SAP Table TZRE - External role

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
SROLEXT X SROLEXT CHAR 3 3 0 TZRE External role of partner
SROLINT SROLINT CHAR 6 3 0 Internal role of partner
FEAUS FEAUS CHAR 9 60 0 Field selection
SPATYP SPATYP CHAR 69 1 0 Partner category
SREORG SREORG CHAR 70 1 0 External role is not taken into consid. during reorg. run
SZENT VVSZENT CHAR 71 1 0 Assign to head office
SGES VVSGES CHAR 72 1 0 Role for total commitment relevant for loans
ROLE BP_ROLE CHAR 73 4 0 Business Partner Role Type