SAP Table LAGP - Storage bins

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
LGNUM X LGNUM CHAR 3 3 0 T300 Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex
LGTYP X LGTYP CHAR 6 3 0 T301 Storage Type
LGPLA X LGPLA CHAR 9 10 0 LAGP Storage Bin
LGBER LGBER CHAR 19 3 0 T302 Storage Section
LPTYP LVS_LPTYP CHAR 22 2 0 T303 Storage bin type
PLAUF LVS_PLAUF CHAR 24 1 0 Section of a storage bin
SKZUA LAGP_SKZUA CHAR 25 1 0 Blocking Indicator: For Stock Removals (User)
SKZUE LAGP_SKZUE CHAR 26 1 0 Blocking indicator: for putaways (user)
SKZSA LAGP_SKZSA CHAR 27 1 0 Blocking Indicator: Current Stock Removal (System)
SKZSE LAGP_SKZSE CHAR 28 1 0 Blocking indicator: current stock placement (system)
SKZSI LAGP_SKZSI CHAR 29 1 0 Blocking indicator: current inventory (system)
SPGRU LVS_SPGRU CHAR 30 1 0 Blocking reason
ANZQU LAGP_ANZQU DEC 31 7 0 Number of quants in storage bin
MAXQU LAGP_MAXQU DEC 35 7 0 Maximum number of quants in storage bin
ANZLE LAGP_ANZLE DEC 39 9 3 Number of storage units in storage bin
MAXLE LAGP_MAXLE DEC 44 5 0 Maximum number of storage units in storage bin
KZDYN LVS_KZDYN CHAR 47 1 0 Indicator: dynamic storage bin
LGEWI LAGP_LGEWI DEC 48 11 3 Load Capacity of Storage Bin
GEWEI GEWEI UNIT 54 3 0 T006 Weight Unit
MGEWI LAGP_MGEWI DEC 57 11 3 Weight of materials in storage bin
BDATU LAGP_BDATU DATS 63 8 0 Date of last movement
BZEIT LAGP_BZEIT TIMS 71 6 0 Time of last movement
BTANR LAGP_BTANR NUMC 77 10 0 Transfer order number of last stock transfer
BTAPS LAGP_BTAPS NUMC 87 4 0 Item in transfer order of last stock transfer
RDATU LAGP_RDATU DATS 91 8 0 Date of last bin clearing
RZEIT LAGP_RZEIT TIMS 99 6 0 Time of last clearing
KZINV LVS_KZINV CHAR 105 2 0 Inventory method
IDATU LAGP_IDATU DATS 107 8 0 Date of last inventory for this storage bin
IVNUM LVS_IVNUM CHAR 115 10 0 Number of system inventory record
IVPOS LVS_IVPOS NUMC 125 4 0 Item number in inventory document
IVIVO LVS_IVIVO CHAR 129 1 0 Inventory in preparation
KZLER LAGP_KZLER CHAR 130 1 0 Indicator whether storage bin is empty
KZVOL LAGP_KZVOL CHAR 131 1 0 Indicator whether storage bin is full
SORLP LAGP_SORLP CHAR 132 6 0 Sort field for storage bin (cross-line storage)
BRAND LVS_BRAND CHAR 138 2 0 T309 Fire-containment section
UNAME LAGP_UNAME CHAR 140 12 0 Last changed by
LAEDT LAGP_LAEDT DATS 152 8 0 Date of last change
LKAPV LAGP_LKAPV DEC 160 11 3 Total capacity of storage bin
RKAPV LAGP_RKAPV DEC 166 11 3 Available capacity in storage bin
KOBER KOBER CHAR 172 3 0 T30A Picking Area
REIHF LAGP_REIHF CHAR 175 6 0 Sort field for storage bin (TO items, picking)
VERIF LAGP_VERIF CHAR 181 10 0 LAGP Verification Field for Mobile Data Entry
XCORD LAGP_XCORD QUAN 201 10 3 X Coordinate
YCORD LAGP_YCORD QUAN 207 10 3 Y Coordinate
ZCORD LAGP_ZCORD QUAN 213 10 3 Z Coordinate

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