SAP Table TWST - Sales Price Calculation: List Variants

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
LIVAR X LIVAR CHAR 3 2 0 TWST List variant for sales price calculation
LIFIX LIFIX CHAR 5 1 0 Indicator for fixed part of the list variant
LIFIX_VKORG W_LIFIX_VKORG CHAR 6 1 0 Price Calculation: Indicate Sales Organization in the ALV
LIFIX_VTWEG W_LIFIX_VTWEG CHAR 7 1 0 Price Calculation: Distribution Channel in the ALV
LIFIX_WERKS W_LIFIX_WERKS CHAR 8 1 0 Sales price calculation: Indicate plant in the ALV
LIFIX_PLTYP W_LIFIX_PLTYP CHAR 9 1 0 Sales Price Calculation: Price List Type in the ALV
LIFIX_BGINT W_LIFIX_BGINT CHAR 10 1 0 Sales Price Calculation: Group of Plants in the ALV