SAP Table VEKP - Handling Unit - Header Table

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VENUM X VENUM CHAR 3 10 0 VEKP Internal Handling Unit Number
EXIDV EXIDV CHAR 13 20 0 External Handling Unit Identification
EXIDA EXIDA CHAR 33 1 0 Type of External Handling Unit Identifier
VSTEL VSTEL CHAR 34 4 0 Shipping Point/Receiving Point
LSTEL LSTEL CHAR 38 2 0 TVLA Loading Point
BRGEW BRGEW_VEKP QUAN 40 15 3 Total Weight of Handling Unit
NTGEW NTGEW_VEKP QUAN 48 15 3 Loading Weight of Handling Unit
MAGEW MAGEW_VEKP QUAN 56 15 3 Allowed Loading Weight of a Handling Unit
TARAG TARAG_VEKP QUAN 64 15 3 Tare weight of handling unit
GEWEI GEWEI UNIT 72 3 0 T006 Weight Unit
BTVOL BTVOL_VEKP QUAN 75 15 3 Total Volume of Handling Unit
NTVOL NTVOL_VEKP QUAN 83 15 3 Loading Volume of Handling Unit
MAVOL MAVOL_VEKP QUAN 91 15 3 Allowed Loading Volume for Handling Unit
TAVOL TAVOL_VEKP QUAN 99 15 3 Tare volume of handling unit
VOLEH VOLEH UNIT 107 3 0 T006 Volume unit
ANZGL ANZGL INT4 112 10 0 Number of Similar Packaging Materials
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 116 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 128 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERUHR ERZET TIMS 136 6 0 Entry time
AENAM AENAM CHAR 142 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 154 8 0 Changed On
AEZET AEZET TIMS 162 6 0 Time last change was made
SORTL SORTL CHAR 168 10 0 Sort field
VEGR1 VEGR1 CHAR 178 5 0 Handling Unit Group 1 (Freely Definable)
VEGR2 VEGR2 CHAR 183 5 0 Handling Unit Group 2 (Freely Definable)
VEGR3 VEGR3 CHAR 188 5 0 Handling Unit Group 3 (Freely Definable)
VEGR4 VEGR4 CHAR 193 5 0 Handling Unit Group 4 (Freely Definable)
VEGR5 VEGR5 CHAR 198 5 0 Handling Unit Group 5 (Freely Definable)
VHILM VHILM CHAR 203 18 0 MARA Packaging Materials
LAENG LAENG QUAN 221 13 3 Length
BREIT BREIT QUAN 228 13 3 Width
HOEHE HOEHE QUAN 235 13 3 Height
MEABM MEABM UNIT 242 3 0 T006 Unit of Dimension for Length/Width/Height
ERLKZ VOLLS CHAR 245 1 0 Status (at this time without functionality)
GEWTO GEWTO DEC 246 3 1 Excess Weight Tolerance for Handling unit
VOLTO VOLTO DEC 248 3 1 Excess Volume Tolerance of the Handling Unit
MEINS MEINS UNIT 250 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
VOLEH_MAX VOLEH UNIT 253 3 0 T006 Volume unit
GEWEI_MAX GEWEI UNIT 256 3 0 T006 Weight Unit
VBELN_GEN VBELN_GEN CHAR 259 10 0 Delivery in Which Packaging Material Is Generated as an Item
POSNR_GEN POSNR_GEN NUMC 269 6 0 Generated delivery item
INHALT INHALT CHAR 275 40 0 Description of Handling Unit Content
VHART VHIART CHAR 315 4 0 Packaging Material Type
KAPPL NA_KAPPL CHAR 319 2 0 T681A Application for output conditions
KALSM KALSMB CHAR 321 6 0 T683 Output determination procedure
KSCHL NA_KSCHL CHAR 327 4 0 T685 Output Type
MAGRV MAGRV CHAR 331 4 0 Material Group: Packaging Materials
WERKS HUM_WERKS CHAR 335 4 0 T001W Plant
PSTYV PSTYV CHAR 339 4 0 TVPT Sales document item category
VKORG VKORG CHAR 343 4 0 TVKO Sales Organization
VTWEG VTWKU CHAR 347 2 0 TVTW Reference for cust.and material masters
LADLG LADLG QUAN 349 6 0 Lgth of loading platform in lgth of LdPlat measurement units
LADEH LADEH UNIT 353 3 0 T006 Unit of measure to measure the length of loading platform
FARZT FARZT QUAN 356 3 0 Travel Time
FAREH FAREH UNIT 358 3 0 T006 Unit of travel time
ENTFE ENTFE QUAN 361 6 0 Distance Travelled
EHENT EHENT UNIT 365 3 0 T006 Unit of distance
LGORT HUM_LGORT CHAR 368 4 0 T001L Storage Location
GEWFX GEWFX CHAR 372 1 0 Weight and Volume Fixed
VELTP VELTP CHAR 373 1 0 Packaging Material Category
EXIDV2 EXIDV2 CHAR 374 20 0 Handling Unit's 2nd External Identification
LANDT LANDT CHAR 394 3 0 T005 Country providing means of transport
LANDF LANDF CHAR 397 3 0 T005 Driver's Nationality
NAMEF NAMEF CHAR 400 35 0 Driver name
NAMBE NAMBE CHAR 435 35 0 Alternate Driver's Name
VHILM_KU VHILM_KU CHAR 470 35 0 Partner's (Customer's or Vendor's) Packaging Material
VPOBJ VPOBJ CHAR 505 2 0 Packing Object
VPOBJKEY VPOBJKEY CHAR 507 20 0 Key for Object to Which the Handling Unit is Assigned
HANDLE GUID_VEKP CHAR 527 22 0 Worldwide unique key for VEKP-VENUM
WMSTA LVS_WMSTA CHAR 549 1 0 WM status for container material
LGNUM HUM_LGNUM CHAR 550 3 0 T300 Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex
SAPRL SAPRL CHAR 553 4 0 SAP Release
KZGVH KZGVH CHAR 557 1 0 Packaging Material is Closed Packaging
ADGE_DG ADGE_DG CHAR 558 1 0 Packing Level is Relevant for Dangerous Goods
ADGE_DGPR ADGE_DGPR CHAR 559 1 0 Indicator: Packing level is relevant for printing
UEVEL UEVEL CHAR 560 10 0 VEKP Higher-Level Handling Unit
PACKVORSCHR PL_PACKNR_CONV CHAR 570 22 0 Packing instruction
PACKVORSCHR_ST PL_PACKSTATUS_LOCAL CHAR 592 1 0 Local packing status for a single HU (without sub HUs)
LABELTYP PL_SHIPLABEL CHAR 593 1 0 Indicator: do not print external shipping label
ZUL_AUFL PL_MAXSTWE QUAN 594 15 3 Allowed load
STATUS HU_STATUS CHAR 602 4 0 Handling unit status
HU_LGORT HU_LGORT CHAR 606 1 0 Content is Located at an HU-managed Storage Location
HU_SYSTEM HUMSYS CHAR 607 1 0 HU and IM Stock in Separate Systems
SPE_HDALL /SPE/INB_HDALL CHAR 608 1 0 Inbound delivery header not yet complete (on Hold)
SPE_VLSTK VLSTK CHAR 609 1 0 Distribution Status (Decentralized Warehouse Processing)
SPE_DELDEC /SPE/INB_DELDEC CHAR 610 1 0 Delete indicator for the confirmation of deleted HUs
SPE_IDART_01 /SPE/DE_HUIDART CHAR 611 1 0 Handling Unit Identification Type
SPE_IDENT_01 /SPE/DE_IDENT CHAR 612 1 0 Alternative HU Identification
SPE_IDART_02 /SPE/DE_HUIDART CHAR 652 1 0 Handling Unit Identification Type
SPE_IDENT_02 /SPE/DE_IDENT CHAR 653 1 0 Alternative HU Identification
SPE_IDART_03 /SPE/DE_HUIDART CHAR 693 1 0 Handling Unit Identification Type
SPE_IDENT_03 /SPE/DE_IDENT CHAR 694 1 0 Alternative HU Identification
SPE_IDART_04 /SPE/DE_HUIDART CHAR 734 1 0 Handling Unit Identification Type
SPE_IDENT_04 /SPE/DE_IDENT CHAR 735 1 0 Alternative HU Identification
SPE_LOGPOS /SPE/DE_LOGPOS CHAR 775 1 0 Logical Position of Handling Unit
SPE_CHK_COUNTER /SPE/DE_CHK_CTR NUMC 777 5 0 Check number for cross-delivery handling units
EPC1 ABI_EPC1 CHAR 782 96 0 Electronic Product Code 1
EPC2 ABI_EPC2 CHAR 878 96 0 Electronic Product Code 2
PACKAGE_CAT EHS_ADGE_PACKAGE_CAT CHAR 974 15 0 Category of Package
CRIT_SAF_INDEX EHS_ADGE_CRIT_SAF_INDEX DEC 993 7 2 Criticality Safety Index
FLG_DG_PACKAGE ADGE_FLG_DG_PACKAGE CHAR 997 1 0 Dangerous Goods Package
DG_PACKAGE_LEVEL ADGE_DG_PACKAGE_LEVEL CHAR 998 3 0 TDG95 Level of Dangerous Goods Packaging
PACKCODE CBDUE_PACOD CHAR 1001 10 0 CCUNC121 Actual Packaging Code
INSTR_ENCL_CAT CBUNE_INSTR_ENCL_CAT CHAR 1011 15 0 CCUNC113 Category of Instruction for Enclosure
MAT_DAMAGED_CL7 ADGE_MAT_DAMAGED_CL7 CHAR 1026 1 0 Damaged Material (Class 7)
DOSE_RATE_BULK ADGE_DOSE_RATE QUAN 1027 9 5 Radiation Level (Unpacked)
DOSE_RATE_BULK_U ADGE_DOSE_RATE_U UNIT 1032 3 0 T006 Unit of Radiation Level (Unpacked)
U_DOSE_RATE_PACK ADGE_DOSE_RATE_PACKAGED_U UNIT 1040 3 0 T006 Unit of Radiation Level Packed
LEADING_LWDG ADGE_LEADING_LWDG CHAR 1043 12 0 DGTEXCEPT Leading Dangerous Goods Regulation
U_MAX_GROSS_WGHT ADGE_U_MAX_GROSS_WGHT UNIT 1060 3 0 T006 Unit for Maximum Gross Mass
YLCCL LXYRDM_YLCCL CHAR 1066 2 0 Location Class
YLOCT LXYRD_YLOCT CHAR 1068 10 0 Location
STATS LXYRD_OBSTS CHAR 1078 2 0 Vehicle Stock Status
PRRTY LXYRD_PRRTY CHAR 1080 2 0 Vehicle Priority
FWAGN LXYRD_FWAGN CHAR 1082 10 0 LFA1 Forwarding Agent
SCACD LEINT_SCACD CHAR 1092 4 0 Standard carrier access code
OWNER LXYRD_OWNER CHAR 1096 10 0 Vehicle Owner
TRNPD LXYRD_TRNPD CHAR 1106 20 0 Transponder
SEALN1 LXYRD_SEALN CHAR 1126 10 0 Sealing Number
SEALN2 LXYRD_SEALN CHAR 1136 10 0 Sealing Number
SEALN3 LXYRD_SEALN CHAR 1146 10 0 Sealing Number
SEALN4 LXYRD_SEALN CHAR 1156 10 0 Sealing Number
SEALN5 LXYRD_SEALN CHAR 1166 10 0 Sealing Number
RSNCD LXYRD_RSNCD CHAR 1177 2 0 Reason Code
RFTYP LXYRD_RFDTY CHAR 1179 2 0 Reference Document Type
REFER LXYRD_DOCRF CHAR 1181 10 0 Reference Document
PTMST LXYRD_PTMST DEC 1191 15 0 Planned End Time
ATMST LXYRD_ATMSF DEC 1199 15 0 Actual Start Time
YSTGA LEINT_LGBZO CHAR 1210 10 0 T30C Staging Area
URGFL LXYRD_URGFL CHAR 1220 1 0 Urgent (Relevant for Cross-Docking)
PRFLG LXYRD_PRFLG CHAR 1221 1 0 Permanence of Vehicle in Yard
SLFLG LXYRD_SLFLG CHAR 1222 1 0 Sealing Required
SIGNI LEINT_SIGNI CHAR 1223 20 0 Container ID

7356352LIS_TRTK incomplete after shipment cost update
600396DRB: Implementation of additional business objects
638643Handling unit incorrectly read for the transport
587249Activity profiles: Dialog box for fast entry
483842GR posting of inbound deliveries: reassign handling units
486891Shipping file inconsistencies after abend in OLM packing
300806Deletion of shipping unit for deliveries not created
300514Collectv processg delivery creatn and $-ship.units