SAP Table TB2BE - Trading Contract: Trading Contract Type

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
TCTYP X TCTYP CHAR 3 4 0 TB2BE Trading Contract: Trading Contract Type
TDTPV TDTPV CHAR 7 4 0 Trading Contract: Purchasing Group
TDTPC TDTPC CHAR 11 4 0 Trading Contract: Sales Group
STATGR STATGR CHAR 15 1 0 Trading Contract: Status Group
TXTGR TXTGR CHAR 16 2 0 TTXG Text determination procedure
INCPO INCPO NUMC 18 6 0 Increment of item number in the SD document
DEFWAERS DEFWAERS CUKY 24 5 0 TCURC Trading Contract: Default Currency
DEFKURST DEFKURST CHAR 29 4 0 TCURV Trading Contract: Default Exchange Rate Type
NUMKI NUMKI CHAR 33 2 0 Number range in the case of internal number assignment
TCUNCGR TCUNCGR CHAR 35 2 0 Trading Contract: Incompleteness Group
TCSACHV TCSACHV CHAR 37 1 0 Trading Contract: Suggest Person Responsible
GBATCH GBATCH CHAR 38 1 0 Trading Contract: Automatic Generation of Batches
TCTDID TCTDID CHAR 39 4 0 TTXID Trading Contract: Default Text Type for Main Screen
WCHUN WCHUN CHAR 43 1 0 Trad. Contr.: Check Completeness Bef. Setting to Active
WCHQU WCHQU CHAR 44 1 0 Trad. Contr.: Check Quantities Before Setting to Active
LIVAR LIVAR CHAR 45 2 0 TWST List variant for sales price calculation
KAPPL_NA NA_KAPPL CHAR 47 2 0 T681A Application for output conditions
KALSMK_MGT KALSMB_MGT CHAR 49 6 0 T683 Trading Contract: Message Schema for Messages for Employee
KALSMP_MGT KALSMBP_MGT CHAR 55 6 0 T683 Trad.Contr: Message Schema f. Empl., Messages at Item Level
TC_URL TC_URL CHAR 61 132 0 Trading Contract URL
TCCAT TCCAT CHAR 195 1 0 Trading Contract: Contract Category
TKONN_EX_ACT TKONN_EX_ACT CHAR 196 1 0 Trading Contract: External Number Active
TKONN_EX_CHECK TKONN_EX_CHECK CHAR 197 1 0 Trading Contract: Check External Number
TC_CHANGE_CHECK TC_CHANGE_CHECK CHAR 198 10 0 TB2BV Trading Contract: Schema for Fields to be Checked
POFOST WB2_CONTR_GROUP CHAR 208 4 0 Portfolio: Control Type for Portfolio Determination
BTBSTA_DEF_INCO BTBSTA_DEF_INCO CHAR 212 1 0 TB2BA Trading Contract: Default Application Status Incomplete
BTBSTA_DEF BTBSTA_DEF CHAR 213 1 0 TB2BA Trading Contract: Default Application status
FOL_DOC_DIR WB2_FOLLOW_DOC_DIRECT CHAR 214 1 0 Trading Contract: Create Follow-On Document When TC Posted
TC_TYPE_BLOCK WB2_TC_TYPE_BLOCK CHAR 215 1 0 Trading Contract: Contract Type Block
PZUGR PZUGR CHAR 216 4 0 Responsibility Group
TCGROUP WB2_TCGROUP CHAR 220 4 0 Trading Contract Group
DELIVDEF WB2_DELIVDATE_DEFAULT CHAR 224 1 0 Trading Contract: Default Delivery Date
PRICE_DEFAULT WB2_PRICE_DEFAULT CHAR 225 1 0 Trading Contract: Price Proposal
PARGR PARGR CHAR 226 4 0 TPAER Partner Determination Procedure
CLOSING_RULE WB2_CLOSING_RULE CHAR 230 1 0 Trading Contract: Completion Rule
WB2_BEZOB WB2_BEZOB CHAR 231 1 0 Reference Required
ASSO_OFF WB2_ASSO_OFF CHAR 232 1 0 Deactivate Association for One Side in Trading Contract
PRCHGRP WB2_PRCHGRP CHAR 233 2 0 Price Change Group
BWREL BWREL CHAR 235 1 0 Trading Contract Type: BW Relevance
PRICING_TYPE WB2_PRICING_TYPE CHAR 236 1 0 Definition of Pricing Procedure in Trading Contract
TCVARIANT TCVARIANT CHAR 237 30 0 SHDTVCIU Transaction variant
GTS_RELEVANT WB2_GTS_RELEVANT CHAR 267 1 0 Trading Contract Type Is Relevant for GTS Check
EVENT_RELEVANT WB2_EVENT_RELEVANT CHAR 268 1 0 Trading Contract: Control of Event Call-Up