Transaction SAP OBCE - C FI Gestion table T076S

Notes associées
120714EDI INVOIC01: Standard unit of measure from OBCE
173834EDI-INVOIC: Error B1357 for document split
207692INVOIC: IDOC with error 00256; no line items
144971INVOIC01/02:Srch./dscnt postd twice on header level
382639EDI: Standard entry for program parameters in OBCE
1107679INVOIC: Incorrect freight posting at header level
428726INVOIC FI: no summarization for intercompany billing
431449INVOIC-FI: incorrect IDocs with status 64
309554FB01: Barcode dialog box in batch input with 'C'
1101222INVOIC: err.msg. 00344 for srchgs/price red. at header level
357801EDI INVOIC: performance with very large IDocs
367003Intercompany billing INVOIC: 00344 / balance error
367671INVOIC: G/L account for discounts is incorrect
137686ALE_INVOIC01: Internal allocatn Customizing in FI
1032469INVOIC01/02: Field BSEG-BSCHL (1) (is not an input field)
454807INVOIC: incorrect G/L accounts or item amounts
546604FAQ: INVOIC-IDoc, EDI, internal allocation
122362EDI-INVOIC: Document split/ processing credit memos
127178Questions about user exits in IDoc INVOIC01 (FI)
130772SAPLIEDI:Surchrgs or discnts;line items w/ amnt '0'
142642ALE inbound invoices FI:collective note f. INVOIC
392978INVOIC-FI posted, IDOC still has status 64
150120EDI INVOIC01: Posting external invoices into FI