SAP Table WDFR_POS - Perishables Planninng Item

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
FBELN X WDFR_FBELN CHAR 3 10 0 Perishables Planning Number
FPOSN X WDFR_FPOSN NUMC 13 5 0 WDFR_POS Item Number for Perishables Planning List
FPOSB X WDFR_FPOSB NUMC 18 5 0 WDFR_POS Item Number for Procurement
FPOSA X WDFR_FPOSA NUMC 23 5 0 WDFR_POS Item Number for the Goods Issue
IBELN WDFR_FBELN CHAR 28 10 0 Perishables Planning Number
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 38 4 0 T001W Plant
DISPNR WDFR_NUM5 NUMC 42 5 0 Item number of inbound document buffer
MATNR MATNR CHAR 47 18 0 MARA Material Number
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 65 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
LOCNR LOCNR CHAR 75 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number for Plant
TABIX SYTABIX INT4 88 10 0 Index of Internal Tables
SELKZ SELKZ CHAR 92 1 0 Selection Indicator
IPOSN WDFR_FPOSN NUMC 93 5 0 WDFR_POS Item Number for Perishables Planning List
IPOSB WDFR_FPOSB NUMC 98 5 0 WDFR_POS Item Number for Procurement
IPOSA WDFR_FPOSA NUMC 103 5 0 WDFR_POS Item Number for the Goods Issue
LINPUTKZ WDFR_LINPUTKZ CHAR 108 1 0 Input code for vendor number
LIEFNR WDFR_LIEFNR CHAR 109 10 0 LFA1 Vendor number that can be filled as desired
LNAME1 NAME1 CHAR 119 30 0 Name
LORT01 ORT01 CHAR 149 25 0 City
FWERKS WERKS_D CHAR 174 4 0 T001W Plant
FNAME1 NAME1 CHAR 178 30 0 Name
FORT01 ORT01 CHAR 208 25 0 City
DEBNR KUNNR CHAR 233 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
FLOCNR KUNNR CHAR 243 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 253 4 0 T001 Company Code
VKORG VKORG CHAR 257 4 0 TVKO Sales Organization
VTWEG VTWEG CHAR 261 2 0 TVTW Distribution Channel
SPART SPART CHAR 263 2 0 TSPA Division
LAND1 LAND1 CHAR 265 3 0 T005 Country Key
MAKTX MAKTX CHAR 268 40 0 Material Description (Short Text)
EMATN EMATNR CHAR 308 18 0 MARA Material Number
ATTYP ATTYP CHAR 326 2 0 Material Category
UEBPO UEBPO NUMC 328 5 0 EKPO Higher-Level Item in Purchasing Documents
UPTYP UPTYP CHAR 333 1 0 Subitem Category, Purchasing Document
UPVOR UPVOR CHAR 334 1 0 Subitems Exist
KTMNG KTMNG QUAN 335 13 3 Target Quantity
MENGE BSTMG QUAN 342 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
PLANM WDFR_PLANM QUAN 349 13 3 Planned Quantity
MEINS BSTME UNIT 356 3 0 T006 Purchase Order Unit of Measure
BPRME BBPRM UNIT 359 3 0 T006 Order Price Unit (Purchasing)
BPUMZ BPUMZ DEC 362 5 0 Numerator for Conversion of Order Price Unit into Order Unit
BPUMN BPUMN DEC 365 5 0 Denominator for Conv. of Order Price Unit into Order Unit
UMREZ UMBSZ DEC 368 5 0 Numerator for Conversion of Order Unit to Base Unit
UMREN UMBSN DEC 371 5 0 Denominator for Conversion of Order Unit to Base Unit
NETPR BPREI CURR 374 11 2 Net Price in Purchasing Document (in Document Currency)
PEINH EPEIN DEC 380 5 0 Price Unit
NETWR BWERT CURR 383 13 2 Net Order Value in PO Currency
BRTWR BBWERT CURR 390 13 2 Gross order value in PO currency
WAERS WAERS CUKY 397 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
BMENGE BSTMG QUAN 402 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
BMEINS MEINS UNIT 409 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
EBELN EBELN CHAR 412 10 0 EKKO Purchasing Document Number
EBELP EBELP NUMC 422 5 0 EKPO Item Number of Purchasing Document
LOEKZ ELOEK CHAR 427 1 0 Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Document
STATU ASTAT CHAR 428 1 0 RFQ status
AEDAT PAEDT DATS 429 8 0 Purchasing Document Item Change Date
LGORT LGORT_D CHAR 437 4 0 T001L Storage Location
BEDNR BEDNR CHAR 441 10 0 Requirement Tracking Number
MATKL MATKL CHAR 451 9 0 T023 Material Group
INFNR INFNR CHAR 460 10 0 EINA Number of Purchasing Info Record
IDNLF IDNLF CHAR 470 35 0 Material Number Used by Vendor
AGDAT ANGAB DATS 505 8 0 Deadline for Submission of Bid/Quotation
WEBAZ WEBAZ DEC 513 3 0 Goods Receipt Processing Time in Days
MWSKZ MWSKZ CHAR 515 2 0 Sales Tax Code
BONUS EBONU CHAR 517 2 0 Settlement Group 1 (Purchasing)
INSMK INSMK CHAR 519 1 0 Stock Type
SPINF SPINF CHAR 520 1 0 Indicator: Update Info Record
PRSDR PRSDR CHAR 521 1 0 Price Printout
SCHPR SCHPR CHAR 522 1 0 Indicator: Estimated Price
MAHNZ MAHNZ DEC 523 3 0 Number of Reminders/Expediters
MAHN1 MAHN1 DEC 525 3 0 Number of Days for First Reminder/Expediter
MAHN2 MAHN2 DEC 527 3 0 Number of Days for Second Reminder/Expediter
MAHN3 MAHN3 DEC 529 3 0 Number of Days for Third Reminder/Expediter
UEBTO UEBTO DEC 531 3 1 Overdelivery Tolerance Limit
UEBTK UEBTK CHAR 533 1 0 Indicator: Unlimited Overdelivery Allowed
UNTTO UNTTO DEC 534 3 1 Underdelivery Tolerance Limit
BWTAR BWTAR_D CHAR 536 10 0 T149D Valuation Type
BWTTY BWTTY_D CHAR 546 1 0 T149C Valuation Category
ABSKZ ABSKZ CHAR 547 1 0 Rejection Indicator
AGMEM AGMEM CHAR 548 3 0 Internal Comment on Quotation
ELIKZ ELIKZ CHAR 551 1 0 "Delivery Completed" Indicator
EREKZ EREKZ CHAR 552 1 0 Final Invoice Indicator
BSART ESART CHAR 553 4 0 T161 Purchasing Document Type
PSTYP PSTYP CHAR 557 1 0 T163 Item Category in Purchasing Document
KNTTP KNTTP CHAR 558 1 0 T163K Account Assignment Category
KTMNG_ABG KTMNG QUAN 559 13 3 Target Quantity
BKTMNG_ABG KTMNG QUAN 566 13 3 Target Quantity
RANG WDFR_RANG CHAR 573 32 0 WDR: Ranking for Sorting
EKPNN EKPNN CURR 605 11 2 Sales Pricing: Purchase Price (Net/Net)
EKPGR EKPGR CURR 611 11 2 Purchase Price Calculation: (Basic Purchase Price)
EKPGR_K EKPGR CURR 617 11 2 Purchase Price Calculation: (Basic Purchase Price)
EKPGR_VME EKPGR CURR 623 11 2 Purchase Price Calculation: (Basic Purchase Price)
SPABA SPABA CURR 629 11 2 Current margin (gross)
SPANE SPANE CURR 635 11 2 Margin (net) in sales price calculation
SPANA SPANA CURR 641 11 2 Current margin (net)
ENDPA ENDPA CURR 647 11 2 Current Final Price
VKPNE VKPNE CURR 653 11 2 Sales price (net)
VRKME VRKME UNIT 659 3 0 T006 Sales unit
HWAER HWAER CUKY 662 5 0 TCURC Local Currency
KWAER KWAER CUKY 667 5 0 TCURC Controlling area currency
VWAER VWAER CUKY 672 5 0 TCURC Sales currency
PROZ KOEIN CUKY 677 5 0 Rate unit (currency, sales unit, or %)
MENGE_BAS BSTMG QUAN 682 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
UMSMNG_BAS WDFR_UMSMNG QUAN 689 15 3 Quantity sold at POS in order units
UAVMNG_BAS WDFR_UAVMNG QUAN 697 15 3 Store orders in order units
BVLMNG_BAS WDFR_BVLMNG QUAN 705 15 3 Vendor orders in order units
DIFMNG_BAS WDFR_DIFMNG QUAN 713 15 3 Remaining Quantity in Order Units
TEMMNG_BAS WDFR_TEMMNG QUAN 721 15 3 Temporary PO Quantity
LABST_BAS LABST QUAN 729 13 3 Valuated Unrestricted-Use Stock
ATPBST_BAS ATPMN QUAN 736 13 3 ATP quantity (Available To Promise)
BSTBDRF_BAS WDFR_BSTBDRF QUAN 743 15 3 ATP stock quantity (+/-)
BASME MEINS UNIT 751 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
UMSMNG_ANZ WDFR_UMSMNG QUAN 754 15 3 Quantity sold at POS in order units
UAVMNG_ANZ WDFR_UAVMNG QUAN 762 15 3 Store orders in order units
BVLMNG_ANZ WDFR_BVLMNG QUAN 770 15 3 Vendor orders in order units
DIFMNG_ANZ WDFR_DIFMNG QUAN 778 15 3 Remaining Quantity in Order Units
TEMMNG_ANZ WDFR_TEMMNG QUAN 786 15 3 Temporary PO Quantity
LABST_ANZ LABST QUAN 794 13 3 Valuated Unrestricted-Use Stock
ATPBST_ANZ ATPMN QUAN 801 13 3 ATP quantity (Available To Promise)
BSTBDRF_ANZ WDFR_BSTBDRF QUAN 808 15 3 ATP stock quantity (+/-)
ANZME BSTME UNIT 816 3 0 T006 Purchase Order Unit of Measure
INDMN1 WDFR_INDMNG QUAN 819 15 3 Individual Quantity
INDMN2 WDFR_INDMNG QUAN 827 15 3 Individual Quantity
INDMN3 WDFR_INDMNG QUAN 835 15 3 Individual Quantity
INDMN4 WDFR_INDMNG QUAN 843 15 3 Individual Quantity
INDMN5 WDFR_INDMNG QUAN 851 15 3 Individual Quantity
INDBAS MEINS UNIT 859 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
INDMA1 WDFR_INDMNG QUAN 862 15 3 Individual Quantity
INDMA2 WDFR_INDMNG QUAN 870 15 3 Individual Quantity
INDMA3 WDFR_INDMNG QUAN 878 15 3 Individual Quantity
INDMA4 WDFR_INDMNG QUAN 886 15 3 Individual Quantity
INDMA5 WDFR_INDMNG QUAN 894 15 3 Individual Quantity
INDANZ BSTME UNIT 902 3 0 T006 Purchase Order Unit of Measure
INDPR1 PREIS CURR 905 11 2 Price
INDPR2 PREIS CURR 911 11 2 Price
INDPR3 PREIS CURR 917 11 2 Price
INDWA1 WAERS CUKY 923 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
INDWA2 WAERS CUKY 928 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
INDWA3 WAERS CUKY 933 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
INDA08 CHAR0008 CHAR 938 8 0 Character String - 8 User-Defined Characters
INDA16 CHAR0016 CHAR 946 16 0 Character String - 16 User-Defined Characters
INDA32 CHAR0032 CHAR 962 32 0 Character String - 32 User-Defined Characters
INDA081 CHAR0008 CHAR 994 8 0 Character String - 8 User-Defined Characters
INDA161 CHAR0016 CHAR 1002 16 0 Character String - 16 User-Defined Characters
INDA321 CHAR0032 CHAR 1018 32 0 Character String - 32 User-Defined Characters
INDST1 CHAR0008 CHAR 1050 8 0 Character String - 8 User-Defined Characters
INDST2 CHAR0008 CHAR 1058 8 0 Character String - 8 User-Defined Characters
INDST3 CHAR0008 CHAR 1066 8 0 Character String - 8 User-Defined Characters
INDST4 CHAR0008 CHAR 1074 8 0 Character String - 8 User-Defined Characters
INDST5 CHAR0008 CHAR 1082 8 0 Character String - 8 User-Defined Characters
LIWKZ CHAR0001 CHAR 1090 1 0 Individual, User-Defined Character
LMENGE_S BSTMG QUAN 1091 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LWPRZ_S LWPRZ NUMC 1098 3 0 Delivery phase in percent of total qty
BMENGE_S BSTMG QUAN 1101 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
MEINS_S BSTME UNIT 1108 3 0 T006 Purchase Order Unit of Measure
BMEINS_S MEINS UNIT 1111 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
LMENGE_1 BSTMG QUAN 1114 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LEIND_1 EINDT DATS 1121 8 0 Item Delivery Date
LZEIT_1 UZEIT TIMS 1129 6 0 Time
LWPRZ_1 LWPRZ NUMC 1135 3 0 Delivery phase in percent of total qty
BMENGE_1 BSTMG QUAN 1138 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LMENGE_2 BSTMG QUAN 1145 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LEIND_2 EINDT DATS 1152 8 0 Item Delivery Date
LZEIT_2 UZEIT TIMS 1160 6 0 Time
LWPRZ_2 LWPRZ NUMC 1166 3 0 Delivery phase in percent of total qty
BMENGE_2 BSTMG QUAN 1169 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LMENGE_3 BSTMG QUAN 1176 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LEIND_3 EINDT DATS 1183 8 0 Item Delivery Date
LZEIT_3 UZEIT TIMS 1191 6 0 Time
LWPRZ_3 LWPRZ NUMC 1197 3 0 Delivery phase in percent of total qty
BMENGE_3 BSTMG QUAN 1200 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LMENGE_4 BSTMG QUAN 1207 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LEIND_4 EINDT DATS 1214 8 0 Item Delivery Date
LZEIT_4 UZEIT TIMS 1222 6 0 Time
LWPRZ_4 LWPRZ NUMC 1228 3 0 Delivery phase in percent of total qty
BMENGE_4 BSTMG QUAN 1231 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LMENGE_5 BSTMG QUAN 1238 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LEIND_5 EINDT DATS 1245 8 0 Item Delivery Date
LZEIT_5 UZEIT TIMS 1253 6 0 Time
LWPRZ_5 LWPRZ NUMC 1259 3 0 Delivery phase in percent of total qty
BMENGE_5 BSTMG QUAN 1262 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LMENGE_6 BSTMG QUAN 1269 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LEIND_6 EINDT DATS 1276 8 0 Item Delivery Date
LZEIT_6 UZEIT TIMS 1284 6 0 Time
LWPRZ_6 LWPRZ NUMC 1290 3 0 Delivery phase in percent of total qty
BMENGE_6 BSTMG QUAN 1293 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LMENGE_7 BSTMG QUAN 1300 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
LEIND_7 EINDT DATS 1307 8 0 Item Delivery Date
LZEIT_7 UZEIT TIMS 1315 6 0 Time
LWPRZ_7 LWPRZ NUMC 1321 3 0 Delivery phase in percent of total qty
BMENGE_7 BSTMG QUAN 1324 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
ABGART WDFR_ABGART CHAR 1334 2 0 WDFR issue type
AUFAR AUFAR CHAR 1336 4 0 T620 Allocation Table Type
APSTP APSTP CHAR 1340 4 0 T621 Item category of allocation table
SBELN SBELN CHAR 1344 10 0 SVKO No. of allocation rule
ASTRA ASTRA CHAR 1354 4 0 T627 Allocation Strategy
ABELN ABELN CHAR 1358 10 0 Allocation Table Number
ABELP ABELP NUMC 1368 5 0 AUPO Item number of allocation table
LISTG LISTG CHAR 1373 1 0 Listing Indicator
RUNDG RUNDG CHAR 1374 1 0 Rounding off in allocation table
RESTV RESTV CHAR 1375 1 0 Split remainder
AAVIT AAVIT CHAR 1376 4 0 T626 Notification Category Allocation: Info Exchance HQ - Plant
BERMIMA BERMIMA CHAR 1380 1 0 Include Minimum and Maximum Quantities
BSTGE BSTGE CHAR 1381 1 0 Goods recipient of vendor purchase order
BEZCH BEZEI40 CHAR 1382 40 0 Description
AFDTP PRGBZ CHAR 1422 1 0 External date type
AFDAT AFIDT DATS 1423 8 0 Confirmation request date
VKDTP PRGBZ CHAR 1431 1 0 External date type
VKDAT VKIDT DATS 1432 8 0 Date of start of sales at plant
FBDAT FBIDT DATS 1440 8 0 Release date of PO generation
FUDAT FUIDT DATS 1448 8 0 Release date for generation of stock transfer
FLDAT FLIDT DATS 1456 8 0 Release date for generation of delivery note
FBDTP PRGBZ CHAR 1464 1 0 External date type
FUDTP PRGBZ CHAR 1465 1 0 External date type
FLDTP PRGBZ CHAR 1466 1 0 External date type
WBTYP VWWSBTYPVO CHAR 1467 1 0 Default doc. category, store order inbound - replenishment
AKTBE WAKTION CHAR 1468 10 0 Promotion
I_BELNR WGSREQN CHAR 1478 10 0 EKKO Document number of store order document buffer
I_POSNR WGSREQP NUMC 1488 5 0 EKPO Item number of inbound document buffer
LEIND EEIND CHAR 1493 10 0 Delivery Date
LZEIT LZEIT TIMS 1503 6 0 Delivery Date Time-Spot
ALIFNR LIFNR CHAR 1509 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
ABSMNG BSTMG QUAN 1519 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
ABSMEI MEINS UNIT 1526 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
AMENGE BSTMG QUAN 1529 13 3 Purchase Order Quantity
AMEINS BSTME UNIT 1536 3 0 T006 Purchase Order Unit of Measure
IA_SAMMELBEST CHAR0001 CHAR 1539 1 0 Individual, User-Defined Character
UPDKZ CDCHNGIND CHAR 1540 1 0 Change Type (U, I, S, D)
BESKZ WDFR_BESKZ CHAR 1541 1 0 Order indicator
SATKZ WDFR_SATKZ CHAR 1542 2 0 Indicates generic material
AKTKZ CHAR0001 CHAR 1544 1 0 Individual, User-Defined Character
ABNKZ CHAR0001 CHAR 1545 1 0 Individual, User-Defined Character
EINDT WDFR_EINDT DATS 1546 8 0 Delivery date of purchase order
BESAB WDFR_BDAT DATS 1554 8 0 Procurement date
BESBI WDFR_BDAT DATS 1562 8 0 Procurement date
AINDT WDFR_AINDT DATS 1570 8 0 Inbound Delivery Date for PO
ABGAB WDFR_ABGDAT DATS 1578 8 0 Issue date
ABGBI WDFR_ABGDAT DATS 1586 8 0 Issue date
AUSAB WDFR_AUSDAT DATS 1594 8 0 POS selling period
AUSBI WDFR_AUSDAT DATS 1602 8 0 POS selling period
UHRAB FRM_PROC_TIME TIMS 1626 6 0 Procurement period: time
UHRBI FRM_PROC_TIME TIMS 1632 6 0 Procurement period: time
DTIME FRM_LIEWR INT2 1638 5 0 Schedule-line interval (days)
DHOUR FRM_LIEWR_H DEC 1640 4 2 Schedule-line interval (hours)
CD WDFR_CD CHAR 1643 1 0 Cross-docking
FT WDFR_FT CHAR 1644 1 0 Flow-through
PA WDFR_PA CHAR 1645 1 0 Putaway
CD_FT WDFR_CD_FT CHAR 1646 1 0 Cross-docking/flow-through
CD_PA WDFR_CD_PA CHAR 1647 1 0 Cross-docking/putaway
KABE WDFR_KABE CHAR 1648 1 0 Include sales orders
BEBE WDFR_BEBE CHAR 1649 1 0 Include purchase orders
BRBE FRMTALL CHAR 1650 1 0 Include backorders
OPTI FRMBEST CHAR 1651 1 0 Order Optimizing
AVAIL FRM_PR_CHECK CHAR 1652 1 0 Check if merchandise already procured
ROULE PRREG CHAR 1653 2 0 T441R Checking Rule for Availability Check
STOCK FRM_IN_CHECK CHAR 1655 1 0 Exclude stock from check
SAMKZ WDFR_SAMKZ CHAR 1656 1 0 Mark item for collective purchase order