SAP Table FM01 - Financial Management Areas

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
FIKRS X FIKRS CHAR 3 4 0 FM01 Financial Management Area
OBJNR J_OBJNR CHAR 7 22 0 ONR00 Object number
FIPOE FM_NZFPE CHAR 29 14 0 Unassignable revenues: commitment item
FIPOA FM_NZFPA CHAR 43 14 0 Unassignable expenditures: commitment item
NZSTL FM_NZSTL CHAR 57 16 0 Unassignable revenues/expenditures: Funds center
FCODE_PERIV_ACTV FM_PERIV_ACTV CHAR 73 1 0 Fiscal year variant active for funds (indicator)
FUND_BLANK FM_FUND_BLANK CHAR 74 1 0 Blank is a Valid Value for Fund
FUND_BLANK_TO FM_BLANK_TO_YEAR NUMC 75 4 0 Fiscal Year Until Which BLANK is a Valid Value
FUNCTION_BLANK FM_FUNCTION_BLANK CHAR 79 1 0 Blank is Valid Value for the Functional Area
FUNCT_BLANK_TO FM_BLANK_TO_YEAR NUMC 80 4 0 Fiscal Year Until Which BLANK is a Valid Value
MEASURE_BLANK FM_MEASURE_BLANK CHAR 84 1 0 BLANK is a Valid Value for the Funded Program
MEASURE_BLANK_TO FM_BLANK_TO_YEAR NUMC 85 4 0 Fiscal Year Until Which BLANK is a Valid Value
GRANT_BLANK GM_GRANT_BLANK CHAR 89 1 0 BLANK is a Valid Value for the Grant
GRANT_BLANK_TO FM_BLANK_TO_YEAR NUMC 90 4 0 Fiscal Year Until Which BLANK is a Valid Value
WAERS FM_WAERS CUKY 94 5 0 TCURC FM area currency
SPRAS FM_SPRAS LANG 99 1 0 T002 Language Key
PERIV PERIV CHAR 100 2 0 Fiscal Year Variant
FMAKT FM_FMAKT CHAR 102 1 0 Indicator: Cash Budget Management active
DATBIS FM_DATBIS DATS 103 8 0 FM: Valid to date
CB_PROFIL BP_PPROFIL CHAR 111 6 0 Planning profile
CA_PROFIL BP_BPROFIL CHAR 117 6 0 Budget Profile
CA_PERIV PERIV CHAR 123 2 0 Fiscal Year Variant
CA_NUMKR NRNR CHAR 125 2 0 Number range number
CA_AKTIV FCA_AKTIV CHAR 127 1 0 Funds Management Active (Indicator)
CO_PERIV PERIV CHAR 128 2 0 Fiscal Year Variant
SP_PROFIL BP_PROF_SP CHAR 130 6 0 Budget profile for fund
CA_STSMA J_STSMA CHAR 136 8 0 Status Profile
FMCARR FM_CARR CHAR 144 1 0 Active budget objects (indicator)
XFMCS XFMCS CHAR 145 1 0 CO Cash budget management: manual master data maintenance
SEQUENCE FM_SEQUENC NUMC 146 1 0 Ranking Order in Generic Search
CO_TIMEDEP FM_TIMEDEP CHAR 147 1 0 Year-dependent assignment
YEARPOS FM_YEARPOS CHAR 148 1 0 Year-dependent commitment items
YEARCTR FM_YEARCTR CHAR 149 1 0 Year-dependent funds centers
FS_PROFIL FM_PROFIL CHAR 150 6 0 FMUP00 FM update profile
FS_PROFIL_AL FM_PROFIL CHAR 156 6 0 FMUP00 FM update profile
CO_INTEGRATION FM_CO_INTEGRATION CHAR 162 1 0 Activate CO Integration with Funds Management
CO_INT_START_HR FM_CO_START_HR DATS 163 8 0 Active for HR from
HRBA_PRECOM FM_HRBA_PRECOM CHAR 171 2 0 TKBBA Funds precommitment document type, HR integration
HRBA_COMMIT FM_HRBA_COMMIT CHAR 173 2 0 TKBBA Funds commitment document type, HR integration
HRBA_BLOCK FM_HRBA_BLOCK CHAR 175 2 0 TKBBA Funds block document type, HR integration
VERSACT FM_VERSACT NUMC 177 1 0 Budget Version Activation Process
AUGRP FM_AUTHGRF CHAR 178 10 0 FM: Fund authorization group
ACTMODE FM_ACTMODE CHAR 188 1 0 Activating mode for commitment items
FSTVARE FSTVARE CHAR 189 4 0 Funds reservation field status var.
DR_NUMKR NRNR CHAR 193 2 0 Number range number
FIPOE24 FM_NZFPE24 CHAR 195 24 0 Unassignable revenues: commitment item
FIPOA24 FM_NZFPA24 CHAR 219 24 0 Unassignable expenditures: commitment item
FAREA_ACTIVE FM_FAREA_ACTIVE CHAR 243 1 0 Functional Area in Funds Management Active
NO_HIERARCHY FM_NO_HIERARCHY CHAR 244 1 0 No Budget Hierarchy in Budget Planning
BUDGETTYPE_RIB FM_SUBVO_RIB CHAR 245 4 0 Budget Subtype for Automated Procedure Revs Incr. Bdgt
BUDGETTYPE_COVER FM_SUBVO_COVER CHAR 249 4 0 Budget Subtype for Automated Procedure Cover Eligibility
BUDGETTYPE_FYC FM_SUBVO_FYC CHAR 253 4 0 Budget Subtype for Carryforward
BUDGETTYPE_HR FM_SUBVO_HR CHAR 257 4 0 Budget Subtype for HR Budget
CREATE_VAD FMHRBA_USE_VAD CHAR 261 1 0 Change of document amounts only by value adjustment docs
HRBA_PRECOM_NEG FM_HRBA_PRECOM_NEG CHAR 262 2 0 TKBBA Funds precommitment doc. type HR integration for neg. values
HRBA_COMMIT_NEG FM_HRBA_COMMIT_NEG CHAR 264 2 0 TKBBA Funds cmmt doc. type HR integration for negative values
BUD_PER_BLANK FM_BUD_PER_BLANK CHAR 266 1 0 Blank value is allowed for Budget Period
BUD_PER_BLANK_TO FM_BLANK_TO_YEAR NUMC 267 4 0 Fiscal Year Until Which BLANK is a Valid Value
REV_CI_POST_OBJ FMBS_REV_CI_POSTABLE CHAR 271 1 0 Revenue Acct Assignments can be Defined as Posting Objects
CO_PLAN_NO_CHECK FM_CO_PLAN_NO_CHECK CHAR 272 1 0 No Check for FM in CO Planning
KENNZIFFER FM_KENNZIF NUMC 273 8 0 FM area reference number
XBGACTIVE FMBGACTIVE CHAR 281 1 0 Activation Switch for Public-Owned Commercial Operations

719597Cash Budget Management: Change of fiscal year variant
649985Period lock in the automatic zero balance carryforward
642070Miscellaneous fixes for RW for BCS in EA-PS 1.10
564621Drilldown reports based on line data