1703639 | Performance improvement BD87 by secondary index |
1799039 | SAP GUI:ABAP dump with TABLES_SCND_KEYS_NOT_IN_RFC exception |
328434 | Note 144250 implementd incorrectly in Support Packg |
433629 | FI ALE outbound processing: IDoc not sent - it is in tRFC |
74777 | ALE/EDI:BD87 IDocs can be imported several times |
1307419 | SAPSUPPORT on satellite systems could not run st05_e2e |
839868 | BOM:IDOC error message field RC29P-J_2CKZLB doesn't exist |
176108 | LOAD_NO_SPACE_FOR_TABLE for RBDAPP01 logical msg OILLDD |
160538 | No blocks on cond. tables when changing info record |
722911 | ETM screen in customer master batch input cannot be hidden |
452911 | Exception OBART_INVALID with scope of application for ALE |
1173863 | INVOIC: Tax reporting date in IDoc missing |
710201 | Endless loop in IDoc when postprocessing the configuration |
375951 | INVOIC-FI: no data for screen SAPLFWTD 0100 |
118244 | SAPLIEDI: Error message 00330 'session not opened' |
1458008 | INVOIC/batch input: Message 00 349 for field BSEG-WMWST |
1461418 | Exception condition "FAILURE" raised in BAPI_PO_CHANGE |
1034551 | Messages missing in BAPIRET2 after you call BAPI |
565438 | IDOC: Error message M7036/M7001 in IDOC mass processing |
991316 | CUA: Company addresses are not distributed |
1107679 | INVOIC: Incorrect freight posting at header level |
497649 | External CRM interfaces: IDoc and SOAP/XML monitoring |
431449 | INVOIC-FI: incorrect IDocs with status 64 |
140685 | INVOIC01: Invoice is posted as a credit memo |
357801 | EDI INVOIC: performance with very large IDocs |
420849 | EDI inbound DESADV, error message ME786 |
449167 | OIL:Empty MARC fields after ALE transfer of IS-OIL materials |
120714 | EDI INVOIC01: Standard unit of measure from OBCE |
367003 | Intercompany billing INVOIC: 00344 / balance error |
310680 | DESADV: Status 51 when importing inbound deliveries |
332821 | C+065 w/ split valuation & material ledger |
155345 | ALE: Parallel processing not optimal in ALE inbound |
1390128 | HUFUNCTIONS 034 when creating inb. del from outb. del (w/HU) |
316661 | Master data ALE: several symptoms |
1370306 | Specification: Updating/distributing dangerous goods data |
1024468 | Error log in accounting IDOCS |
1032469 | INVOIC01/02: Field BSEG-BSCHL (1) (is not an input field) |
512983 | FI ALE: F5079 with FIDCC1/2, error in SP SAPKH45B51 |
187802 | BBP goods receipt cannot be posted |
1038146 | ALE: Combining phrases and posting SUBMAS IDocs |
375566 | Large number of entries in tRFC and qRFC tables |
197050 | ORDRSP, DESADV: IDoc segment number in the case of an error |
546604 | FAQ: INVOIC-IDoc, EDI, internal allocation |
561880 | Requests hang because IDocs are not processed |
338985 | BBPCF & IV: incorrect IDocs in backend system |
328273 | FIDCC1: B1358 no status record for ext.data transfer |
1320940 | Prerequisites for CQC service: BPA and BPO |
159924 | FI ALE: Analysis and correction programs |
480541 | Dump for postings via ALE in the receiver system |
392978 | INVOIC-FI posted, IDOC still has status 64 |
373675 | Problems with invoice generation (check list) |
551035 | IDOC overview in FI |
912858 | FAQ's on AFS-SD |