SAP Table T042E - Company Code-Specific Specifications for Payment Methods

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
ZBUKR X DZBUKR CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Paying company code
ZLSCH X DZLSCH CHAR 7 1 0 T042E Payment Method
XAVIS XAVIS CHAR 8 1 0 Indicator: Separate Payment Advice if Form is Full?
ANZPO ANZPO_042Z NUMC 9 2 0 Maximum Number of Items on a Form
VONBT VONBT_042Z CURR 11 13 2 Minimum Amount for a Payment Using this Payment Method
BISBT BISBT_042Z CURR 18 13 2 Maximum Amount for a Payment with this Payment Method
WAERS WAERS CUKY 25 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
XEIPO XEIPO_042Z CHAR 30 1 0 Indicator: One Payment per Item?
XAUSL XAUSL_042Z CHAR 31 1 0 Indicator: Foreign Business Partner Allowed?
XFWAE XFWAE_042Z CHAR 32 1 0 Indicator: Payment Method for Foreign Currencies Allowed
XAUSB XAUSB_042Z CHAR 33 1 0 Indicator: Payment via Cust./Vend. Bank Abroad Allowed?
XOPTB XOPTB_042Z CHAR 34 1 0 Indicator: Carry Out Bank Selection by Bank Group
XOPTP XOPTP_042Z CHAR 35 1 0 Indicator: Carry Out Bank Selection by Postal Code
AUST1 AUSTX_042E CHAR 36 35 0 Issuer on the Form
AUST2 AUSTX_042E CHAR 71 35 0 Issuer on the Form
AUSTO AUSTX_042E CHAR 106 35 0 Issuer on the Form
ZFORN DZFORN CHAR 141 16 0 Name of the Form for the Payment Transfer Medium
PDFFO DZFORN_PDF CHAR 157 30 0 Name of the PDF-based Form for the Payment Medium
WFORN WFORN CHAR 187 16 0 Name of Next Form
PDFWF WFORN_PDF CHAR 203 30 0 Name of the Next PDF-based Form
XFOSP XFOSP CHAR 233 1 0 Indicator: Extra Forms if Form is Full
AUST3 AUSTX_042E CHAR 234 35 0 Issuer on the Form
XZFAE XZFAE CHAR 269 1 0 Indicator: Payment per Due Day
XSAVI XSAVI CHAR 270 1 0 Indicator: Always Payment Advice Notes for this Payment Mthd
CORRTXT TDTXTNAME CHAR 271 30 0 Smart Forms: Name of a text module
XWVBU XWVBU_042Z CHAR 301 1 0 Indicator: Line Item for Bill Liability at the Bank?
WANFF WANFF NUMC 302 2 0 Number of Days Until Bill of Exchange Pmnt Request Due Date
WGBKZ WGBKZ CHAR 304 1 0 Indicator for the bill of exchange protest
SVARH SVARH CHAR 305 3 0 T021M Sort Variant for Payment Transaction Correspondence
SVARP SVARP CHAR 308 3 0 T021M Sort Variant for the Line Items
SPLBT SPLBT CURR 311 13 2 Distribution into payments up to a maximum of this amount
XZWAE XZWAE CHAR 318 1 0 Indicator: Amount Limits in EUR

1514465 F110: Extended individual payment
889174LCC: Upgrading control table entries in 46C, 470 and 500