SAP Table TSAD3 - Forms of Address (Key) (Business Address Services)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
CLIENT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
TITLE X AD_TITLE CHAR 3 4 0 TSAD3 Form-of-Address Key
GENERATE AD_GENERAT CHAR 7 1 0 Value generated by conversion program
PERSON AD_XPERS CHAR 8 1 0 Flag: Title for natural personen
ORGANIZATN AD_XORGA CHAR 9 1 0 Flag: Organization/Company title
XGROUP AD_XGROUP CHAR 10 1 0 Indicator: Form of Address for Group
SEX AD_SEX CHAR 11 1 0 Gender key

169226Maintenance of titles before the upgrade
1557803Correction of role SAP_BC_SEC_IDM_COMMUNICATION
398888BP_TR1: Composite note and FAQs about bus partner conversion