too much data, Parent of a valid element is
1086275Author and last changed by not correct for text item
1085446Poor performance due to result suppression
1084007Nullpointer if hierarchy for node variables is missing
1075125Unauthorized data displayed when structure element expanded
1074801Hierarchy variables have default value & terminations occur
1073994Input help text search returns unexpected results
1073668Report item key figures display binding error
1071887NullPointerException in list calculation
1071167Input help for variables is sorted and displayed incorrectly
1069259WAD 7.0: Web Items cannot be deleted, even if unused
1069222NetWeaver 2004s BI Java SPS - Patch Delivery Instrucition
1069221Report item: Incorrect wrapping of cell contents and texts
1068912Exceptions do not work after the list calculation
1068341The system displays percentages without % signs
1064185java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException, charact. combinations
1062608Long runtimes if you use an info field item
1061825Calculate results as, calculate details as, cumulation
1061677SET_DATA_CELL_PROPERITES command only affects one cell
1060894Invalid program status: Invalid info object type for a node
1060410Invalid selection operator: EQUAL
1060071Sorting by value even though condition inactive
1058428For charecteristic ... different hierarchies are used
1056765Termination when you use hierarchy variables/node variables
1054651Command LAUNCH_BROADCASTER for distributing report
1052733SET_SELECTION_STATE_BY_BINDING does not transfer node filter
1051218Analysis item: New rows, attributes are ready for input
1051077Info field item: Variables without value not suppressed
1050020Dropdown box: Navigational state is lost
1049112New rows and plus/minus sign reversal do not work
1048994Filter pane item: No dropdowns when tray is collapsed
1048931RRI: REPLACE_WEB_APPLICATION in portal page replaces page
1048035Information field item: MultiProvider terminates
1047455Hierarchical filter selection: Data not updated
1046992Information Field Web item: Line break in headings
1046409Exception: Different value types for a data cell
1045323BEx Web: Rounding errors
1044513Termination with data binding type STATIC_OPTION_LIST_MANUAL
1043872Termination when loading bookmark or query view
1042974Determining node alignment: Name of hierarchy is superfluous