SAP Table WOSCR_GRP_001 - SRS Convenience Retailing - Grouping of Accounts

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
CBL_GROUP X WOSCR_GRP CHAR 3 10 0 WOSCR_GRP_001 Group of Accounts in the Cash Balancing Internet Application
DOC_TYPE BLART CHAR 13 2 0 T003 Document Type
MULTI_SEL WOSCR_MULTI_SEL NUMC 15 2 0 Number of Single Values for Selecting Postings
CBL_ADDIN WOSCR_CBL_POSTING CHAR 17 20 0 Cash Balancing: Filter Value for Business Add-In WOSCR_CBL
CHRT_ACCTS KTOPL CHAR 37 4 0 T004 Chart of Accounts
KOPRO POSINTPROF CHAR 41 4 0 TWPIS POS inbound profile
REASON_GRP WOSCR_CBL_RSNGRP CHAR 45 4 0 WOSCR_RSN_GRP Cash Balancing: Group for Reasons for Deviations