SAP Table T134 - Material Types

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
MTART X MTART CHAR 3 4 0 T134 Material Type
MTREF MTREF CHAR 7 4 0 Reference material type
MBREF MBREF CHAR 11 4 0 Screen reference depending on the material type
FLREF FLREF_MG CHAR 15 4 0 T130A Field reference for material master
NUMKI NUMKR CHAR 19 2 0 Number range
NUMKE NUMKR CHAR 21 2 0 Number range
ENVOP ENVOP CHAR 23 1 0 External Number Assignment Without Validation
BSEXT BSEXT CHAR 24 1 0 External Purchase Orders Allowed
BSINT BSINT CHAR 25 1 0 Internal purchase orders allowed
PSTAT PSTAT_D CHAR 26 15 0 Maintenance status
KKREF KKREF CHAR 41 4 0 T025K Account category reference
VPRSV VPRSV CHAR 45 1 0 Price Control Indicator
KZVPR KZVPR CHAR 46 1 0 Price Control Mandatory
VMTPO VMTPO CHAR 47 4 0 TPTM Default value for material item category group
EKALR CK_EKALREL CHAR 51 1 0 Material Is Costed with Quantity Structure
KZGRP KZGRP CHAR 52 1 0 Grouping indicator
KZKFG KZKFG CHAR 53 1 0 Configurable Material
BEGRU BEGRM CHAR 54 4 0 Authorization group in the material master
KZPRC KZPRC CHAR 58 1 0 Material Master Record for a Process
KZPIP KZPIP CHAR 59 1 0 Pipeline Handling Mandatory
PRDRU POSPRDRUCK CHAR 60 1 0 Display price on cash register display and print on receipt
ARANZ POSARTANZ CHAR 61 1 0 Display material on cash register display
WMAKG WMAK CHAR 62 1 0 Material type ID
IZUST IZUST CHAR 63 1 0 Initial status of a new batch
ARDEL ARDEL NUMC 64 4 0 Time in days until a material is deleted
KZMPN MPNMTART CHAR 68 1 0 Manufacturer Part
MSTAE MSTAE CHAR 69 2 0 T141 Cross-Plant Material Status
CCHIS CC_HIST_MAT CHAR 71 1 0 Control (time) of history requirement: Material
CLASS KLASSE_M CHAR 75 18 0 Class number
CHNEU CHNEU CHAR 93 1 0 Batch Creation Control (Automatic/Manual)
VNUMKI NUMKR CHAR 104 2 0 Number range
VNUMKE NUMKR CHAR 106 2 0 Number range
KZRAC KZRAC CHAR 108 1 0 Returnable Packaging Logistics is mandatory

545211FAQ: Material master Customizing
572009Too many categories in CRM compared to ERP
449944Process materials in production planning