SAP Table T318 - Picking waves profile

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
LGNUM X LGNUM CHAR 3 3 0 T300 Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex
KWPRO X KW_PROFIL CHAR 6 6 0 T318 Picking wave profile
ERZEUG_ART ERZEUG_ART CHAR 12 1 0 Creation type of a picking wave
KAP_BESCHR KAP_BESCHR CHAR 13 1 0 Indicator: capacity limitation of a picking wave
DUNKEL_VER DUNKEL_VER CHAR 14 1 0 Picking waves: Indicator manual control required
MAXKOMMPOS MAXKOMMPOS INT4 16 10 0 Maximum number of picking items in a picking wave
MAXAUMETYP MAXAUMETYP DEC 20 15 0 Maximum number of picking activities
MAXVERHART MAXVERHART DEC 28 15 2 Maximum Number of Packaging Materials
MAXGEWICHT MAXG QUAN 36 15 3 Maximum weight of a picking wave
MAXVOLUMEN MAXV QUAN 44 15 3 Maximum volume of a picking wave
MAXZEIT MAXZEIT DEC 52 15 3 Maximum available capacity of a picking wave in hours