SAP Table AUPO - Allocation Table Document Item

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
ABELN X ABELN CHAR 3 10 0 Allocation Table Number
ABELP X ABELP NUMC 13 5 0 AUPO Item number of allocation table
APSTP APSTP CHAR 18 4 0 T621 Item category of allocation table
ASTAP ASTAP CHAR 22 1 0 Activity status of allocation table item
PSTAP PSTAP CHAR 23 1 0 Maintenance status of alloc. table item
SPERR SPPOS CHAR 24 1 0 Blocking flag: item
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 25 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 33 8 0 Changed On
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 41 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
AENAM AENAM CHAR 53 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
RFKTN RFKTN CHAR 65 10 0 EKKO Reference outline agreement
RFKTP RFKTP NUMC 75 5 0 EKPO Reference outline agreement item
RSNUM RSNUM NUMC 80 10 0 Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
RSPOS RSPOS NUMC 90 4 0 Item Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
EBELN EBELN CHAR 94 10 0 EKKO Purchasing Document Number
EBELP EBELP NUMC 104 5 0 EKPO Item Number of Purchasing Document
AKTNR WAKTION CHAR 109 10 0 Promotion
AKTPO W_MEPOS NUMC 119 2 0 Sub-item for units of measure
MATNR MATNR CHAR 121 18 0 MARA Material Number
MAKTX MAKTX CHAR 139 40 0 Material Description (Short Text)
BWART BWTAR_D CHAR 179 10 0 T149D Valuation Type
VZWRK VZWRK CHAR 189 4 0 T001W Distribution center as plant
LIFNR ELIFN CHAR 193 10 0 LFA1 Vendor Account Number
SBELN SBELN CHAR 203 10 0 SVKO No. of allocation rule
FIKLI FCLIN NUMC 213 10 0 Internal class number, plant
FILKL FILKL CHAR 223 18 0 Plant group (technical plant class)
PMNGE PMNGE QUAN 241 13 3 Planned Quantity of Item
IMNGE IMNGE QUAN 248 13 3 Confirmed qty of item
MMNGE MMNGE QUAN 255 13 3 Minimum Quantity Per Plant
AUFME AUFME UNIT 262 3 0 T006 Allocation Unit
MEINS MEINS UNIT 265 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
UZAEH UZAEH DEC 268 5 0 Numerator for conversion to base units of measure
UNENN UNENN DEC 271 5 0 Denominator for conversion to base units of measure
LISTG LISTG CHAR 274 1 0 Listing Indicator
MANUE MANUE CHAR 275 1 0 Flag: allocation table manually changed
RUNDG RUNDG CHAR 276 1 0 Rounding off in allocation table
RESTV RESTV CHAR 277 1 0 Split remainder
ASTRA ASTRA CHAR 278 4 0 T627 Allocation Strategy
LIEFW LIEFW CHAR 282 1 0 Flag: delivery phase exists
VKSDT VKIDT DATS 283 8 0 Date of start of sales at plant
VKSTP PRGRS CHAR 291 1 0 Date type (day, week, month, interval)
AAVIT AAVIT CHAR 292 4 0 T626 Notification Category Allocation: Info Exchance HQ - Plant
MATKL MATKL CHAR 296 9 0 T023 Material Group
VZENT VZENT CHAR 305 10 0 KNA1 Distribution center (as customer)
VZLFR LIFNR_WK CHAR 315 10 0 LFA1 Vendor number of plant
BSART BSART_LIEF CHAR 325 4 0 T161 Order type in allocation table (for external vendor)
UMART BSART_LAGER CHAR 329 4 0 T161 Order type in allocation table (for warehouse/DC)
BSART_GL_BUKRS BSART_GL_BUKRS CHAR 333 4 0 T161 Replacement order type in alloc tbl in same company code
LFART LFART_AUFT CHAR 337 4 0 TVLK Delivery type of allocation table
ABFDT AFIDT DATS 341 8 0 Confirmation request date
ABFTP PRGRS CHAR 349 1 0 Date type (day, week, month, interval)
SVFIX SVFIX CHAR 350 1 0 Plants fixed in AR
SIMAM SIMAM CHAR 351 1 0 Alloc tbl qty simulation
LGORT LGORT_D CHAR 352 4 0 T001L Storage Location
HMNGE HMNGE QUAN 356 13 3 Maximum Quantity Per Plant
KETYP KETYP CHAR 363 1 0 T625S Key Figure Category
VBELN VBELN_VL CHAR 364 10 0 Delivery
VBELP POSNR_VL NUMC 374 6 0 Delivery Item
SAPOS POSNR_SA NUMC 380 5 0 AUPO Number of alloc tbl item of material on higher level
ATTYP ATTYP CHAR 385 2 0 Material Category
RETPO RETPO CHAR 387 1 0 Returns Item
BERMIMA BERMIMA CHAR 388 1 0 Include Minimum and Maximum Quantities
KAART AUART CHAR 389 4 0 TVAK Sales Document Type
NREMFIN NREMFIN CHAR 393 4 0 EMFIN Number of Recipient Determination
ASTRA_VAR ASTRA_VAR CHAR 397 14 0 Allocation Strategy Variant
ERVON ERVON CHAR 411 1 0 Application creating allocation table
WRF_CDT_LEVEL WRF_CDT_LEVEL NUMC 414 2 0 Hierarchy Level
PLID WRF_PLID CHAR 434 10 0 WRF_APC_PLH Purchasing List Number
CONS_MODE WRF_AT_CONS_MODE CHAR 444 1 0 Consignment Processing in Allocation Table