SAP Table TCY34 - Evaluation profile for capacity leveling

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
ANPRO_ID X CY_ANPRO CHAR 3 10 0 TCY34 Evaluation profile for capacity leveling/extended evaluation
HIEAUF HIEAUF CHAR 13 1 0 Explode hierarchy
HIEVER HIEVER CHAR 14 1 0 Cumulate capacity requirements using work center hierarchy
ANVER CY_ANVER CHAR 15 1 0 Cumulate available capacity using work center hierarchy
HNAME CR_HNAME CHAR 16 10 0 Name of hierarchy
HWERKS WERKS_D CHAR 26 4 0 T001W Plant
POOLKAP CY_POOLKAP CHAR 30 1 0 Indicator: Cumulated view of the rqmts of pooled capacity
MINBEL MINBELA DEC 31 3 0 Minimum load that will be displayed
MAXBEL MAXBELA DEC 33 3 0 Maximum load that will be displayed
CAPUNIT CY_KEINH UNIT 35 3 0 T006 Unit of of measure for displaying capacity requirements
DAVAP DAVAP CHAR 38 1 0 Distribution according to key in work center or operation
VERTL1 CR_VERTL CHAR 39 8 0 TC29 Distribution of capacity requirements (Planned/prod.order)
VERTLN CR_VERTLN CHAR 47 8 0 TC29 Distr.cap.reqmts (plant maint.,process order, network)
UNITSOURCE CY_UNITSRC CHAR 55 1 0 Origin of unit of measure for available cap. and cap.reqmts
INDCUMCAP CY_INDCUMC CHAR 56 1 0 Indicator: Cumulation of available caps. via indiv. caps.
INDCUMREQ CY_INDCUMR CHAR 57 1 0 Indicator: Rqmts. cumulation via individual capacities