SAP Table T024 - Purchasing Groups

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
EKGRP X EKGRP CHAR 3 3 0 T024 Purchasing Group
EKNAM EKNAM CHAR 6 18 0 Description of purchasing group
EKTEL EKTEL CHAR 24 12 0 Telephone number of purchasing group (buyer group)
LDEST RSPOPNAME CHAR 36 4 0 TSP03 Spool: Output device
TELFX EKTFX CHAR 40 31 0 Fax number of purchasing (buyer) group
TEL_NUMBER AD_TLNMBR CHAR 71 30 0 Telephone no.: dialling code+number
TEL_EXTENS AD_TLXTNS CHAR 101 10 0 Telephone no.: Extension
SMTP_ADDR AD_SMTPADR CHAR 111 241 0 E-Mail Address

1552769Mass change of order operations
457497FAQ: Message processing in purchasing
1346656Portal: Search help not available for the component fields
559396T024: E-mail address and longer telephone number
415325Form 941: line 14 deposits are under- or overstated