374087 | DB6: BW 2.0B on DB2 UDB EEE: DBDIFF Handling |
407530 | AS/400: BW 2.0B/2.1C on DB2/400: DBDIFF Handling |
907443 | Oracle database monitor |
177312 | DB2/390: Update DB02 cannot be scheduled in DB13 |
1056692 | DB2-z/OS:CCMS: Shortdump/wrong conn. during DB02 refresh |
170319 | DB2/390: Poor error handling in DB02 Refresh |
107700 | DB02: Incomplete data after importing Note 84060 |
208797 | DB6: DB02 -> No EXPLAIN- and ADVISE tab in the dictionary |
640994 | CCMS adjustments for SAP DB versions >= 7.4 |
1108016 | DB02N: Transaction code is deleted |
320166 | No list in detailed analysis in DB02 (Informix) |
638610 | DB02 reports ALL indexes missing after upgrading to 4.7 |
748297 | DB6: ST04 "No systems are enabled or configured" |
1501786 | DB02: Primary index is missing for table WBCROSSGT |
335921 | DB2/390: DB02 Space statistics is incomplete |
418037 | DB2/390: LISTCAT job fails in Transaction DB02 |
358779 | INF: Informix monitor program corrections |
378100 | DB2/390: BC_FIELD_OVERFLOW in DB02 |
161540 | DB2/390: DB02 Refresh of the database data |
593881 | DB6: dmdb6srp,dmdb6rts - improved table and index sizes |
866325 | DB2-z/OS: Configure JES joblog directory |
406585 | DB2/390: Problems with DB02 after transports imported |
102661 | DB2/390: Core dump in DB02 detld analysis of tables |
193201 | Views PEUxxxxx and TEUxxxxx unknown in DDIC |
790292 | Filestat table raises warnings in DB02 or brconnect |
115422 | DB2/390: DB13 Backup, missing tablespaces |
214017 | DB2/390: Short dump TABLE_INVALID_INDEX in RSDB2060 |
503505 | DB6: Inconsistent entries in transaction DB02 |
608510 | DBIF_DSQL2_OBJ_UNKNOWN in db02 or st04 |
181609 | DB02- Get_LARGEST_TABLES used,reserved columns interchanged |
841002 | DB6: SQL0440 when you use Version 8 with FixPak 9 or higher |
217538 | DB2/390: poor performance for table selection DB02 |
103149 | AS/400: DB02 delivers incorrect inconsistencies |
401242 | Problems with InfoCube or aggregate indexes |
15374 | Checklist: Performance analysis |
172175 | DB2/390: invlid times DB2J, DB02 menu funcs missing |
102973 | AS/400: Ger. menus, DB02 adjust. & RSDB4DBA missing |
928835 | DB2-z/OS: DB02 refresh fails |
351390 | DB2/390:DB02 space Stats incorr. average values |
536575 | Informix: Error when setting up X/Y SID tables |
100777 | DB2/390: DB02 update delivers no storage parameter |
138547 | DB2/390:Reaching abap/heaplimit during refresh DB02 |
101752 | DB2/390: Platform-specific errors in 4.0B |
119817 | AS/400: DB02 reports missing DB table TSP6D |
176998 | DB2/390: DB02 terminates with CONVT_NO_NUMBER |
319002 | AS/400: DB02 reports an inconsistency for system catalog vie |
664034 | DB6: DB02 displays missing indexes in APO |
390080 | DB2/390: Short dump in DB13/DB02 due to too high par.values |
875798 | Index rebuilds (Oracle) for R&R specific CRM tables |
407528 | AS/400: DB2/400 indexing Schema of the BW Fact Tables |
1068628 | DB02: 30 tables starting with 'DB6' not known in DDIC |
509931 | DB6: Deleted tables and index history in DB02 |
868681 | Oracle Database 10g/11g: Database Release Check |
1337540 | Wrong Oracle Table History Data in Service Download |
143956 | Update Statistics: SAPDBA Release 4.5x new strategy |
1278913 | SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR dump for many index partitions |
988336 | ORACLE: Inconsistencies occur with large objects |
1139396 | Temporary database objects in BW 7.X |
587943 | DB02_ORA_SELECT_DBA_SEGMENTS dumps! |
154394 | DB2/390: Del.of LISTCAT output files dur.DB02 refr. |
427826 | Error during the index handling of APO InfoCubes in BW 2.x |
449891 | Temporary database objects in BW 3.x |
184275 | AS/400 Missing Primary Indexes in DB02 |
308533 | Temporary Database Objects in BW 2.0 |
328322 | DB6: DB2 UDB EEE Indexing Scheme of BW Facttables |
157918 | BW: DB02 shows "missing indexes" |
452275 | 'Problem with UDF installation' error message |
140052 | Update statistics: Contents of the log table |
148055 | Fixes for MS SQL Server DB monitor tools |
135224 | DB2/390: JCL submission - process hangs |
107577 | DB2/390: Problems with JCL submission service |
553621 | DB6: No history data in the application monitor (ST07) |
374092 | DB2/390: Corrections in DB02, DB03, ST04 and RZ20 |
1490934 | DBACockpit: EXPORT_TOO_MUCH_DATA during collection job |
481162 | DB6: dmdb6rdi extension for 6.10 DBA Cockpit |
1427030 | DB6: Container specifications for tablespaces not changeable |
46519 | AS/400: Missing values on DB02 initial screen |
110069 | DB2/390: Correction for DB13, DB02 (CCMS) |
1421157 | DB6: SQL error 204 when accessing table DBSTATC |
1002641 | SQL error -4004/-942 in DB02 during index consistency check |
863623 | iSeries: AS400_API unable to connect... ST04, DB02, CCMS |
1482296 | DVM Service: analysed data volume incorrect (Oracle) |
446045 | STM$BH table displayed as 'missing table' in DDIC |
310157 | IDES-BW 2.0A / 4.6A |
834506 | ORA-00235 when running transaction DB02 |
509571 | DB6: DBA cockpit cannot be started after system copy |
1583303 | Deferred Segment Creation |
91772 | Tables/indexes: Moni has 1 entries with key |
1094305 | BW indexes with incorrect names (only NW 2004s) |
353352 | DB2-z/OS: CCMS system slow to determine DB2 object names |
713211 | Poor performance of database collector and DB02 |
178476 | High increase of table ACCTIT, ACCTHD or ACCTCR |
64335 | Resize and autoextend with ORACLE 7 and Oracle 8 |