SAP Table VZDFELD - Attributes for output fields

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
CSNAME X CANAME CHAR 3 30 0 VZDFELD Name of output field
LISTART X VVLISTART CHAR 33 1 0 Type of list
LISTAPPL X LISTAPPL CHAR 34 1 0 List application (securities, loans)
CDDIC DDICFLD CHAR 35 30 0 Name of the data dictionary field. Identifies program field
CSBEZ CSBEZ CHAR 65 30 0 DDIC field for additional data for extra field name
CFLDTL FELDTL CHAR 95 20 0 Heading for the output column
CFLDTL1 FELDTL CHAR 115 20 0 Heading for the output column
TFTYP FELDTYP CHAR 135 3 0 Type output field (for display)
NBREITE FLDBREITE NUMC 138 2 0 Field output length (total)
CFORMEL TEXT255 CHAR 140 255 0 Text, 255 Characters