SAP Table TZB0A - Definition of flow types

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
RANTYP X RANTYP CHAR 3 1 0 Contract Type
SBEWAGRP SBAGRP CHAR 8 2 0 TZB10 Flow type group
SBEWZITI SBEWZITI CHAR 10 4 0 TZB03 Flow category
SSOLHAB VVSSOLHAB CHAR 14 1 0 Debit/credit indicator
JZINSBAS JZINSBAS CHAR 15 1 0 Flow in interest base
JZINSZPT JZINSZPT CHAR 16 1 0 Interest date
JRESALD RSALD NUMC 17 2 0 TZC37 Transaction for remaining balance
XBUCHK XBUCHK CHAR 19 4 0 Posting short text
JBUCKZ BUCKZ CHAR 23 1 0 Transaction is to be posted
JFDBUC FDBUC CHAR 24 1 0 Relevant to Cash Management
JEFFZI EFFZI CHAR 25 1 0 Part of effective interest rate calculation
SABGRENZ VVSABGRENZ NUMC 26 1 0 Accrual/deferral method
SEFFZIVZ VVSEFFZIVZ CHAR 27 1 0 +/- sign for effective interest rate calculation
JSTOCK VVJSTOCK CHAR 28 1 0 Premium reserve fund-relevant indicator
SZEGEN SZEGEN NUMC 29 2 0 TD21 Generate incoming payment immediately
JZIABBA VVJZIABBA CHAR 31 1 0 Interest-based accruals/deferrals indicator
SBERFIMA SBEWFIMA CHAR 32 4 0 Calculation Category for Cash Flow Calculator
SFIBU VVSFIBU CHAR 36 2 0 Control entry of overpayment and advance payment data
SBUST VVSBUST NUMC 38 2 0 TZB09 Posting control key
SVORGKZ VVSVORGKZ NUMC 40 2 0 Activity indicator for debit/credit control
SAKTPAS VVSAKTPAS CHAR 42 1 0 Indicator: Asset/Liability Transaction
JVGLEFFZ VVJVGLEFFZ CHAR 43 1 0 Effective int.-relevant comparative effective int.
JEFFZI2 VVJEFFZI2 CHAR 44 1 0 Effective int.-relevant internal effective interest
SEINBEHALT VVSEINBE CHAR 45 1 0 Flag for Withholding Amount on Disbursement
SWPTERM VVSWPTERM CHAR 46 1 0 Securities forward dealings indicator
SABGV TB_SABGV CHAR 47 1 0 Accrual/deferral procedure
SZADRI SZADRI CHAR 48 1 0 Payment to third-party
SPAYRQ TB_SPAYRQ CHAR 49 1 0 Payment request allowed
SPRSNG TB_SPRSNG CHAR 50 1 0 Individual payment required
SNODUNN SNODUNN CHAR 51 1 0 No dunning for flow type
SSIGN TB_SSIGN CHAR 52 1 0 Direction of flow
SPAYRQ_LO SPAYRQ_LOAN CHAR 53 1 0 Payment Request Allowed
SPRSNG_LO SPRSNG_LOAN CHAR 54 1 0 Individual Payment Required
SNODUN_INT SNODUNN_INTEREST CHAR 55 1 0 Dunning Interest Not Calculated
XHIDE_SM XHIDE_SM CHAR 56 1 0 Hide flow in account statement as default
VORGTYP VORGTYP_LO CHAR 57 4 0 Activity Category (Posting Area)
VEDEFFZ VEDEFFZ CHAR 61 1 0 Relevant for Closely Defined Effective Interest
VJAHREFFZ VJAHREFFZINS CHAR 62 1 0 Relevant for Yearly Effective Interest acc. Reg 87/102/EMG
CLI_RELEVANT TB_CLI_RELEVANT CHAR 63 1 0 Relevant for Credit Life Insurance

806996CUS: Missing entries in table TDTZB0A_CHECK
588674Cap: "Repayment credit/Repayment reversal"