SAP Table VDBEKI - Flow Data: Document Header for Actual Record

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
RBELKPFD X RBELKPFD CHAR 7 10 0 VDBEKI Document Number of Document Header (Loan)
SANLF SANLF NUMC 17 3 0 TZAF Product Category
RANL RANL CHAR 20 13 0 Contract Number
DGUEL_KK DGUEL DATS 33 8 0 Date Condition Effective from
NLFD_ANG NLFD_ANG NUMC 41 3 0 Offer consecutive number
RKLAMMER RKLAMMER CHAR 44 13 0 Classification Number for Finance Projects
DVORGANG DVORGANG DATS 57 8 0 Activity date
SVORGANG SVORFALL CHAR 65 4 0 Business Operation (Activity)
NVORGANG NVORGANG CHAR 69 3 0 Activity number
SSTATI SSTATI NUMC 72 2 0 TZC37 Status of data record
RREFKONT RREFKONT CHAR 74 8 0 T037S Account Assignment Reference in Financial Assets Management
HKONT HKONT CHAR 82 10 0 General Ledger Account
GSBER GSBER CHAR 92 4 0 TGSB Business Area
SBLART BLART CHAR 96 2 0 T003 Document Type
DBLDAT BLDAT DATS 98 8 0 Document Date in Document
DBUDAT BUDAT DATS 106 8 0 Posting Date in the Document
DGJAHR GJAHR NUMC 114 4 0 Fiscal Year
DMONAT MONAT NUMC 118 2 0 Fiscal Period
SSTORNO SSTORNO CHAR 120 1 0 Reversal indicator
SSTOGRD SSTOGRD CHAR 121 2 0 Reason for Reversal
ZUONR DZUONR CHAR 123 18 0 Assignment Number
RSTBLG STBLG CHAR 141 10 0 Reverse Document Number
RZEBEL RZEBEL CHAR 151 10 0 VDBEKI of debit pos. doc.header (only for inc.pmnt records)
DORDER DORDER DATS 161 8 0 Order day
DANJRNL DANJRNL DATS 169 8 0 Date of transferal to journal
DANFIBU DANFIBU DATS 177 8 0 Date of transferal to FiAc
UANFIBU UANFIBU TIMS 185 6 0 Time of transfer to financial accounting
SSPESEN SSPESEN CHAR 191 1 0 Expenses key
NORDER NORDER NUMC 192 8 0 Order Number
RBANKK RBANKK CHAR 200 10 0 Bank account
SSTCKKZ SSTCKKZ CHAR 210 1 0 Accrued interest method
SSTCKTG SSTCKTG CHAR 211 1 0 Accrued interest: Daily method
PEFFZINS PEFFZINS DEC 212 10 7 Effective Interest Rate
SEFFMETH SEFFMETH NUMC 218 1 0 Effective Interest Method (Financial Mathematics)
RERF RERF CHAR 219 12 0 Entered by
DERF DERF DATS 231 8 0 First Entered on
TERF TERF TIMS 239 6 0 Time of Initial Entry
REHER REHER CHAR 245 10 0 Source of initial entry
DSTOCK VVDSTOCK DATS 255 8 0 Premium reserve fund date
RPNNR VVRPNNR CHAR 263 10 0 Daybook no.
RVZBLG BELNR_D CHAR 273 10 0 Accounting Document Number
RPNSUP VVRPNSUP CHAR 283 10 0 Super prima nota for grouping in autom.deb.pos.
RUMBLG UMBLG CHAR 293 10 0 Reference transfer document number
SEVALPOST SEVALPOST CHAR 303 1 0 PEC for flow executed indicator yes/no
RUZBEL BELNR_D CHAR 304 10 0 Accounting Document Number
ACENV ACENV_LO NUMC 314 4 0 Source in TR-LO posting area
S_COMPR S_COMPR CHAR 318 1 0 Summarization indicator for summarization of loan doc. data

947139Poor performance when system reads documents
969396Convert table VDBEPI to Oracle Index Organized Table (IOT)
990035Additional information: Transferring posted data
938823BUC: Addition to FVD_LOAN_POST BAdI
1051095Release and Unicode systems
1045722MIG: Transferring flow data
972958KWG24c: Poor performance of program RFVD_BAFIN_CLOSE_LOAN
495660REP:Position trend after balance sheet transfer
90300Number ranges in Treasury: overview