SAP Table TZW01 - Resubmission periods (Deadline reminder)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
RANTYP X RANTYP CHAR 0 1 0 Contract Type
SARBG X SARBG CHAR 1 4 0 TZW01 Work area within an area of Financial Assets Mgmt component
XBEZARB XBEZARB CHAR 5 20 0 Work area name
KARZT KARZT INT2 26 5 0 Grace period
TAGMN TAGMN CHAR 28 1 0 Days/months
ACNAM SO_ACNAM CHAR 29 54 0 Execute: Name of Report, FM, DB, TCode
VMTYP SO_VM_TYP CHAR 83 1 0 Execute: Type (Report, Dialog Module, ...)
SKIPS SO_SKIPS CHAR 84 1 0 Execute: Process First Screen in Background
FNAME1 FIELDNAME CHAR 115 30 0 Field Name
FNAME2 FIELDNAME CHAR 145 30 0 Field Name
FNAME3 FIELDNAME CHAR 175 30 0 Field Name
FNAME4 FIELDNAME CHAR 205 30 0 Field Name
NVORZT VVVORZT INT2 236 5 0 Lead time up to due date (end of deadline monitoring)
SVZTTYP VVTAGMN CHAR 238 1 0 Lead time days / months
SNOSND VVSNOSND CHAR 239 1 0 Message / processing should not be sent