SAP Table TFK042Z - Payment Program: Additional Specifications for Payt Methods

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
LAND1 X LAND1 CHAR 3 3 0 T005 Country Key
ZLSCH X PYMET_KK CHAR 6 1 0 TFK042Z Payment Method
XBKKT XBKKT CHAR 7 1 0 Bank Details of Business Partner Required
XSTRA XSTRA CHAR 8 1 0 Indicator: Street, or postal code required
XEINZ XEINZ CHAR 9 1 0 Indicator: Payment Method Used for Incoming Payments?
XPGIR XPGIR_PAY CHAR 10 1 0 Payment method for post office bank account
XSCHK XSCHK_042Z CHAR 11 1 0 Indicator: Is a Check Created Using This Payment Method?
XEURO XEURO CHAR 12 1 0 Indicator: EU Internal Transfer w/o Reporting Section
XVERR XVERR_KK CHAR 13 1 0 Processing type of payment method
FORMI FORMI_PAY CHAR 14 30 0 Payment medium format
FORMZ FORMZ_PAY CHAR 44 6 0 TFK042FZ Supplement for payment medium format
XNOPO XNOPO_KK CHAR 50 1 0 Payment Order Instead of Payment Posting
XEBPP XEBPP_KK CHAR 51 1 0 Payment Method for FSCM Biller Direct
XESRD XESRD_KK CHAR 52 1 0 ISR Procedure
XADDR XADDR_KK CHAR 53 1 0 Address not Required
BOLTY BOLTY_KK CHAR 54 1 0 Boleto: Assignment type
DDATY DDATY_KK CHAR 55 1 0 Debit Memo Notification: Category of Payment Method
XIBAN XIBAN_KK CHAR 56 1 0 IBAN and/or SWIFT Code Required
XSEPA XSEPA_KK CHAR 57 1 0 SEPA Mandate Required