209536 | Transport connection for VOFM routines |
598475 | XPRA RV80HGEN when transporting VOFM objects |
188809 | SDINVOFM displays incorrect information |
406054 | PERFORM_NOT_FOUND: VOFM-objects in add-on system |
329263 | Maintenance of copy routines for MFA not possible |
383544 | Problems when creating VOFM routines for AFS |
198630 | VOFM: TADIR entry in spite of termination |
417947 | Termination MOVE_TO_LIT_NOTALLOWED_NODATA in VOFM transactio |
1170000 | VOFM: Problems when copying formulas with enhancements |
356737 | Customer name range for VOFM routines |
206191 | VOFM: TADIR entry in spite of termination II |
400040 | Various problems with VOFM, O5F5, O54R (IS-Oil vers. 385067) |
388998 | VOFM: Check report for entries in TFRM/TFRMT |
1236911 | Customer-specific copy. req. RV45B602 deleted during upgrade |
594229 | 'Orginal System' for VOFM objects |
108774 | Cash discount for billing docs w/ negative final amount |
408091 | Correct syntax error in /AFS/SAPLIDOC_PRICE_RETAIL |
321839 | Menu path formula definition for gross/net rules missing |
590252 | CRM Brazil: Tax rate displayed if tax is not applicable |
93534 | OIL-MAP Assignment user-exit routines+carrier pgm. |
326560 | Various problems when using VOFM functions |
727391 | New Objects (excluding DDIC) for ISS, PIS, COFINS; CSSL |
446915 | IS-Oil: Dropped/moved user exits between 31H + 4.x |
385067 | Various problems with VOFM functions in Release 4.6C |
759965 | New Condition Formulas for MP-135 and ISS 2004 |
338393 | Message VL200 for the batch sales order stock |
458361 | Customizing correction in/for pricing procedure WTY |
603576 | Condition 8 fails for subtotals |
950775 | Creation of formroutine for CS Default Values is not allowed |
715399 | Exemption for bollo in Italy |
983822 | Upgrading to AFS 6.0: Changes in Application modules |
381348 | Using user exit, customer exit, VOFM in SD |
403288 | Error in the pricing after ATP split |
393012 | VOFM: Syntax error for user-defined routines |
867942 | VAT Pro-Rata: Calculation formula |
449546 | Access requirement in account determination does not work |
621715 | Syntax Error in Billing after SP9 application in 470 |
303827 | Enable Group Conditions 4 and 5 in IS-OIL 4.0B |
323299 | Pricing syntax error after applying hotpack 45 |
308296 | CONVT_NO_NUMBER termination with 'Activate all' |
568446 | Argentina: Credit invoice funcionality |
425737 | Advice note collection: Risk management, miscellaneous |
98417 | Roundoff using T001R |
51481 | Group conditions: Zero prices are active |
84229 | Third party - partial delivery - billing for GR and IR |
91761 | Incorrect weights/volumes f.replenishmnt deliveries |
386244 | CS: double Include statements after formula transport |
524453 | Purchasing text determination is not transported |
398105 | Delivery receives credit block with change of delivery |
378623 | TAB/TAS item: Message V1178 occurs too often |
28683 | PERFORM_NOT_FOUND: VOFM routine is not active |
78167 | Currency on item level (Workaround) |
39818 | Condition formula and user exit in billing doc. |
1025825 | Deactivation with tax exemption licenses incorrect |
191572 | Pricing is incomplete without clear reason |
26277 | Change risk class: Sales order -> delivery |
19942 | Considering a manually changed group condition |
572758 | Customer extension overwritten during upgrade |
394488 | Customer formula routines 600/631 - 635 lost after upgrade |
488271 | Data transp routine 'Billing document->Bill doc' n executed |
33258 | Processing free-of-charge items |
628306 | Enhancement for use of 'Enhanced rebate processing' |
98290 | Requirement 40 for tax exemption licenses |
721345 | Rounding due amount for billing documents |
35806 | Tax exemption licenses for France |
1338876 | Pricing not be retermined in a sales order copy from billing |
19712 | Manual cond. should correspond to pricing condition |
82876 | Predefined scale basis in partial invoices |
97288 | Down payment processing with Tax Jurisdiction Code |
809820 | Userexit concept for pricing |
603984 | Billing Split for Proforma Invoices: VAT Rules, India - 2003 |
515349 | Invoice split during retroactive billing |
22808 | Transferring formulas |
605041 | Routine 350 for determining billing type for VAT - India |
114978 | Generation report use within IS-Oil |
73664 | Print indicator: subtotals with same value |
593672 | Tax exemption license in Italy (2) |
489542 | SD: Slovakia: 10-Heller-rounding in country currency |
914627 | No open credit value despite confirmed quantity |
1166653 | Incorrect deactivation for tax exemption licenses (2) |
33382 | Free-of-charge items in intercompany billing |
96521 | Oil: Delete TRESN-reservation because of user-exit |
108488 | VOFM: Problems with access key |
140711 | Brazil: Enabling Intercompany Billing w Nota Fiscal |
327220 | VOFM function and its objects |
161072 | BR:SD: Alternative rounding for Nota Fiscal |
1081176 | RCMGT FCX RGX Post installation tasks for Shipment routing |
92321 | Foreign trade: field overflow from preference determination |
15462 | The cost in the billing document is '0' |
46573 | Weight header conditions in the billing document |
489676 | External billing documents cannot be cancelled due to VF 188 |
93533 | OIL-EXG Assignment user-exit routines+carrier pgm. |
137339 | Cleared billing documents can be cancelled |
53593 | Q&A - Delivery text from stock transfer order |
393304 | Confirmed quantity not cancelled in spite of block |
883378 | DP90 with down payment: Partial down payment clearing |
724354 | DP90: Information from contract instead of sales document |
102374 | Constant net price during milestone billing |
674112 | Updating of credit values in spite of credit block |
74794 | Maximum condition basis in billing document |